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I've got squirrels out the back garden that must have seen that duck thing! They spent ages swinging about the tress like wee gibbons pelting each other with twigs, then one of them made off with the bird feeder ( about the same size as the squirrel!) It dragged it across the garden, and when I went out to get it back, it wouldn't let go , but kept trying to drag it through the fence  Proper wee hooligan ! 

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

I've got squirrels out the back garden that must have seen that duck thing! They spent ages swinging about the tress like wee gibbons pelting each other with twigs, then one of them made off with the bird feeder ( about the same size as the squirrel!) It dragged it across the garden, and when I went out to get it back, it wouldn't let go , but kept trying to drag it through the fence  Proper wee hooligan ! 

I'm picturing you playing tug-of-war with a squirrel.

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

I've got squirrels out the back garden that must have seen that duck thing! They spent ages swinging about the tress like wee gibbons pelting each other with twigs, then one of them made off with the bird feeder ( about the same size as the squirrel!) It dragged it across the garden, and when I went out to get it back, it wouldn't let go , but kept trying to drag it through the fence  Proper wee hooligan ! 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

I've got squirrels out the back garden that must have seen that duck thing! They spent ages swinging about the tress like wee gibbons pelting each other with twigs, then one of them made off with the bird feeder ( about the same size as the squirrel!) It dragged it across the garden, and when I went out to get it back, it wouldn't let go , but kept trying to drag it through the fence  Proper wee hooligan ! 

I'm picturing you playing tug-of-war with a squirrel.

That's exactly how it turned out! It was determined!  


Person parks car in Tolley park in Asda

ÂĐ @RoisinHMcCourt

Apparently unable to find a  space in the busy car park at the supermarket's Nuneaton branch, the driver left  their black Peugeot in the trolley bay.
Staff and onlookers can be seen  in the photo looking on in wonderment.
The photograph had Twitter users  retweeting and laughing at the shot, with ASDA becoming one of the top trending  topics in the UK.
Users of the social media site tweeted: "Apparently  someone really wanted a space."
Another commented: "The best supermarket  parking you will see today."
Perhaps most fittingly, a third wrote: "The  lengths we go 2 for a turkey."


Originally Posted by Cinds:
Have I mentioned that we're going to be grandparents again in may? Well we found out today that we have another grand baby on the way expected around June. Thrilled :-)


Originally Posted by Ells:

Lovely Cinds.....I love new babies, they're even better when you can give them to someone else when they cry.


My sister is also pregnant, due in July.....another Godbaby for me

Congratulations you two! 

The Royal Mail has  unveiled a special set of stamps for Doctor Who's 2013  anniversary.
First class stamps of all 11 Time Lords - from William Hartnelland  Tom Baker to David Tennant and Matt Smith - will be available from March.
Second class stamps of four of Doctor Who's villains - the Daleks, the  Cybermen, the Ood and the Weeping Angels - are also to be sold.
The BBC  sci-fi drama will celebrate its 50th birthday next November.
Andrew  Hammond from the Royal Mail said: "[The stamps] pay tribute to the brilliant  actors that have played the Doctor over the years, as well as the adversaries  that helped make the show so popular."



 I feel very sad today - had a 4x4 spin and hit the crash barrier on the dual carriageway across the field from the house - rolled and landed in the field at the bottom of the garden - 3 4x4's and then a tractor got stuck as they tried to tow it out and down our Country Lane - darkness stopped the recovery 


recovery is about to resume as they have just knocked and asked for our vehicles to be moved again to allow them access to the Lane and field - the driver a school friend of my lad was lucky - he is ok just his vehicle written off


half a mile down on the same Road at about 6.30 another crash and two dear little girls have been killed   Brother and Mum and Dad injured and in hospital - they spun and went into a ditch


a straight piece of Road for both accidents  


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