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Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

Yeah, What girl could resist "None stop bodyrock"(His words)from Justin?...

i was reading a mag at the hairdressers earlier this was an old one and had all the h/mates in it and jay said (apparently)...


if i bring a bird home i go tell me ma..'there's a bird upstairs i've smashed to rubber last night'


his mum should perhaps teach her darling neandrathal son that this is  2011...he's a complete mummy's boy and she obviously thinks her darling son can do no wrong


course majority of us think he's a complete wankstain and it would of been better if his mum had swallowed rather than conceived....

Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

Yeah, What girl could resist "None stop bodyrock"(His words)from Justin?...

i was reading a mag at the hairdressers earlier this was an old one and had all the h/mates in it and jay said (apparently)...


if i bring a bird home i go tell me ma..'there's a bird upstairs i've smashed to rubber last night'


his mum should perhaps teach her darling neandrathal son that this is  2011...he's a complete mummy's boy and she obviously thinks her darling son can do no wrong


course majority of us think he's a complete wankstain and it would of been better if his mum had swallowed rather than conceived....

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

yes but jay is such a 'loveable lad''re all clearly missing his qualities..i mean what girl wouldn't want to be with..


a blokey who claims to have slept with a thousand women...think of the exciting trips to the clap clinic you could have...


 a blokey who shits in the freezer....wacky or what?..great sense of go to the freezer to hoike out a bag of frozen peas and there staring at you....a frozen log!


a blokey who has anger management don't buy the right food...don't worry...that pillow he's thumping to death could be you next time


a blokey who goes on a 'lads night out'..don't wait know he's going to be in someone elses knickers..


what are you waiting for girls??....


Originally Posted by suzybean:

He did what?!?! And then Aaron was the one who had to take the pillow cases to be deep cleaned? 

That was my reaction too suzy.  Why on earth did Aaron have to take it, should have been that filthy animal himself and he should have been told to carry on walking right through the diary room and out the door.  Vile vile creature.


I am disgusted with the pair of them to be honest. I thought Louise was stunningly beautiful when she first went in, but now all I see is a bubble head with dispicable manners and filthy habits. Her and Justin are very well matched. For him to think that thousands of people watching him sit and defecating is entertainment then he really does need his head examining. If his mother is still proud of him then she also needs looking at. I cannot for the life of me get over the fact that Louise has mentioned more than once that she likes it when long hairs go up her bum and she pulls them out! Well how the chuff does that happen in the first place?The pair of them have no ,morals or thoughts for their families. If it were my son or daughter, I would be absolutely mortified.

Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

Is Louise soft in the head? How could she be ok with someone wiping thier bare dirty arse on the pillow she sleeps on?

I agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY SR.  I do not know for one split SECOND why she would want to be with this filty repulsive article.  And God alone knows what the public see in the twat... cheering him and keeping him in.  Seriously, wiping your shitty frikkin arse on someone's pillow.. specially your GIRLFRIEND!!!  WTF?! This is not endearing or funny or clever: it's bloody twisted and sick and perverted.

Lou is a stunning girl and seemed very sweet at the start and I wonder if the filthy things she says and all the farting etc is 'put on' really.... I have a feeling it's not the real Louise....  Is she SO SO SO desperate for fame and to be part of a couple in there, that she will insist on laughing at such inhumane antics?.. Even the ANIMALS in our home don't do what Jay did last night!  I mean, what the actually F**K?! Even Big Brother wanted to change the soiled pillowcases.  Everything about what he did was horrifying!  Jay makes me feel physically sick: he is a REVOLTING cretin.  Does he actually think he is funny and clever?  I have never ever known or met anyone like him in my LIFE!  THANK GOD!

Originally Posted by sparkles:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

Is Louise soft in the head? How could she be ok with someone wiping thier bare dirty arse on the pillow she sleeps on?

I agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY SR.  I do not know for one split SECOND why she would want to be with this filty repulsive article.  And God alone knows what the public see in the twat... cheering him and keeping him in.  Seriously, wiping your shitty frikkin arse on someone's pillow.. specially your GIRLFRIEND!!!  WTF?! This is not endearing or funny or clever: it's bloody twisted and sick and perverted.

Lou is a stunning girl and seemed very sweet at the start and I wonder if the filthy things she says and all the farting etc is 'put on' really.... I have a feeling it's not the real Louise....  Is she SO SO SO desperate for fame and to be part of a couple in there, that she will insist on laughing at such inhumane antics?.. Even the ANIMALS in our home don't do what Jay did last night!  I mean, what the actually F**K?! Even Big Brother wanted to change the soiled pillowcases.  Everything about what he did was horrifying!  Jay makes me feel physically sick: he is a REVOLTING cretin.  Does he actually think he is funny and clever?  I have never ever known or met anyone like him in my LIFE!  THANK GOD!

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Sezit:

I am disgusted with the pair of them to be honest. I thought Louise was stunningly beautiful when she first went in, but now all I see is a bubble head with dispicable manners and filthy habits. Her and Justin are very well matched. For him to think that thousands of people watching him sit and defecating is entertainment then he really does need his head examining. If his mother is still proud of him then she also needs looking at. I cannot for the life of me get over the fact that Louise has mentioned more than once that she likes it when long hairs go up her bum and she pulls them out! Well how the chuff does that happen in the first place?The pair of them have no ,morals or thoughts for their families. If it were my son or daughter, I would be absolutely mortified.

I agree sez....

Originally Posted by sparkles:

Oh and what about the beer drinking/belchfest?!  "Slllurrp, burp, sllurrp burp," and Lou looking at him lovingly.    FFS.  Maybe we are all uptight prudes    TBH though, my hubby who is a bloke (captain obvious strikes again!) thinks Jay is a minging horrid excuse for a human being.

I feel sick just thinking about it and him telling Lou that her feet smelt like shit....


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