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Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Slimming World weigh in this morning - lost 2 pounds. Total weight loss in eight weeks 1 stone - I wanted to lose a stone before my holiday. I go on holiday tomorrow - how's that for timing?

Excellent Soozy...I want to lose a stone by next Tues when I'm off, don't rate my chances too highly! 

Are you off to Antalya/Side area again?

EDIT: Just read back, enjoy Crete

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I have a little idea that I want to do for above my table.  It comes from not liking candles on the table, the light off them at eye leve annoys me, but I love candles.  I want to get a large(ISH) piece of driftwood (probs about a metre in length), that I can suspend from the ceiling above the table and then have different coloured glass containers hanging off the driftwood each containing tea lights.


What do you think?  Silly or doable? 



Although I would stick to red, black and white lights, otherwise it might look a bit busy

I know what you're saying, but I think I'll leave the colours until AFTER I find this amazing piece of driftwood.


(Any beach dwelling FM's that might find such a lovely piece let me know... I will pay the P&P to get it to me)

My sis' and her friend have driftwood artifacts as one of their 'winter in the sun' projects....i'll keep you posted!

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

MrsH I have never lost a much wanted baby, and for that I send you a massive hug.


I had my boy at 28 weeks and spent months watching him fight for his life, while all I could do was watch.  To think some selfish bitch did what she did turns my stomach.

thanks Cinds - twice for me - one either side of the precious Son I have 


glad everything worked out for you   must have been so hard watching 


it wasnt the actual main article that pulled my pin so much as the other termination and adoption etc she had - FFS if you dont want children take precautions 


I really hope she gets "sorted" in there one way or another 

Me too, I was all ready to defend and feel sympathy for her until I read the back story. As someone who, very sadly, couldn't have children, I still understand those who terminate, but her story pushes my boundaries of acceptability to its limits. I had a colleague who terminated several 'affair babies' on piece..sickened me, particularly given she was a fairly eminent child psychiatrist


My Mum does that too Cinds, she goes through all the names before getting them right but does it super fast 'Suziemaggiesallybetsymichael I mean Ells'  *they are not my families names by the way*


In other news I've booked next years holiday already.  I needed something to look forward to!  We had thought of a villa but with 4 children coming along it would be too boring.  So we're going to Cambrils near Salou so we'll be able to go to Port Aventura theme park.  Not going til June next year but it's something to keep me thinking about over the miserable winter!

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

I'd just like to say I'm having a new phone delivered at work tomorrow. Useless point of info but you know.......

I need a new phone.  My touch screen has a mind of it's own.  It's gets called unspeakable names by both myself and the OH when it's playing up   What kind of phone you getting?

          *Goes away to get a pic* 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:


i wish i never said anything

I agree with Ells, at least he knows you remembered his birthday and still care.

In agreement with this pirate, you have asked and if they don't want to that's their decision, but remember you did a nice thing.


In addition, it's international talk like a pirate day, but my brummy accent is rubbish 


I'm almost certain that some of these so-called pirates had Geordie accents, perhaps one could affect a sand-dansa twang, a bit like that lady on the south bound east coast trains. Imagine Sarah Millican on the intercom saying, "OOh! Ya hornswoggling smoggie grog blossoms, I'll be doon a little later on with me trolly, and then yer cn get loaded to the gunwall mind, though, but, like marra. man, woman, man.


I should imagine.

Garage Joe


I'm well behind with reading the papers and was still catching up from the weekend.

The following had me spitting out m'porridge over the breakfast table. Unbelievable in this day and age.





The Malaysian government has begun holding seminars aiming to help teachers and parents spot signs of homosexuality in children, underscoring a rise in religious conservatism in the country.

So far, the Teachers Foundation of Malaysia has organised 10 seminars across the country. Attendance at the last event on Wednesday reached 1,500 people, a spokesman for the organisation said.

"It is a multi-religious and multicultural [event], after all, all religions are basically against that type of behaviour," said the official.

The federal government said in March that it is working to curb the "problem" of homosexuality, especially among Muslims who make up over 60% of Malaysia's population of 29 million people.

According to a handout issued at a recent seminar, signs of homosexuality in boys may include preferences for tight, light-coloured clothes and large handbags, local media reported.

For girls, the details were less clear. Girls with lesbian tendencies have no affection for men and like to hang out and sleep in the company of women, the reports said.

Malaysia frowns on oral and gay sex, describing them as against the order of nature. Under civil law, 'offenders', both male and female, can be jailed for up to 20 years, caned or fined.

Actual prosecutions are rare, although former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim has twice been tried for sodomy, in cases he called political conspiracies. He spent six years in jail, but the courts have since cleared him on appeal or dropped charges for lack of evidence.

Official intolerance of gay people has been on the rise. Last year, despite widespread criticism, the east coast state of Terengganu set up a camp for "effeminate" boys to show them how to become men.

The latest seminar for the teachers and parents was run by deputy education minister Puad Zarkashi, his office confirmed.

Zarkashi wasn't immediately available for comment but national news agency Bernama quoted him as saying that being able to identify the signs will help contain the spread of the unhealthy lifestyle among the young, especially students.

"Youths are easily influenced by websites and blogs relating to LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender] groups," he was quoted as saying.

"This can also spread among their friends. We are worried that this happens during schooling time."

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I've had an barrage of cold sales calls today, but the ones that bug me the most are the ones that start off with 'I'm not trying to sell you anything' then within 30 seconds try to sell me something.  

I used to be one of those people, tell them you don't own your house. Or when they say they're not trying to sell you something say 'No you're trying to make an appointment for someone else to try and sell me something'


I got my virgin line last Dec and i rarely have my phone plugged in (fears of my 2yr old dialing up Australia and leaving the line open for hours! Plus i haven't given anyone the number) When ever i do plug it in i always get those recorded calls! Loads of them, i only have the line as it was cheaper to have it (with broadband) than not... if i actually needed a land line i wouldn't be happy with it at all!


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