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Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


Arrival intrigues me and I want to see it. 

If you haven't already done so, EC, I strongly advise you to see it. I saw it again tonight, and found it every bit as moving as I did the first time. (For reasons I won't go into, it's one of those films you can re-watch because scenes and dialogue at the beginning take on new depth and meaning the second time round.)


It's still early days, and the competition will be fierce, but maybe - just maybe - Amy Adams is finally going to win her first Oscar next March....

Eugene's Lair
Eugene's Lair posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


Arrival intrigues me and I want to see it. 

If you haven't already done so, EC, I strongly advise you to see it. I saw it again tonight, and found it every bit as moving as I did the first time. (For reasons I won't go into, it's one of those films you can re-watch because scenes and dialogue at the beginning take on new depth and meaning the second time round.)


It's still early days, and the competition will be fierce, but maybe - just maybe - Amy Adams is finally going to win her first Oscar next March....

I amoff work for the next 9 days so will go see it one of the mornings.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Sprout posted:
pirate1111 posted:
pirate1111 posted:

i weep

Me too   

a lot of countries are now banning greyhound racing-argentina-new zealand nearly there-we have to put a stop to the irish & lufthansa who send the greyhounds to china where theyre made to race & when knackered sent to be boiled alive-apparently  chinese believe the more the dog is in agony the more tender the meat

backward b@stards


anyone who dismisses this as a lie has got to tell me when theyve EVER seen a greyhound puppy on a lead


they cant because the poor things are bred to race & make a few quid for the arseholes who race them


there was a huge field in ireland that was discovered to have hundreds of greyhounds killed via a crossbow through their heads because they wasnt running fast enough


if i could id f*cking rage to ireland & deck the b@stards who do this to these wonderful animals

the only dog to be mentioned in the bible


these dogs are special

its nearly xmas

everyone wants a puppy for their kids

get a retired greyhound instead


rant over

pirate1111 posted:

a lot of countries are now banning greyhound racing-argentina-new zealand nearly there-we have to put a stop to the irish & lufthansa who send the greyhounds to china where theyre made to race & when knackered sent to be boiled alive-apparently  chinese believe the more the dog is in agony the more tender the meat

backward b@stards


anyone who dismisses this as a lie has got to tell me when theyve EVER seen a greyhound puppy on a lead


they cant because the poor things are bred to race & make a few quid for the arseholes who race them


there was a huge field in ireland that was discovered to have hundreds of greyhounds killed via a crossbow through their heads because they wasnt running fast enough



I knew they didn't have a great life after they stopped racing but I never thought that went on 

Sprout posted:
pirate1111 posted:

a lot of countries are now banning greyhound racing-argentina-new zealand nearly there-we have to put a stop to the irish & lufthansa who send the greyhounds to china where theyre made to race & when knackered sent to be boiled alive-apparently  chinese believe the more the dog is in agony the more tender the meat

backward b@stards


anyone who dismisses this as a lie has got to tell me when theyve EVER seen a greyhound puppy on a lead


they cant because the poor things are bred to race & make a few quid for the arseholes who race them


there was a huge field in ireland that was discovered to have hundreds of greyhounds killed via a crossbow through their heads because they wasnt running fast enough



I knew they didn't have a great life after they stopped racing but I never thought that went on 

yeah-sorry i ranted-i was in a right mood, id just read about a car in china blocking the path of a wagon filled with greyhounds on their way to be boiled alive

i cant do anything about it & it gets me angry

i sign petitions, write to mp's etc..

but theyre not bothered

only mp that bothered to a related greyhound thing was recently an auction was on twitter for the greyhound trust & i asked tracy brabin (the labour mp that now stands in jo cox's place) to help promote it & she did-they made quite a bit more money than they usually do

so shes my new hero lol

but i'd ask anyone reading this

if you come across a petition to stop greyhounds being raced or killed or eaten-please sign it

theyre such beautiful loyal loving dogs (idle & lazy & greedy & nick all the room on the settee)

lisa said im not allowed another one

she reckons i had a bit of a breakdown after losing the mint

and she couldnt cope with that again

bless her lol

anyway, that wasnt a rant...for a change


stand you were

pirate1111 posted:
Sprout posted:
pirate1111 posted:
pirate1111 posted:

i weep

Me too   

a lot of countries are now banning greyhound racing-argentina-new zealand nearly there-we have to put a stop to the irish & lufthansa who send the greyhounds to china where theyre made to race & when knackered sent to be boiled alive-apparently  chinese believe the more the dog is in agony the more tender the meat

backward b@stards


anyone who dismisses this as a lie has got to tell me when theyve EVER seen a greyhound puppy on a lead


they cant because the poor things are bred to race & make a few quid for the arseholes who race them


there was a huge field in ireland that was discovered to have hundreds of greyhounds killed via a crossbow through their heads because they wasnt running fast enough


if i could id f*cking rage to ireland & deck the b@stards who do this to these wonderful animals

the only dog to be mentioned in the bible


these dogs are special

its nearly xmas

everyone wants a puppy for their kids

get a retired greyhound instead


rant over

 There are some despicably cruel people out there.


On the other hand, a lovely lady in my street has adopted a retired greyhound. Poor thing was very nervous when she first arrived but with a lot of gentle patience, she is now a very happy dog.

Several years ago, the same lady found a stray labrador. She reported it to the police and offered to keep it until its owner was found - the owner never came forward and the dog had a very happy life with the kind lady.


Yogi19 posted:
pirate1111 posted:
Sprout posted:
pirate1111 posted:
pirate1111 posted:

i weep

Me too   

a lot of countries are now banning greyhound racing-argentina-new zealand nearly there-we have to put a stop to the irish & lufthansa who send the greyhounds to china where theyre made to race & when knackered sent to be boiled alive-apparently  chinese believe the more the dog is in agony the more tender the meat

backward b@stards


anyone who dismisses this as a lie has got to tell me when theyve EVER seen a greyhound puppy on a lead


they cant because the poor things are bred to race & make a few quid for the arseholes who race them


there was a huge field in ireland that was discovered to have hundreds of greyhounds killed via a crossbow through their heads because they wasnt running fast enough


if i could id f*cking rage to ireland & deck the b@stards who do this to these wonderful animals

the only dog to be mentioned in the bible


these dogs are special

its nearly xmas

everyone wants a puppy for their kids

get a retired greyhound instead


rant over

 There are some despicably cruel people out there.


On the other hand, a lovely lady in my street has adopted a retired greyhound. Poor thing was very nervous when she first arrived but with a lot of gentle patience, she is now a very happy dog.

Several years ago, the same lady found a stray labrador. She reported it to the police and offered to keep it until its owner was found - the owner never came forward and the dog had a very happy life with the kind lady.


its just good to know that some do really care


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