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@slimfern posted:

Difference being that the large plastic bottles are recyclable, unlike the soft plastic packaging of the above.

From little acorns.....

Thats a little bit like turning up to a volcano with a dust pan and brush. It's nothing of any worth really

Recycling takes a lot of energy that could be avoided. And i'm shocked - if you check - at how much is still unable to be recycled

@Saint posted:

Thats a little bit like turning up to a volcano with a dust pan and brush. It's nothing of any worth really

Recycling takes a lot of energy that could be avoided. And i'm shocked - if you check - at how much is still unable to be recycled

I'm not shocked one bit, when you consider the number of things that are made out of plastic or just contain small amounts.

And I guess it depends on what reports you read as to how much good recycling actually does.

@Saint posted:

Further rummaging and we found a letter dated 1928 from a distant relative in Australia telling his sister NOT to go to Australia as news about job prospects out there were 'lies'!!!

Must be a relative of my Dad's as he was offered to live in Australia before I was born - fascinating stuff

I love finding stuff like that Renton â€Ķ.lovely link to your past .


What if a Terminator completes it's mission? If it managed to kill Sarah Connor - what happens after that?

Would it self destruct ... or maybe it could change it's name to Carl, get married, have a few kids and a dog ... which is permanently afraid of it's owner. Open a dry-cleaning business,

Carl, "You're suit will be ready by Tuesday."

Customer, "Errr - excuse me 'Carl' but you've over charged me on my bill"

Carl, "My CP Unit does not compute"

Customer, "I beg your pardon?"

Carl goes crazy with an Uzi 9mm and gives the game away

@Saint posted:

I've also been pondering . . .

Do archaeologist ever wonder where all that soil comes from?

Where does the dirt come from that buried ancient cities?
Dust storms, floods, just what the wind blows in. Then there is this process: When ancient towns were abandoned entirely, plant seeds quickly took root and created more bulk from the CO2 they pulled from the air. Their roots stabilised the soil created from rotting plant matter and the layers gradually built up.
@slimfern posted:
Where does the dirt come from that buried ancient cities?
Dust storms, floods, just what the wind blows in. Then there is this process: When ancient towns were abandoned entirely, plant seeds quickly took root and created more bulk from the CO2 they pulled from the air. Their roots stabilised the soil created from rotting plant matter and the layers gradually built up.

Yes, but where does the rotting plant matter come from in the first place â€Ķpresumably they needed soil â€Ķ.so â€Ķ..

@Saint posted:

Been watching exercise vlogs on that there Yoo Toob and it suggested doing "the plank" for a minute twice a day - so  i tried it for the first time and managed it ok

Now over to you lot - give it a go ... twice a day

I don’t do YouTube Renton â€Ķ.so What’s the plank ? I have to admit I do feel better on the days I go for a longish walk .

@Moonie posted:

Hi Sainty

I have had that problem in the past, though only a handful of times, thank goodness

I’m glad everything’s okay now

Temperamental machines - never had that problem before thought it was the third problem I'd be having  - TV, mobile and now intra-net, but all seems ok - hope you're feeling better


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