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Originally Posted by Cinds:


The Jeremy Corbyn bashing by the British press has been embarrassingly disgusting. However The Express has scraped the barrel with is one!




anti austerity, a pacifist, instead of attending a freebie at the opening of the world cup and drinking free champagne he chose to spend 8 hours doing a prearranged surgery in his Constituency and to top it all... he had the cheek to claim the least of any MP 2014 - 2015 the amount being ÂĢ3,759.96...the evil barsteward  


The Tories, the tory backers and the tory press are running scared, but they will keep banging the drum until people believe it sadly...I have seen more lies and misquotes this week than in any other time 


TBH the more they bash him the more I like him.


The whole photo of him not singing the National Anthem really peed me off. So what if he didn't sing, I think it's more disrespectful that the soldiers in uniform standing behind him were not singing, after all they swear true allegiance to the Queen when they sign up. 


Plus, isn't it more disrespectful to pose for a selfie with another world leader at a memorial service. Cameron, Obama! 


Rant over.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

TBH the more they bash him the more I like him.


The whole photo of him not singing the National Anthem really peed me off. So what if he didn't sing, I think it's more disrespectful that the soldiers in uniform standing behind him were not singing, after all they swear true allegiance to the Queen when they sign up. 


Plus, isn't it more disrespectful to pose for a selfie with another world leader at a memorial service. Cameron, Obama! 


Rant over.



I like him, I voted for him...I don't agree with him a 100%, but it's a 100% better than what we have now and what we could have had 


just to equal things out Cinds 


Originally Posted by Cinds:

The Jeremy Corbyn bashing by the British press has been embarrassingly disgusting. However The Express has scraped the barrel with is one!



Someone should start delving into the pasts of these newspaper/media types and publishing that.


I'm quite sure if you dig far enough back we all have someone in our lineage who has been a down right rotter, cad and bounder to a greater or lesser degree.


Come On! someone have a rummage into Caroline Wheeler's past.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

TBH the more they bash him the more I like him.


The whole photo of him not singing the National Anthem really peed me off. So what if he didn't sing, I think it's more disrespectful that the soldiers in uniform standing behind him were not singing, after all they swear true allegiance to the Queen when they sign up. 


Plus, isn't it more disrespectful to pose for a selfie with another world leader at a memorial service. Cameron, Obama! 


Rant over.



I like him, I voted for him...I don't agree with him a 100%, but it's a 100% better than what we have now and what we could have had 


just to equal things out Cinds 



Dame I can't agree entirely with that photograph.


For a start you need arrows pointing toward the four people inline with Corbyn.


I heard them and that was NOT singing as we know it!





Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

dunno if anyone remembers me saying lisa bought a kitten home & i was worried about wilfy boy?

anyway, the kitten is kept in the front of the house & wilf is at the back end, we get them together a few times a day so they can get used to each other,

kitten disappeared fri night, we got posters out about him, phoned all the animal shelters etc...but no luck

lisa's son & girl bought 2 kittens couple of weeks ago, but her 2yr old has tried to drown them twice & tried to flush them down the toilet

they asked cos ours has gone can we have them, so this afternoon we picked the tiny things up, settled them down & in walks the lost kitten, without an effing care in the world

now we got 3 kittens & 1 greyhound who looks mortified

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

The Jeremy Corbyn bashing by the British press has been embarrassingly disgusting. However The Express has scraped the barrel with is one!



Someone should start delving into the pasts of these newspaper/media types and publishing that.


I'm quite sure if you dig far enough back we all have someone in our lineage who has been a down right rotter, cad and bounder to a greater or lesser degree.


Come On! someone have a rummage into Caroline Wheeler's past.

i think he's a brave man-anyone who's knocked off diane abott has to be

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

So not one mention of Cameron & the pig yet? 


I'm having great fun on the net  there are some corkers  Not a thing on the BBC news site although the internet is awash with Miss Piggy and Dave 

I don't think I've laughed as much in ages as I did last night on Twitter. 


This one particularly tickled me.


I might wake up the kids. This is what the moon landings must have felt like.


I really have to stop reading these, true or not...Karma's made my day 



It's worse than you think. Cameron may have inserted himself into a dead pig's mouth, but IDS still declared the pig fit to work.



SPIN DOCTOR: We have no idea how to handle this SPIN VET: *chest puffed out* this is my moment


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