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I had a shitty nights sleep!  Woke up at least 6 times with the feeling that I was coming down with something and then was rudely awakened this morning with the sound of the OH hurling (how very dare he!) in the bathroom   I feel rough today and am now awaiting whatever type of manflu he has to hit me next.  So I'm being nice to him at the minute coz I know I'll need him when I'm oh so sick

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Oh no Ells stomach bugs are just the worst, fingers crossed you don't catch it.


I remember when Master Cinds was still in primary and whenever something was going around he was always kind enough to bring it home for Mr C & I, but never ever caught it himself 

 Aww I don't know which is worse...a sick kid or a whining grown man!

Last edited by Ells
Originally Posted by Cinds:

For me the sick kid is the better of the two.  This is mainly because I am a terrible mother when it comes to cleaning up puke and the likes, and usually end up puking myself so Mr Cinds takes over because it's just easier that way. 

Me kids don't even call me anymore if they've been sick.  We just hear 'Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad' and I giggle to myself coz I know he's in for a treat.


There has been a drunken occasion (or two) where I've puked nowhere near the vicinity of the loo and then had the brass to call him to clean it


I'll be so happy when school starts up again.  The amount of times my youngest has come in crying this past few days because of falling out with his friends is ridiculous.  Some of it is silly stuff like arguing over who is the best looking out of them all (yes....seriously, a group of boys all aged between 6 and 8 ) and then some times a bit more serious like hitting each other.  They've started teasing him about his eczema and I'm trying hard not to blow my lid but that's one thing that I don't want to let go on but I don't want to seem like a neurotic mother by going to their parents about it yet but I'm close.


ROLL ON MONDAY!! Then they won't spend as much time together and will maybe fight less when they do play.


I'm bouncing off the walls with excitement here.


My metal wall art has arrived for my kitchen (and a top from e bay)

- it's like Christmas


I have a giant antique knife, fork and spoon for behind the dining table and a large oak tree with sort of amber like leaves for above the sofa.


Online shopping is great isn't it? And yes was a rainy afternoon 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Ells:

I'll be so happy when school starts up again.  The amount of times my youngest has come in crying this past few days because of falling out with his friends is ridiculous.  Some of it is silly stuff like arguing over who is the best looking out of them all (yes....seriously, a group of boys all aged between 6 and 8 ) and then some times a bit more serious like hitting each other.  They've started teasing him about his eczema and I'm trying hard not to blow my lid but that's one thing that I don't want to let go on but I don't want to seem like a neurotic mother by going to their parents about it yet but I'm close.


ROLL ON MONDAY!! Then they won't spend as much time together and will maybe fight less when they do play.

You next week



Mr C and I went out for a meal last night.  On leaving the restaurant to get in the cab home and unnoticed pot hole attacked me and made me lose my footing and I fell over.  However, it was the slowest fall in the history of the world.  Mr C who had witnessed me starting to fall ran around the cab to help me up only to find me still actually falling. 


I would like to think it's because I'm as light as a feather, but alas that's not true.  I just like to take my time with things to make sure I get it right first time.


I really hurt my face though from all of the laughing afterwards.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Mr C and I went out for a meal last night.  On leaving the restaurant to get in the cab home and unnoticed pot hole attacked me and made me lose my footing and I fell over.  However, it was the slowest fall in the history of the world.  Mr C who had witnessed me starting to fall ran around the cab to help me up only to find me still actually falling. 


I would like to think it's because I'm as light as a feather, but alas that's not true.  I just like to take my time with things to make sure I get it right first time.


I really hurt my face though from all of the laughing afterwards.

 Maybe you're actually married to a superhero who has the ability to zoom to your rescue!!


How's the tooth now?

Originally Posted by Ells:

 Maybe you're actually married to a superhero who has the ability to zoom to your rescue!!


How's the tooth now?

Ooooooh I like the idea of him being a superhero.  As long as he doesn't spiderman me 


Tooths not so bad thanks.  Seeing the dentist on Tuesday, managed to work the visit in to many other jobs I need to do over on the west coast. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Ells:

 Maybe you're actually married to a superhero who has the ability to zoom to your rescue!!


How's the tooth now?

Ooooooh I like the idea of him being a superhero.  As long as he doesn't spiderman me 


Tooths not so bad thanks.  Seeing the dentist on Tuesday, managed to work the visit in to many other jobs I need to do over on the west coast. 

My filthy mind has a created an image to accompany that comment.



I feel your pain Ells.  I've also been robbed by a sweetie seller in the past.  The other week I went to the butchers at our local garden centre and decided to get some veg while I was there.  I picked up 4 relatively large potatoes, took them to get weighed and pay.  ÂĢ5.65 for 4 potatoes, I asked if they were going to peel and sautee themselves, when I was told they wouldn't I politely declined to buy them.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

I feel your pain Ells.  I've also been robbed by a sweetie seller in the past.  The other week I went to the butchers at our local garden centre and decided to get some veg while I was there.  I picked up 4 relatively large potatoes, took them to get weighed and pay.  ÂĢ5.65 for 4 potatoes, I asked if they were going to peel and sautee themselves, when I was told they wouldn't I politely declined to buy them.

Now THAT'S robbery!  I'd be wanting a whole dinner for that price not just a spud!


I thought those pic 'n' mix stands were bad enough but this Turkish stall took it to a whole new level.  I haven't shut up about it since yesterday lol



I need to go to town and get a new bag but I can't be arsed.  I wanted something glitzy coz I'm going out tonight and wearing all black.  Maybe I can glue some glitter and sequins on an old clutch  Or maybe I should just go to town


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