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I like Susan Boyle. I don't watch BGT, but caught the you tube clip. She is probably not the best singer in the world, but she made me feel as though she really felt the emotion of the song. I also listened to her rendition of 'Cry Me a River' and I cried.

I'm a soppy old cow, but I love seeing someone pull themselves up and achieve something based on their talent and hard work. IMHO, it's nice to see someone succeed based on talent other than having a surgically enhanced body and appearing on page 3.
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
I like Susan Boyle. I don't watch BGT, but caught the you tube clip. She is probably not the best singer in the world, but she made me feel as though she really felt the emotion of the song. I also listened to her rendition of 'Cry Me a River' and I cried.

I'm a soppy old cow, but I love seeing someone pull themselves up and achieve something based on their talent and hard work. IMHO, it's nice to see someone succeed based on talent other than having a surgically enhanced body and appearing on page 3.
Thank God for that, a nice voice of reason!1 I jusy voted for her and thought she and the violinist and the dance group, diversity, were all fantastic..
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
I just dont get it Confused

I mean lovely voice don't get me wrong....but whats with all the hype?

Am I alone? Ninja

No. I don’t get it either and I don’t even get the voice. Tonight was a bit iffy IMO.

Then again I can’t sing for toffee so perhaps I’m not the best judge Big Grin

I do feel sorry for her re the hype.
Baby Bunny
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
I like Susan Boyle. I don't watch BGT, but caught the you tube clip. She is probably not the best singer in the world, but she made me feel as though she really felt the emotion of the song. I also listened to her rendition of 'Cry Me a River' and I cried.

I'm a soppy old cow, but I love seeing someone pull themselves up and achieve something based on their talent and hard work. IMHO, it's nice to see someone succeed based on talent other than having a surgically enhanced body and appearing on page 3.

I agree. I thought she was great tonight and deserves to be a success.
I liked Susan's audition, but her singing tonight was a bit wibbly until she got to "Touch me...", which made my skin prickle!

She has a learning difficulty, as yet unspecified in the media, and imho, it seems to affect her social skills. It seemed incongruous for a declared virgin to gyrate, thrust her hips and call to "Piersy baby".

I hope she does well but do worry slightly about how she would cope if she won.
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
Not her fault - blame the media!

The media just report what happens (so people keep telling me)
The fault lies with Simon Cowell and his latest money making scheme.

I have no problem with that if it's true but I doubt if it is Simon Cowell who's keeping her to the forefront of media attention.

I'm sure he would prefer to promote the younger, equally talented contestants if he were given the choice.

See..this is my problem...shes being promoted in a freak show kinda way imo
Originally posted by Hypermnesia:
I liked Susan's audition, but her singing tonight was a bit wibbly until she got to "Touch me...", which made my skin prickle!

She has a learning difficulty, as yet unspecified in the media, and imho, it seems to affect her social skills. It seemed incongruous for a declared virgin to gyrate, thrust her hips and call to "Piersy baby".

I hope she does well but do worry slightly about how she would cope if she won.

I agree with you ^^^^there. Smiler

I have also seen all the *if she was pretty you wouldn't think she was all that* stuff posted. I dont read the papers so have not been subject to all the hype I kept seeing people talk about so I thought they might be right, this time I didn't look, just listened to her voice and I think she deserved to go though on that alone Nod

I have to say though that I thought Diversity were brilliant Thumbs Up
Originally posted by ~Orchid~:
Ah...The backlash. I was wondering when it was going to start. Why in this country can we not be pleased when someone is doing well? The hype is about a woman with a beautiful voice that should have been appreciated years ago. She is finally getting her chance. The media have gone mental, that is not her fault. We shouldn't start hating.

Totally agree. What is with some people in this country that they can't BEAR someone doing incredibly well for themselves, and have to knock them down as soon as they are built up...

JUST call Susan Boyle up on 'youtube', and listen to some old videos of her from the 80s, when she was recorded singing in working mens's club.. Here is one of quite afew recordings of her on youtube doing 'karaoke:'

Now you listen to that, and DARE to tell me it's 'all hype,' and I shall call you a liar sir (or madam!) She is, and always has been outstanding!

Sure, she started off a bit wobbly last night, because of all the pressure; it was clear as day that she was nervous. Bet none of you haters on here could stand up in front of a potential audience of 10s of millions on LIVE TV and do that! (I believe America was watching it too!) What's more, she picked up and started to sing well within 20 seconds.

So as orchid said, she is a talent that has been hidden in this country FAR TOO LONG. We have trash like Girls Aloud hogging number one positions and being hailed as 'talented' because they can fit into a size 8 dress, and they are supposedly sexy (though I question why someone regards someone who has the figure of a 9 year old girl as 'sexy..') whilst people like Susan go unnoticed.

Well thank God for a programme like Britain's Got Talent. Now stop the hating, and let the girl have her moment of glory, and stop being so jealous that her life is going somewhere. At least she has better things to do than spouting spiteful remarks on an internet forum, like 'it's all hype,' 'she is cackpoo' (whatever the hell THAT is supposed to be!) and 'I am soooo over Susan Boyle,' !

Grow up, stop being so jealous and bitter, and quit with the hating! We should be celebrating this woman, not slagging her off!

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