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Nice boots Ells! Erin I've tried it, just a free sample, I wasn't that keen but that could be because I'm used to wearing bare minerals powder foundation. While I'm here, did anyone read the email that was doing the rounds from a bride to her potential bridesmaids? Hilariously unreasonable. I can't provide a link at the moment as I'm on my phone.
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Nice boots Ells! Erin I've tried it, just a free sample, I wasn't that keen but that could be because I'm used to wearing bare minerals powder foundation. While I'm here, did anyone read the email that was doing the rounds from a bride to her potential bridesmaids? Hilariously unreasonable. I can't provide a link at the moment as I'm on my phone.

That's what I wear with the veil cheers.


Is this it?

To m lovely Bridesmaid: [Names removed to protect the brideslaves]

As you all know I picked 10 wonderful ladies to stand by my side, share and make happen my special day to Jake. Each of you individually have a reason and a special place in my heart of why I picked you to be a bridesmaid. We have set our date for Saturday, August 31, 2013 in Vail, Colorado. That seems far away but it really isn't, the earlier the planning the better. You may have already knew that my wonderful sister L— will be the Maid of Honor, she's in charge under me. Also my lovely mom will be a big help as well. L— has a big role in throwing me a bridal shower and bachelorette party, of course all of you guys do but at the end of the day shes the go to person and makes it happen.

You all have a big roll in this wedding, so before we continue I'm going to be setting some ground rules and its very important you read and think about everything through before you accept this honor to be a bridesmaid. If you guys email anything I would also like you to put L— in the CC. Not all the bridesmaid need to be CC'd unless its coming from me or L—, if it something everyone needs to see then well do it. We set the date to August 31, 2013 if that's a problem we need to know NOW. Also by the end of the week we will be setting dates for the engagement party, bridal show and bachelorette party.

Our wedding party is really the most important people at the wedding besides my self and Jake so we want every single one of our bridesmaid and grooms at our parties, I have 10 not 8 where two couldn't make it so if you already know you cant make one of the parties then we have to find someone else, not to be harsh in the slightest it would sadden me and of course you'll still be invited to our wedding, engagement ect. But it's different if your not in the wedding party and couldn't make it. We'll give everyone well advance dates for the parties and it will always fall on a weekend. The wedding as I stated will be in Vail the engagement party will either be in NY or CT and the bachelorette party will be in Vegas, cliche yeaa but I've never been.

A few girls live out of town so if there is going to be a problem with coming to either one then I need to know now because after this week I don't want to be surprised. I would like everyone to send me any dates they are going away or planning to go away after February so if your going away in January I don't care. I want any dates from February to the day of our wedding in August, that way we know not to plan something when your away. But after this week the dates are set in stone. Also if money is tight and you cant afford to contribute to say the bachelorette party or wont be able to afford a dress etc then L— and Myself don't have time to deal with that, I'm sorry. This includes flights as well, everyone knows the states where the parties are going to be held so if you wont be able to afford a flight then that means you cant make a party which ultimately means I cant have you as a bridesmaid. Obviously we'll get the best deals and were not gonna books flights for $1000 and shit that's why were doing this in advance, that goes for bridesmaids dresses as well everything will be affordable but if you think by affordable its going to be a $25 forever 21 dress then your going to the wrong wedding.

If your out of state though don't think you have to fly in for all fittings, that we will work with you, find stores in your town, get don't have to worry about that. Also if you accept this honor another thing is that you need to be available, I'm not going to harass you with wedding stuff every hour of everyday but if its something important and it takes you a week even 2-3 days to get back to me seeeee ya! I don't have time to wait around for responses, everyone has their phone on them, it shouldn't take you more than a day to get back to me, even if your out of the country, check your email!

Furthermore, Ever since I could remember I have dreamed about this day all my life. I want to share it with the people that are most important to me. You only get one time to plan your dream wedding and I couldn't pick a more amazing group of girls to make that dream come true! So please, what's stated above think about it all and by Wednesday I need to know if everyone is 100% in, and what I have asked about sending me dates if your gonna be away between Feb-Aug ill need that on Wednesday. If you don't think you'll be able to attend one party but can make the rest of them I'm sorry but I'll have to take you out as a bridesmaid and put you as a guest. If you want to get back to me before Wednesday, that's fine. Really think about everything I've said. This is really going to be the most epic wedding ever so I hope you girls can share this special day with us!



Jesus, I wouldn't even want to go to her wedding never mind be a bridesmaid if that's how she co-operates with her bridesmaids before they've even said yes!


What is it about weddings that make people go a bit crazy?  My mate had to drop out of being bridesmaid to one of her best friends weddings because of the rules set upon the bridesmaids.  Some that I can remember were NO fake tan, but no pale skin either so all bridesmaids had to have tanning sessions in the run up to the wedding, paid for by themselves.  No losing weight or gaining it from first fitting as the bride wasn't for paying for more fittings or alterations than absolutely necessary.  No glasses for the one BM who needed them, she had to get contact lenses for the big day and all bridesmaids weren't allowed to drink or leave the brides side until after the evening buffet which was near enough the end of the night anyway.  She wanted them at her beck and call all day.


i had to go to my dr's for a blood test yesterday,  usually my arm is wiped, the nurse sticks the needle in and wiggles it around (my veins are very clever and hide from anything sharp) waits 5 minutes whilst blood drips into phial, withdraws needle and sticks plaster on gaping wound  pin prick and i leave,  But yesterday she just wiped my arm with a bit of clean gauze, and the extraction HURT so much i felt a real wuss (and this comes from someone who treats childbirth as a "quick cough" )

did i miss something or is this how blood is now taken?


Machel I think it depends on the person taking the blood a lot of the time - some are better than others I find but ...


our path lab still uses wipe and plaster but I dont find the experience very pleasant at all - they always seem to want to use the left arm and my veins are pretty non existant and if they succeed it is a very slow trickle and takes forever so as it says in the waiting room prepare yourself by removing articles of clothing before you go in I do just this and have my right arm ready where the veins are easy to see and find - go in and she says no I want your left arm - try to explain and come out with both arms plastered as they usually give up on the left and use the right ....   


The taking out of the needle   it felt more like a knitting needle than a syringe, the wipe has always been damp but this time it was dry.

my oh used to joke that getting blood from a stone would be easier, when i was a blood donor i had to keep squeezing my fist because i was taking too long!


a nurse (one of the many who struggled to find a vein) said it was because i had knobbly veins from all the previous blood tests

Originally Posted by Ells:

Why is finding a place to buy lithium batteries so hard??  Been to 4 shops today and they sell all different types but no lithium.  


The other types just run out too quickly in a digital camera.  

photographic shops usually sell them but they're very expensive - mine were ÂĢ10 but I did get 4 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Why is finding a place to buy lithium batteries so hard??  Been to 4 shops today and they sell all different types but no lithium.  


The other types just run out too quickly in a digital camera.  

photographic shops usually sell them but they're very expensive - mine were ÂĢ10 but I did get 4 

I haven't gone into town yet but you'd think if a shop is going to sell all shapes, sizes and brands then it would at least have the courtesy of selling lithium ones too  The cheek of them!


I would pay a tenner for 4, they'll last you ages  


Erin, I can't believe that some people are THAT controlling and still have family and friends that want to mingle with them. 


Machel, I have veins like you they hide from the blood drawing needles.  When I was expecting the boy I had blood drawn, and looked like I had been massacred afterwards, the middle of my arm swelled up so much it looked crooked and then the next day I was bruised from wrist to arm pit, and I mean black black bruising.  I avoid blood giving at all costs these days.


On our way home from work tonight we drove past a baby hedgehog just sitting in the middle of the road, so we stopped to move it.  Mr C got out and it was all limp and didn't attempt to get away so we've brought it home and will take it to the RSPCA tomorrow.


We had to pop it in the boot as we had the dogs in the car and they would have gone mental.  Master Cinds found this most amusing and said it was like a hognapping, it just walking along and then us bundling it in to the boot, he's decided to name it Madeline McHog 



Thanks Rosie.


Regarding the hedgehog, Mr C after spotting it got out and was just going to pop it in a hedgerow, but once it allowed him to pick it up without even running he melted.  


I remember years ago driving up past Newcastle Airport and I saw a little rabbit in the road, still alive but obviously stunned, all I can describe is that is was jut sitting there swaying it's head from side to side like Stevie Wonder when he plays piano and sings.  Anyway, I pulled across the road to stop other cars and the boy got out and moved it in to the bushes on the embankment.  I really hate the thought of animals being squashed on the road.


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