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lots of depressing news about, so to cheer you up i thought id let you know how stupid i am

ive been following someone on twitter for ages who reckons shes debbie harry, i talk nicely & reply nicely cos she thinks shes deb

i got Direct messages off 2 people earlier

turns out it IS debbie harry

i said yeah whaeva

so they gave me links

it really is her


Originally Posted by pirate1111:


lots of depressing news about, so to cheer you up i thought id let you know how stupid i am

ive been following someone on twitter for ages who reckons shes debbie harry, i talk nicely & reply nicely cos she thinks shes deb

i got Direct messages off 2 people earlier

turns out it IS debbie harry

i said yeah whaeva

so they gave me links

it really is her


 Pleased for you.

Originally Posted by pirate1111:


lots of depressing news about, so to cheer you up i thought id let you know how stupid i am

ive been following someone on twitter for ages who reckons shes debbie harry, i talk nicely & reply nicely cos she thinks shes deb

i got Direct messages off 2 people earlier

turns out it IS debbie harry

i said yeah whaeva

so they gave me links

it really is her


Has she seen your tattoo?

Originally Posted by Jen-Star:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:


lots of depressing news about, so to cheer you up i thought id let you know how stupid i am

ive been following someone on twitter for ages who reckons shes debbie harry, i talk nicely & reply nicely cos she thinks shes deb

i got Direct messages off 2 people earlier

turns out it IS debbie harry

i said yeah whaeva

so they gave me links

it really is her


Has she seen your tattoo?

oh yes


Long post alert! sorry 


I've had some encouraging news this afternoon. I've just been on a 4 week placement at a training organisation (to get me back in the loop again and along with doing some units from an NVQ). It should've been my last day today but I have to go back for three days next week to fill in for the three days I was off sick this week 

All last week the lady who I'm working for had been making jokes about me being good and apparently other people have mentioned this to her  It came to last Friday and she asked what I will do when I finish cos she said you're too good to let go, I said just keep on keeping on and applying for jobs. At this she said we need a chat.

Along came the chat this afternoon...she's offered me one (maybe two) days voluntary working (travel expenses paid) but it could turn into a permanent job as the admin assistant is doing her teaching exams and will be becoming a tutor. 

While the place is a pain to get to I'm not gonna pass it up (I don't think anyway) as there's money while I still keep looking for a job. Oh, and also they have an office in my home town which isn't open as much as the one I work in and she said I may even be able to get in there.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Jen-Star:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:


lots of depressing news about, so to cheer you up i thought id let you know how stupid i am

ive been following someone on twitter for ages who reckons shes debbie harry, i talk nicely & reply nicely cos she thinks shes deb

i got Direct messages off 2 people earlier

turns out it IS debbie harry

i said yeah whaeva

so they gave me links

it really is her


Has she seen your tattoo?

oh yes

*wonders where the tattoo is*

*wishes I hadn't asked now*

Supplementary question to the two above non-questions...where exactly is your tattoo? 

Originally Posted by Sprout:

That's funny but I'll bet she got a shock! Having said that....someone I went to school with.....after we left I saw her a few years later and she had kids but didn't know she was pregnant

She was shocked but the and the baby are in good health 


Ohh well what do I know about the female anatomy 


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