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Cinds posted:

Oh & while I'm here,I'm going to moan about other stuff.  So step daughter always asking us for money cos she's skint, a year ago started she wanted a to get a puppy.  I said, first, you are always asking for money so you cannot afford a dog, and if you get a dog NEVER ask us to borrow money again, because if you can afford a dog blah blah. Also, if you get a dog YOU must insure it, and if you cannot afford to insure it, do not get a dog.

But then I'd also said, you live in a flat, please wait until you move to a house & have a garden.


So they got a puppy 5 months ago.  The puppy jumped off their balcony this week and broke it's legs.  Guess what, no insurance.



What's happened to the puppy, Cinds?

Madame Arcati
Last edited by Madame Arcati
Madame Arcati posted:
Cinds posted:

Oh & while I'm here,I'm going to moan about other stuff.  So step daughter always asking us for money cos she's skint, a year ago started she wanted a to get a puppy.  I said, first, you are always asking for money so you cannot afford a dog, and if you get a dog NEVER ask us to borrow money again, because if you can afford a dog blah blah. Also, if you get a dog YOU must insure it, and if you cannot afford to insure it, do not get a dog.

But then I'd also said, you live in a flat, please wait until you move to a house & have a garden.


So they got a puppy 5 months ago.  The puppy jumped off their balcony this week and broke it's legs.  Guess what, no insurance.



What's happened to the puppy, Cinds?

Well they decided to shop around for a vet, yes SHOP AROUND.


We're visiting tomorrow, so I'll know more.  I don't get told much because I constantly roll my eyes and can't help but do the old 'I bloody told them'. 


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