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Originally posted by Moomin:
Originally posted by disley21:
I didn't get the grades my first choice uni wanted, I still got in.

Tell us more, Disley - did you get very much lower grades - which uni - which course?
Some courses are more popular/oversubscribed than others, aren't they? I'm very glad my son isn't wanting to do medicine, physiotherapy or law.

It was an Accountancy course at UCLAN, I completely messed up my final exams in Chemistry and I.T. but because my Business Studies grade was what it needed to be, I still got in.
Originally posted by Barolo:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Oh sorry I haven't got a scooby,...but I would imagine he still might get in, it would depend on the results of the other applicants.

Exactly! Even if he doesn't ge the required grades, there's still a chance.

I hope you're worrying over nothing, Moomin, and that your son gets the required grades but please, don't fret if he doesn't. If this is the case he will need to contact the Uni straight away . . . his teachers will have already told him this.

My students get their AS results this week, too and I feel as nervous as a parent! Eeker

Good luck to him (and to all awaiting results) and here's a Hug for you! Wink

One of mine gets his AS's this week....and then we start the Uni stuff all over again for this one...but what he wants to do is only done at 3 Unis...or so he says.

He better bloody do OK though after he did Year 12 again cos he hated business and so went back and started again and did maths instead.
Originally posted by Barolo:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Oh sorry I haven't got a scooby,...but I would imagine he still might get in, it would depend on the results of the other applicants.

Exactly! Even if he doesn't get the required grades, there's still a chance.

I hope you're worrying over nothing, Moomin, and that your son gets the required grades but please, don't fret if he doesn't. If this is the case he will need to contact the Uni straight away . . . his teachers will have already told him this.

My students get their AS results this week, too and I feel as nervous as a parent! Eeker

Good luck to him (and to all awaiting results) and here's a Hug for you! Wink

thanks, Barolo
Aww I know how you feel - my son is waiting his A level results too but he doesn't need high grades as he's doing a Foundation course first then specialising in photography and animation - but I still get cold sweats thinking if it all goes wrong! Plus he gets his GCSE re-sit result the next week - AND that's the main worry for me!!
Haven't read the full thread so sorry if I'm replicating what someone has already said but if he falls a little short of his conditional offer UCAS points he can always apply at the same uni during UCAS Clearing; the uni may have places left and they offer them at lower points than normal entry requirements. It starts tomorrow or by the latest next week at most unis.

Here's hoping he gets what he wants.
subatomic partygirl
Originally posted by Moomin:
One minute I am busy with something and forget all about this, and then suddenly I will remember how close it is now, and I feel sick. Frowner

Aw have a Hug moomin, it's natural to be anxious but I can honestly say that most students get the place they want even if they don't quite get the grades they've been told they need.

As others have mentioned the whole clearing process starts as soon as the results are out and there's a lot of juggling around.

Also MrSkive works in Higher Education at a national level and he'd tell you that, unfortunately, Universities are much more about being a business these days and are more concerned with the money a student brings rather than their grades.
Originally posted by cup:
She seems more concerned about big night out tomorrow Big Grin taking her out to treat her tommorow whatever results,new outfit etc.She deserves that regardless of anything.

That's great cup, it's really true that so long as they tried their best then there's always a cause for celebration.

Good luck to your daughter too. Hug
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by cup:
She seems more concerned about big night out tomorrow Big Grin taking her out to treat her tommorow whatever results,new outfit etc.She deserves that regardless of anything.

That's great cup, it's really true that so long as they tried their best then there's always a cause for celebration.

Good luck to your daughter too. Hug

Thankyou skive hope all your students do great,I am sure they will. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Moomin:
My son't just found out that one of his mates had his letter from his uni this morning, so he already knows he's in!! More pressure still on my son!!

Seriously though, your posts are cheering me up and stopping me feeling so (dare I say it?) negative.

Thanks everyone!!

Unis are nationally adminstered moomin but they are largely independent in their practices so I wouldn't read too much into his mate's letter. They just do things differently that's all.

Keep your chin up, this time tomorrow you'll be wondering what on earth you were panicking about honest. Valentine Hug
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Moomin:
One minute I am busy with something and forget all about this, and then suddenly I will remember how close it is now, and I feel sick. Frowner

Aw have a Hug moomin, it's natural to be anxious but I can honestly say that most students get the place they want even if they don't quite get the grades they've been told they need.

As others have mentioned the whole clearing process starts as soon as the results are out and there's a lot of juggling around.

Also MrSkive works in Higher Education at a national level and he'd tell you that, unfortunately, Universities are much more about being a business these days and are more concerned with the money a student brings rather than their grades.

You can't be implying that we compromise our entry requirements for 'bums on seats'. Ms Skive!? Eeker Razzer

At my uni, we don't reduce our entry points much
during clearning but we do knock a few off and become....'more symapathetic to soft-curriculum skills'. Wink. The pressures we feel from Senior Management to generate revenue doesn't mean we drop entry quals much but that we must make offers to more people with the required UCAS points than we used to (affecting our staff-student ratio...quite dangerously).
subatomic partygirl
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
You can't be implying that we compromise our entry requirements for 'bums on seats'. Ms Skive!? Eeker Razzer

At my uni, we don't reduce our entry points much
during clearning but we do knock a few off and become....'more symapathetic to soft-curriculum skills'. Wink. The pressures we feel from Senior Management to generate revenue doesn't mean we drop entry quals much but that we must make offers to more people with the required UCAS points than we used to (affecting our staff-student ratio...quite dangerously).

You and Mr Skive would get along famously, he's forever ranting about how teaching and learning is on the verge of becoming compromised beyond recognition because of so-called market forces and reactionary policy. Nod
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
You can't be implying that we compromise our entry requirements for 'bums on seats'. Ms Skive!? Eeker Razzer

At my uni, we don't reduce our entry points much
during clearning but we do knock a few off and become....'more symapathetic to soft-curriculum skills'. Wink. The pressures we feel from Senior Management to generate revenue doesn't mean we drop entry quals much but that we must make offers to more people with the required UCAS points than we used to (affecting our staff-student ratio...quite dangerously).

You and Mr Skive would get along famously, he's forever ranting about how teaching and learning is on the verge of becoming compromised beyond recognition because of so-called market forces and reactionary policy. Nod

*shamelessly nabs that articulation for next faculty forum* <coughs> Big Grin

He's right though. Rue the day, they will. I'd like to think that the 14-19 Diploma will restore a semblance of appropriate focus and acknowledgement of a complete cock-up but now, in anticipation of its effect and a projected demographic downturn in traditional 18 year old entrants, we're being dragged (screaming and kicking) from a research and teaching to a research, teaching AND enterprise focus.

In the spirit of such, can I interest anyone in a (very reasonably priced) personality test? Big Grin
subatomic partygirl
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
He's right though. Rue the day, they will. I'd like to think that the 14-19 Diploma will restore a semblance of appropriate focus and acknowledgement of a complete cock-up but now, in anticipation of its effect and a projected demographic downturn in traditional 18 year old entrants, we're being dragged (screaming and kicking) from a research and teaching to a research, teaching AND enterprise focus.

In the spirit of such, can I interest anyone in a (very reasonably priced) personality test? Big Grin

That's his current bugbear too. And don't get him started on Unis having to offer remedial literacy/numeracy in some instances and the dis-service being done to 'vocational' curricula that are much better served in FE. Heehee, he'd be amazed that I've actually listened to him if he read this as I usually just go 'hmmm' every few mins. Big Grin

I'll do a personality test subs - depending on what 'reasonably priced' means of course. Ninja

P.S. Very sorry moomin for hijacking your thread a bit. Blush
Originally posted by skive:

I'll do a personality test subs - depending on what 'reasonably priced' means of course. Ninja

P.S. Very sorry moomin for hijacking your thread a bit. Blush

The figure I'm thinking seems very reasonable to me! Big Grin I'll add you to the list for when they have us setting up stalls in the Trafford Centre. Disappointed

Aye....for for thread-napping, Moomin. Good luck to your son. Remind him that, whatever, happens, where there's a will...? Wink ~x
subatomic partygirl
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by skive:

I'll do a personality test subs - depending on what 'reasonably priced' means of course. Ninja

P.S. Very sorry moomin for hijacking your thread a bit. Blush

The figure I'm thinking seems very reasonable to me! Big Grin I'll add you to the list for when they have us setting up stalls in the Trafford Centre. Disappointed

Aye....for for thread-napping, Moomin. Good luck to your son. Remind him that, whatever, happens, where there's a will...? Wink ~x

Doh I just got the irony! Blush Laugh

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