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Originally Posted by Cinds:

I fell up the stairs yesterday and have really knackered my left knee.  At first I thought it was just a carpet burn.  Today it's bruised like a nastily bruised thing, and my thigh and calf are knacking too. 

Sorry but


I fall up the stairs all the time and people laugh at me  Glad to know I'm not alone!

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I fell up the stairs yesterday and have really knackered my left knee.  At first I thought it was just a carpet burn.  Today it's bruised like a nastily bruised thing, and my thigh and calf are knacking too. 

Sorry but


I fall up the stairs all the time and people laugh at me  Glad to know I'm not alone!

I'm on my own and I do that frequently so therefore have no-one laughing at me   It just hurts cause I don't cut my big toe nails often and catch them on the edge of the stairs  

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

i get annoyed that you cant say what you think

some silly idiot always knows better than you

even though theyve never been there etc..

and if you were there, you read the situation wrong


absolute bollox




Pirate (arrrrrrrrrrrrr)


Although I don't know what you are referring too, I do know what you mean.  (Walk a mile in these shoes and then comment etc)


Your days sound lovely guys.... Today i will be packing for 5 ppl and cleaning til about 5'sh... been going all morning (so has the washing machine ) Then visiting the inlaw great grandparents as is done most Saturday teatimes til about 7'ish, then i shall be drinking vodka + coke while watching Xfactor and Dr who in the knowledge i've done pretty much none ALL of the packing and cleaning leaving me tomorrow to chill out before Monday

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Your days sound lovely guys.... Today i will be packing for 5 ppl and cleaning til about 5'sh... been going all morning (so has the washing machine ) Then visiting the inlaw great grandparents as is done most Saturday teatimes til about 7'ish, then i shall be drinking vodka + coke while watching Xfactor and Dr who in the knowledge i've done pretty much none ALL of the packing and cleaning leaving me tomorrow to chill out before Monday

Where are you going on Monday?  Please don't say somewhere nice and hot....I can't cope with the amount of people who are heading somewhere nice and I'm stuck here.  In the rain 


But if you are then......enjoy 

Originally Posted by Ells:

Aww I've only been to Butlins once.  I didn't enjoy it but that was mainly because I was a pre-teen and away with my parents by myself.  So that wasn't fun.  Hopefully you get some good weather though and the kids have fun!  

Well i got my packing doneish ... So lets just hope the 3 kids have a great time.. not planning on it myself lol but tbh it's about the little people and ty for your well wishes

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Aww I've only been to Butlins once.  I didn't enjoy it but that was mainly because I was a pre-teen and away with my parents by myself.  So that wasn't fun.  Hopefully you get some good weather though and the kids have fun!  

Well i got my packing doneish ... So lets just hope the 3 kids have a great time.. not planning on it myself lol but tbh it's about the little people and ty for your well wishes

Haha! I like the 'ish' bit   You haven't have you? 

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Just waiting for someone to come in and say 'hey I've got that shirt' 

If they do, we can have a whip round for them so they can buy a whole one.

And give them a make over too.  Because you know if they own a shirt like that there's bound to be a dodgy perm and some stretchy elasticated waist trousers close by.

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I just received my first piece of 'phone spam. Apparently I am owed three bags of sand in miss-sold ppi. I don't like the idea of receiving spam on my 'phone or PC. A lot of people say they get emails and texts from Nigella. I wouldn't mind them.

Those PPI ones ringing my mobile really piss me off, they can't follow a script to answer what I say to them. 


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