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Wish me luck......................I'm off out tonight and my legs are a little on the pale side ...........I'm gonna Fake Bake my legs - it usually ends in tears - just hope it's darkish at the venue 


The wonderful thing about losing weight is the whole new wardrobe .............I'm wearing a beautiful dress that I got for my 50th and only got to wear once. Didn't have to buy anything new so splashed out on a new shirt for Mr Woo (bless him).

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Ells:

Have you got a tanning mitt Sooz?  It helps a LOT when putting on fake tan

No .........just done it - I used disposable gloves - TBH - it's not the perma tan - it's the shimmery make up fake bake - looks OK (I think) I'm parading round in shorts at the mo. The milkman comes for his money on Friday nights - he's in for a shock 


My little Jack sat and watched me do it - he thinks I'm a bit crackers. It really isn't the sort of thing you should watch your nan do - can't imagine in a million years my nan ever doing something like that in front of me.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Ells:

 Nor mine but if you've got it, flaunt it!!


I only use the instant shimmery stuff too....really easy to get on and then washes off next day.  Bit of a problem when it rains though!

If it's raining I will insist Mr Woo drop me as close to the entrance as possible ..........I refuse to taint my outfit with my Asda Emergency Poncho  I've not had the opportunity to wear it yet though (tonight certainly isn't the night) - it's pretty hideous but I am ridiculously excited by it 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Wish me luck......................I'm off out tonight and my legs are a little on the pale side ...........I'm gonna Fake Bake my legs - it usually ends in tears - just hope it's darkish at the venue 


The wonderful thing about losing weight is the whole new wardrobe .............I'm wearing a beautiful dress that I got for my 50th and only got to wear once. Didn't have to buy anything new so splashed out on a new shirt for Mr Woo (bless him).

Good luck Soozy and congratulations on the weight loss.  

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Wish me luck......................I'm off out tonight and my legs are a little on the pale side ...........I'm gonna Fake Bake my legs - it usually ends in tears - just hope it's darkish at the venue 


The wonderful thing about losing weight is the whole new wardrobe .............I'm wearing a beautiful dress that I got for my 50th and only got to wear once. Didn't have to buy anything new so splashed out on a new shirt for Mr Woo (bless him).

Soozy that's a great feeling isn't it fitting back in to stuff you haven't been able to wear in ages.  When I lost a lot of weight last year I went passed fitting in to stuff I had bloated out of, to the point they were all hanging off me.  So I had to buy everything new, which was great.  But I've put a few pounds back on and that new wardrobe is feeling a tad snug so hence the Jenny Craig.


Hope you have a fab night. 

Originally Posted by erinp:

I am going to my first Bokwa class on Tuesday



Not sure whether I'm ready for classes yet Erin, but I actually got on the treadmill for 30 minutes tonight.  We've only had the thing a year or so.  But tonight I did it, 30 minutes fast walking up a steep incline pumping my dumbbells as I did it.  Feel quite proud.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by erinp:

I am going to my first Bokwa class on Tuesday



Not sure whether I'm ready for classes yet Erin, but I actually got on the treadmill for 30 minutes tonight.  We've only had the thing a year or so.  But tonight I did it, 30 minutes fast walking up a steep incline pumping my dumbbells as I did it.  Feel quite proud.

As long as you can walk you can do the class 

This is the best dumbell around and great for the bingo wings.

Shake Weight Women's Dynamic Inertia Dumbell

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Awww I've been for a few drinks and I broke my non smoking thingy


Back on the wagon tomorrow.



Hardest time to stay off them, I'm a non smoker but when i have a few drinks i tend to have the odd one or two. You're doing really well Ells keep it up

I'm a social smoker too. I used to smoke 20 a day but stopped when I got pregnant the first time. I still have a the odd one when I'm drinking but I don't crave them when I'm sober.


Don't beat yourself up Ells.


How long has it been since you quit? It can take years. My mum stopped about 20 years ago but socially smoked for about 10 of them. You need to give yourself time and if you lapse then don't be hard on yourself....tomorrow is another day and that might be the day you stop for good


How many times have you heard of dieters who sneak in the odd cake?


Mr C has been sky diving today.  Going up to do his 4 th jump of the day, part way up the plane he was in was radioed to return to the drop zone.  


On their return they found out that one of the static line students who was on the other plane had had a malfunction.  First parachute lines got caught around his body so he had to cut it away, then the reserve failed to deploy.  He landed in a tree and survived 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Mr C has been sky diving today.  Going up to do his 4 th jump of the day, part way up the plane he was in was radioed to return to the drop zone.  


On their return they found out that one of the static line students who was on the other plane had had a malfunction.  First parachute lines got caught around his body so he had to cut it away, then the reserve failed to deploy.  He landed in a tree and survived 

Nooo waaaay  


It's like your worst fear. If you get up in a plane and plan to jump out then you at least expect to be alive when you land 


Much respect to Mr Cinds for doing 4 drops a day


Ugh, I hate halloween!!


The eldest has decided he wants to do a gangster so I'm looking on ebay for what seems to be a million bits and pieces for it.


Black Shirt

Black trousers

White braces

White tie

Black fedora with white strip

Shoe spats

Tommy Gun

Fake cigar



Have I forgotten anything?  Will the black shirt/trousers be ok or should I be looking for pinstripe? 


Thankfully the youngest wants to do Scream for reasons unknown so its a mask and a cloak and bob's your uncle.


I have to answer because my kids are knocking on other peoples doors so it would be rude for me to ignore the constant knocks.  Once my kids are finished though I answer the door a few more times and then ignore after a certain time.


I hate the stokey feckers who call 3 or 4 times and some even go to the trouble of changing costumes to come round and get a few more sweets 

Originally Posted by Ells:

Ugh, I hate halloween!!


The eldest has decided he wants to do a gangster so I'm looking on ebay for what seems to be a million bits and pieces for it.


Black Shirt

Black trousers

White braces

White tie

Black fedora with white strip

Shoe spats

Tommy Gun

Fake cigar



Have I forgotten anything?  Will the black shirt/trousers be ok or should I be looking for pinstripe? 


Thankfully the youngest wants to do Scream for reasons unknown so its a mask and a cloak and bob's your uncle.

Violin case? I did my son in fancy dress as a gangster once - it was the violin case that inspired me.

Soozy Woo

I used to love Halloween when the kids were little. My friend used to have a party each year, and my two girls would go. She used to take all the partygoers 'trick or treating' to their homes.


We then got a reputation as being a good house to trick or treat at. I didn't mind, I knew most of the kids and it was a fun night.


Last year we didn't have anyone call. I was jolly sad


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