It'll be the same feeling for you Ditty when you write your dad's card, or have to walk past shops selling Mother's Day cards. It's rotten


Nope, not yet. We have told her to keep the date free. Not that she lives in a social whirl, but it would be just our luck if she went on a British Legion outing on that day!!
i can't wait ... we shall go and see the Christmas lights, and meet up with all our young people, who live in London, for lunch
And Ditts, the 'big' days after a parent's death are horrid. We actually had a nice Christmas after my Dad died. It was so strange without him, and it didn't help that my Mum insisted on doing Christmas as usual. She put the turkey on the table, and I swear to Gawd it would still be there now if my sister in law hadn't jumped in and done the carving!!
I coped fine with his birthday and with Father's Day but my birthday, almost a year after his death had me in bits all day.
it's almost 12 years now. His illness and suffering, and the first year after his death are now just a memory. Now, when I think of him I smile
Hang on in there

Your mum's surprise is lovely, I can't wait to find out how she reacts- make sure you tell us!
I will Sweet ... her birthday is October 15th ... watch this space!!
Cinds- what's the Turkish kitchen?!
I'm in a mood- I tried to get tickets to Keilder Winterwonderland, but if you don't have a child they won't let you in!
Turkish Kitchen http://www.turkish-kitchen-edinburgh.co.uk/
I didn't realise that about kielder, do you think I could drag a 16 yr old mater Cinds along as my token child.
I won`t be here this Christmas or New Year. I`m going to New Zealand to see my son.
Cinds, thank you

And no, probably not, they don't like grown ups- it's for the protection of the children who are there at the event! Darn cheek of it
Baz, yippppeeee

I won`t be here this Christmas or New Year. I`m going to New Zealand to see my son.
Ohhhh, hope you have a lovely time.
I have a friend who has just got back from there and she absolutely loved it. Another friend's daughter went there yesterday for 6 weeks. Yet another friend is going in February and a woman I work with went there on holiday two years ago and loved it so much that she bought a house there and goes there for three months every year!
so ... The reviews are good!!
Cinds, thank you

And no, probably not, they don't like grown ups- it's for the protection of the children who are there at the event! Darn cheek of it
Baz, yippppeeee

White , embossed Sweet
I won`t be here this Christmas or New Year. I`m going to New Zealand to see my son.
That sounds lovely, enjoy
I won`t be here this Christmas or New Year. I`m going to New Zealand to see my son.
Ooo ...how exciting Scotty

I won`t be here this Christmas or New Year. I`m going to New Zealand to see my son.
How lovely, Scotty, have a wonderful time.
Thanks Summer, I`m so excited I started packing today.
I won`t be here this Christmas or New Year. I`m going to New Zealand to see my son.
Ohhhh, hope you have a lovely time.
I have a friend who has just got back from there and she absolutely loved it. Another friend's daughter went there yesterday for 6 weeks. Yet another friend is going in February and a woman I work with went there on holiday two years ago and loved it so much that she bought a house there and goes there for three months every year!
so ... The reviews are good!!
Thanks Rexi, yes I`ve only heard great things about NZ. My boy and his girlfriend absolutely love it! They`re going to settle there.
I won`t be here this Christmas or New Year. I`m going to New Zealand to see my son.
That sounds lovely, enjoy
Thanks Aimee
I won`t be here this Christmas or New Year. I`m going to New Zealand to see my son.
Ooo ...how exciting Scotty
Cheers Baz!