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That child does not nap EC she's still chattering away.... Her brother said the the other day if they hooked a tread mill up to power the world, she would easily keep the lights on lol

i have had a snooze and do feel a little better... Getting everyone's uniforms/PE kits/ work clothes ready for tomorrow YAY! Hehehe give me a week of normal and I'll be praying for a pj day 

Jen-Star posted:

That child does not nap EC she's still chattering away.... Her brother said the the other day if they hooked a tread mill up to power the world, she would easily keep the lights on lol

i have had a snooze and do feel a little better... Getting everyone's uniforms/PE kits/ work clothes ready for tomorrow YAY! Hehehe give me a week of normal and I'll be praying for a pj day 


Did I mention I don't go back to work until 25th January? 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Jen-Star posted:

I seem to recall you mentioning that yes!  

do you have anything planned for your time off?

Sleep, sleep, sleep, watch films, sleep, casual coffee, sleep, shop, sleep, shop, shop and shop, more shopping, cleaning home, watch more films, sleep, shop, coffee, coffee and shop, clear out more junk from my home, shop, sleep, coffee and start looking for new home, coffee, setup iPad, buy new mobile phone, coffee, sleep, lunch with friends, setup computer for my mum, coffee watch films, sleep, big music and video shop at Meadowhall, sleep, watch more films, listen to music, rip music for a new iPod I plan to buy, catalogue my films, stand back and admire them on the shelves in alphabetic order, sip coffee, pay off a big chunk of mortgage, sit back with coffee, flirt with some ladies, sleep, coffee, go watch the Wednesday and cheer...hopefully, less coffee, more sleep, house hunt to name a few things, and I bet you did not read it all. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Kaffs posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:

I read all your holiday plans too - and I have to say, I think it's about time you found a new home.

Hi Kaffy 

I wish ^ was mine, I would tear it down and build a new, highly efficient, customised home for myself. 

I actually think it looks quite cute.  If it was cosy inside.


Scotty, the Youtube clip that you tried to post above hasn't worked because it's only got part of the Youtube address. After the www youtube and embed bits of the address there's only the first 3 characters of the actual clip - you have IQ6. Youtube clips have more like 11 characters/ So somehow you've only copied the first part of the address, not all of it.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

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