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I'm on crutches and pain killers  

worked long hrs Tues/Wed... Was sat on sofa Wed night (7:30'ish) with my legs tucked to my right side when my left knee started really hurting me.. Couldn't straighten my leg or put any weight on it... I was sobbing so much I was gasping to catch my breath.

Decided i needed hospital and there was no way i was going anywhere without help (i couldn't stand up) They agreed i needed an ambulance on the phone but said i could be waiting a while... 4.5hrs later they come... They gave me morphine in the ambulance for the pain.

Get to Hospital about 12;30, whizzed through assessment and was literally dumped in a waiting area of about 20 people on trolleys. No pain killers until about 5am despite me flagging down 3 different people and practically crying for some..... No one checked on me at all until about 5am when a doc came and asked a few things and finally got me some pain relief... He said "I'm sending you to Xray even though it wont show anything as it clearly not bone"   Shift changed at 7am... a different doc came and actually examined my leg, he manipulated it and managed to straighten it and said he suspects its a tissue tear. Sends me home on crutches and tells me to go see me gp as i need an MRI!

Rang GP yesterday and she seemed to disagree with hosp doc simply from a phone call... She gave me stronger pain killers and told me to get a knee brace, she made an appointment to see her in 2 wks

Oh and with all this going on I HAVE MY DRIVING TEST BOOKED FOR THE 11TH!!  So i have until Monday to move that.. I'm gutted

Last edited by Jen-Star

Oh Jen that's absolutely shocking    So sorry you were treated so badly xx 

How are you feeling now? That sort of pain, from my experience, could be a muscle tear? You don't feel pain straight away. Could you have injured it earlier in the day ie were you stretching or exercising or anything?

Hope your driving test can be re-arranged ok  What rotten luck xx


I'm feeling better today, i'm dosed up on pain killers etc... Struggled upstairs this morning (I really needed a shower) and got into my bed for first time since Tuesday night (slept on sofa Thur and Fri) it's been bliss

Rog that's what we're thinking as I did two long days on my feet at work Tues and Wed running back and forth and twisting.

Since ive been in my bed it's been a lot better tbh.. I might have to stay up here lol 

Thanx for the kind words guys I'm still holding out hope for a miracle before Monday lol


Poor Jen take it easy   I hope you're being looked after and the painkillers are helping xx  Yes, it could be a sudden twist or stretch did it. I hurt myself doing step aerobics. Couldn't believe how painful it was, like being stabbed in the leg whenever I moved  So I fully sympathise with you  Sitting in a hospital overnight, without pain relief must have been awful!

If it is a tear you might need to keep your weight off it until it heals, or it could get worse.    


Even better again today, I'm walking around gingerly without crutches and i haven't needed any pain killers  today... confused me as to what happened in the first place now though as it cant be a tear surely?

BUT i think i might be ok for my test fingers crossed. Going out in my car tomorrow to see how it feels... If its bad then the next date avail was 20th June 

Last edited by Jen-Star
Jen-Star posted:

Even better again today, I'm walking around gingerly without crutches and i haven't needed any pain killers  today... confused me as to what happened in the first place now though as it cant be a tear surely?

BUT i think i might be ok for my test fingers crossed. Going out in my car tomorrow to see how it feels... If its bad then the next date avail was 20th June 

I hope it heals quickly, Jen, and good luck with the driving test.

Jen-Star posted:

I'm a happy bunny, driving was fine on my knee today AND I got my bday prezzie early! Loving my new phone I dropped my iPhone and smashed the screen a couple weeks ago... Evert swipe was finger tip Russian roulette and the lock screen button had a mind of its own! 

I'm now an android phone user

Did you manage your driving test Jen or was it just a trial to see how the knee held up?

Good luck with your new phone

Jen-Star posted:

I'm a happy bunny, driving was fine on my knee today AND I got my bday prezzie early! Loving my new phone I dropped my iPhone and smashed the screen a couple weeks ago... Evert swipe was finger tip Russian roulette and the lock screen button had a mind of its own! 

I'm now an android phone user

   Yay! You have miraculous powers of recovery Jen. 

Good luck with your test, sounds like its going ahead xx


Moonie posted:
Jen-Star posted:

I'm a happy bunny, driving was fine on my knee today AND I got my bday prezzie early! Loving my new phone I dropped my iPhone and smashed the screen a couple weeks ago... Evert swipe was finger tip Russian roulette and the lock screen button had a mind of its own! 

I'm now an android phone user

Did you manage your driving test Jen or was it just a trial to see how the knee held up?

Good luck with your new phone

Was a trial run to see if id manage the test and some manouver practicing thrown in too.. It is very soon though!

Cinds posted:

Just catching up. 


Jen what a nightmare with your knee. How is it now? 

I was thinking I hadn't seen you post in a while, how are you?  

Its a lot better but still weak, I'm gonna keep using the brace and be very careful of twisting it etc. Ive got docs on the 18th about it and I'm gonna keep going back til she sends for MRI. 


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