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El Loro posted:

Scotty, I'm glad that EC's tip worked for your clip. That is the better way to post youtube clips.

Using your clip I've been able to replicate the error and there is a bug which I'm reporting.

Hi El Loro, sorry for my late reply, I just saw this. Yes it`s an easier way to post. 

I kinda suspected it may be bug because it happened with every video I tried to post. velvet is having the same problem right now in the music thread. Thanks for reporting, much appreciated. 

Last edited by Scotty
El Loro posted:

As others were having problems with pasting youtube clips direct on to the Add Reply box, Social Strata has now changed it so that EC's tip - post the link into the url box via inser/edit video - is now required.


Sorry, just to be clear as I think there may be some confusion regarding a post of mine. I found pasting the link into the add reply box worked for me whereas pasting the link into the URL box via Insert/Edit was more hit and miss.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

EC, true, but it does look as if the problem with the insert/edit method has been sorted out at the same time. The video Scotty had problems with does now work using that method. It seems that if a "-" sign was part of the youtube clip address it was causing the problem, and possibly other non-alpha/numerical characters.

El Loro

On the radio they said that someone has worked out how many different tweets were possible to create. Tweets are made from unicode characters and they estimate that there are about 50,000 different unicode characters. As tweets can be up to 140 characters long, they worked out that there are about 10 to the power of 658 (that's 1 followed by 658 0s)

That's a very big number.

El Loro

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