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Originally Posted by pirate1111:

just went to pick OH from pub as she cant walk because she hurt her leg doing silly gangnam dancey thing


i parked in a dark corner, went to pub, said i was outside, went back to car,didnt know a drain was by drivers side, put foot in drain,fell, got back of my jeans caught on my boot, jeans came down,i couldnt get foot out of the drain,i got wedged between car and wall with my jeans down, i was commando..and i cut my nose, knee and hand


ive come home

sorry but

Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I bought some last week Cagney, put it in the bin yesterday 


Hows the little one settling in?

I swear he's no much bigger than my foot but man does he think he's boss.  He took my cats bed. She let him too. She sits cleaning him and even slept beside him last night. She looooovvves him  He does get a batter about the head from her every now and again though. I have 5 kids and he's made more mess than the lot of them put together. He does the cutest little run I've ever seen. His legs are so wee they can't keep up with his brain. He's too little to jump up anywhere so my cat does get some peace. He can't get up the stairs so she sleeps on my bed for a few hours then comes down and plays with him.

I want to have a hold of him, and nuzzle his tiny little puppy mouth.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

OK did anyone watch Sunday Brunch on C4 today? They did a lamb vindaloo.  I've made it for Mr C,and it's killing me because it smells so delicious.  I'm nibbling at some rice snacks and putting myself to bed so I don't eat any of it.

NO! You're doing so well mrs, keep up that good work


Although cooking delish 'num nums' (Minime's term for food) that you can't actually eat must be torture!


Thank you Jen, Kaffy and Cinds.


I've been on and off at Slimming World for a number of years - this time around it's soooooooo much easier as I'm not  drinking alcohol - thinking about it I think that was the reason for my weight gain over the years. I never struggled with my weight at all until I started to drink on a 'regular' basis.

Soozy Woo

What does the pink one say Erin?  I couldn't quite make it out.


ION, I've just ordered my second months worth of Jenny Craig food, and so I am looking forward to this month more as there were one or three things that I had this month that just weren't my thing.  I can't believe it's been 4 weeks (at the end of this week), and last weigh in I had lost 10lbs.  I'm really pleased, I wore my skinny jeans the other day with a fitted top and nothing was bulging 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

What does the pink one say Erin?  I couldn't quite make it out.


ION, I've just ordered my second months worth of Jenny Craig food, and so I am looking forward to this month more as there were one or three things that I had this month that just weren't my thing.  I can't believe it's been 4 weeks (at the end of this week), and last weigh in I had lost 10lbs.  I'm really pleased, I wore my skinny jeans the other day with a fitted top and nothing was bulging 

Laters baby

Well done you on the weight loss

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

What does the pink one say Erin?  I couldn't quite make it out.


ION, I've just ordered my second months worth of Jenny Craig food, and so I am looking forward to this month more as there were one or three things that I had this month that just weren't my thing.  I can't believe it's been 4 weeks (at the end of this week), and last weigh in I had lost 10lbs.  I'm really pleased, I wore my skinny jeans the other day with a fitted top and nothing was bulging 

Laters baby

Well done you on the weight loss

Thank you.  I just looked at it again, and without my spectacles I had thought the tie was a knife  


And thanks on the weight loss well dones 


OH wow this day just gets better.  My sister has just text to announce her & her fella have just married on the Isle of Sky.  


I knew she would do that.  I even text her yesterday saying 'will there be any announcements when you return from your holiday?'  she said 'No' (the little tinker) & I had replied 'oh well I'll put my hat away then'.  I just knew they would get married while they were away. So pleased for them.


Priscilla is brilliant, went to see it in London a while ago.  Well worth a visit. (The only thing that spoiled it a little was Jason Donavon.    Don't ask me what it was but there was something about him that made me feel he wasn't that comfortable in the role. *shrugs*


With regards to my sister, her first husband passed away very suddenly 9 years ago, and she met this new guy about 4/5 years ago and I knew they wanted to marry but wouldn't want a fuss.  So when they booked this holiday months ago I said to my other sisters 'they'll come back from there married', they were all 'they wouldn't do that'.  Listen to Lisa people, listen to Lisa.


Met one of my sisters & niece in town today, because JLS were signing CD's.  Poor niece didn't get a wrist band to get in to get her Cd signed, so I had spoken to the security who told me what time and which back door they would be coming out of.  I have never laughed so much in years as I did tonight standing there with 40 teenage girls & the odd boy waiting for them to come out.


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