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Silly me went to the cashpoint yesterday to withdraw £120. Walked away without taking the money, went into the shop next door to buy some bacon and rolls before realizing. It was gone when I got back, shop owner looked at cctv and said some bloke went after me but couldn't tell if he took any money or not. Police involved and are going to get cctv footage.


what a bloody moron I have become..


Merry bloody xmas.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I've done that Stain and I really thought someone walking past had taken my money, I was gutted!  Then a day or so later the money was back in my account because the ATM sucked it back in after a few seconds of me not having taken it so maybe your bank have done the same.

Originally Posted by Jingle B'Ells:

I've done that Stain and I really thought someone walking past had taken my money, I was gutted!  Then a day or so later the money was back in my account because the ATM sucked it back in after a few seconds of me not having taken it so maybe your bank have done the same.

Here's hoping that's what happened.


I've been on the other end of that. Walked up to a machine to use it and found a great wodge of money sitting there. Was about to take it into the bank when a guy came rushing back to the machine and took the money.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Ells:

I've done that Stain and I really thought someone walking past had taken my money, I was gutted!  Then a day or so later the money was back in my account because the ATM sucked it back in after a few seconds of me not having taken it so maybe your bank have done the same.

It's not in as yet, I went to the bank 2 days ago and they and the police are now saying that because it was not a halifax cashpoint and one of those link ones it could take up to 2 weeks, plus it was out my savings account which could take longer. So I, like my money, am in limbo.


I just wish they would phone and let me know if it was going back in so I can buy some boooze and get ridiculously drunk.



I don't even know if my bank will refund it if it's been taken by the bloke behind me! Anyone know my chances?

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Tricky one....

As it wasn't fraudulently removed from your account, I'm not sure what your position is if the money has been taken by someone else..

According to the police it is an offence if the person makes no attempt to find out who's money it is.

Originally Posted by stain:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Tricky one....

As it wasn't fraudulently removed from your account, I'm not sure what your position is if the money has been taken by someone else..

According to the police it is an offence if the person makes no attempt to find out who's money it is.

Yes, I understand that. Just not sure what sort of onus, if any, is on the bank in a case like this.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by stain:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Tricky one....

As it wasn't fraudulently removed from your account, I'm not sure what your position is if the money has been taken by someone else..

According to the police it is an offence if the person makes no attempt to find out who's money it is.

Yes, I understand that. Just not sure what sort of onus, if any, is on the bank in a case like this.

Ahh, I see. Surely though if an offence has been committed they will refund. Then again, probably not.


My son tried to withdraw 300 quid a few months back. The money came out and then, before he could grab it, went back in!! He was worried but the bank immediately put the money back into his account.


About a month or so back I was behind a man in the cashpoint queue. He took out a wedge of money and walked off. As I got to the cashpoint I noticed that there was still money sticking out. I called him back and went to take the money when the machine just took it back.

He was short by over a hundred quid. I went into the bank with him and told them what I had seen and told them to contact me if they needed anything else. They said there shouldn't be a problem to the man so I hope he got it back.


If I found loose money in the street I would keep it tbh. I wouldn't hand it in to the police as I don't trust them one bit. But with the cashpoint thing my first instinct was to call the guy back as it was obviously his money. And it would be the same if I found money that could be identified as belonging to someone (like in a purse) I couldn't keep money I found under those circumstances

Originally Posted by stain:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by stain:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Tricky one....

As it wasn't fraudulently removed from your account, I'm not sure what your position is if the money has been taken by someone else..

According to the police it is an offence if the person makes no attempt to find out who's money it is.

Yes, I understand that. Just not sure what sort of onus, if any, is on the bank in a case like this.

Ahh, I see. Surely though if an offence has been committed they will refund. Then again, probably not.

This is where it can get tricky -


They could argue that as no fraud was committed they have no responsibility....

They could further arguethat as the offence occurred outside their premises that once again they have no responsibility....

And at best - even if they are liable to refund you - they will probably say that you'll have to wait the full 2 or 3 weeks to see if the money comes back from the autoteller.


I'm a bundle of optimism, amn't I?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Even so, even if someone was daft enough to walk away and leave the money in the hole (and *I* have also done this LOL) surely anyone taking it, is stealing?  If it is not stealing then what is it?  This was NOT their money (whoever took it,)  If there is a camera nearby, surely it would have picked up who nabbed the dosh... Moreover, there are cameras on cashpoints are there not?  Where was this Stain, and have you heard anything?  After all, even though you accidently left it there, it is still theft.  If someone left a purse on a bench or whatever, with £100 in it, it still makes me a feef if I half inch it!


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