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I'm so chuffed tonight!


Last night i spent best part of an hour putting Minime back in her cot (she learnt to climb out ) doing the supernenny technique. So today i converted her cot into a toddler bed, had a chat with her about big girls etc and tonight has been sooo easy! I went up when i heard little feet once and found her in 'mummys bed' with her pink snow man (or should that be woman) cuddly grinning her head off. then when eldest went to bed nipped up (no noise in the mean time) and she was asleep in her bed!!!


Lets hope it continues

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Ells:

lol Jen what age is she?

she was 2 beginning of Sept Ells and is so head strong you wouldn't believe!


I know 2 year olds are prone to tantrums but it's actually one of my favourite stages.  They are too cute and funny at that age.

I've got a 2 year old great niece, the other week she had been lying in the sofa with her Mam whispering to herself 'no don't say that' 'no don't say that' then even more quietly whispered 'for f*** sake'.   It was like she was chastising herself before she did the naughty.


Fecking teenagers   I live near the end of a terrace row with another terrace facing me (well the last in the row is facing me).  Teenage boys like to play football right outside our door and kick the ball off the fence and our car.  They have the lady facing us' fence ruined and the eldery couple next door to us have asked them not to play there either.  My OH had his car washed today and already there's ball prints all over it including on the windows.


So he went out and asked them to move.  They did.  But as soon as he went in and shut the door they just came back.  He went out again and asked them to move and this time stay away because he was sick of them kicking the car with the ball.  To which a reply of 'Fcuk off' came .  He's like a raging bull but I won't let him go out again because it'll end in tears (probably mine ).


I know the Mum of one of the boys so will go see her tomorrow but I'm not expecting anything to come from it.  We're friendly enough but I know her son gets away with anything so he'll not care if he's told off.


Best thing about it is, we've a large enough patch of grass at the end of the terrace that they can play on AND there's plenty of paved space there aswell.  Me thinks they just like annoying people.


I know Jen, we used to do the same to people when we were kids.  Make sure they chased us and ran like fook.  Karma's a bitch  We never did it in our own street though, we made sure no-one knew us  This lot don't care though.


I keep telling the OH to just ignore them but he can't, the noise of the ball is doing his head in.  


I've just won a nice wee prize on facebook from a photographer who was doing a 12 days of Christmas give away  I won a 30 page portrait book worth ÂĢ250   I have to pay for the initial session which will probably be a wee bit dear but I think it will be worth it.  It's the eldest's confirmation at the end of January so perfect timing for that!

Originally Posted by Supes:
That's three more than me Kaffs! Really must get down to it tomorrow night

Im listening to some music... so I thought I'd write cards or wrap at the same time (as well as pottering on here - I've got the attention span of goldfish)    I checked all the prezzies earlier and I know I have everything so I figure the wrapping can wait till I finish work on Thursday.


something to restore your faith in the younger generation....


Yesterday we went food shopping for Xmas dinner. Frozen turkey and all the trimmings sitting nicely in my freezer. There was a homeless man outside (freezing) just sitting wishing everyone a Merry Xmas. I'd say he was in his early 30s. The kids always get a sweetie when we're shopping but one of my girls asked for a pork I said "you sure coz when we leave don't moan you never got a sweetie?" she said "yeah I'm sure". Got to the checkout and she stuffed it in her pocket. Outside as usual I was struggling with a baby, a toddler, shopping, one son glued to his DS and another daughter whinging about her hair when daughter no1 came skipping over all smiles. She'd given her pork pie to the homeless man. He was really appreciative and gave her a big thumbs up. When we got home she moaned coz she didn't get a sweetie.  ..BUT...she's now decided she wants to help more and asked if we could serve Xmas dinner at the church on Xmas day. I'm not religious. None of us are but she's got a bee in her bonnet now. Do we just go and volunteer or do we have to be checked? So proud of her for thinking of others even though she is selfish in her own home

Originally Posted by Ells:

Not only did I win the photo book prize yesterday but I got my mate to enter the comp today and she has won today's prize  


Ells, be wary about anything that says you have won a photo prize, it usually means you'll end up paying high price for pics, I'm not wanting to take the shine off your win.


Iphone users, do you try to type something and your iphone changes it to something so obscure it's hilarious.


Last week I had the awful winter bug and had tried to type diarrhoea in a text but my iphone decided I must have really wanted to say 'dish otters', so from now on in our house diarrhoea will now be known as dish otters.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Not only did I win the photo book prize yesterday but I got my mate to enter the comp today and she has won today's prize  


Ells, be wary about anything that says you have won a photo prize, it usually means you'll end up paying high price for pics, I'm not wanting to take the shine off your win.

 I know what you mean Cinds, I won a free session and ÂĢ30 voucher once and ended up still having to pay ÂĢ90 for one framed pic.  The competition did say 'free 30 page photo book when  you book a sitting' so I knew in advance it would still cost me.  It's ÂĢ75 for the sitting and then I'll get the photo book for free.  Seeing as it's my eldest's Confirmation at the end of January I would have paid the usual ÂĢ30/ÂĢ40 to the school for their crappy pics anyway so I can just skip those and pay the ÂĢ75 for this sitting.

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Not only did I win the photo book prize yesterday but I got my mate to enter the comp today and she has won today's prize  


Ells, be wary about anything that says you have won a photo prize, it usually means you'll end up paying high price for pics, I'm not wanting to take the shine off your win.

 I know what you mean Cinds, I won a free session and ÂĢ30 voucher once and ended up still having to pay ÂĢ90 for one framed pic.  The competition did say 'free 30 page photo book when  you book a sitting' so I knew in advance it would still cost me.  It's ÂĢ75 for the sitting and then I'll get the photo boos for free.  Seeing as it's my eldest's Confirmation at the end of January I would have paid the usual ÂĢ30/ÂĢ40 to the school for their crappy pics anyway so I can just skip those and pay the ÂĢ75 for this sitting.

Good, just make sure you don't get taken.  


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