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Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Jen-Star:

EC! It's Friday night and i've consumed my fav beverage.... That is messing with my head  For some strange reason it's reminded me of something i saw yesterday... *Goes off to find it*


I'm just drinking water, but when I saw this I thought panda changes into dog!

Strange what you find on the Interwebby.

It does look like a black lab



I work with someone who's relative took a photograph of themselves stood on the scales, so impressed that they had lost weight they posted the picture on Facebook.


What they forgot to check was the fact that they were naked at the time and their penis was in shot.


Unsurprisingly all the family screen-shot the picture and this person cannot now live it down or get away from the picture.


I know some of you may think this is made up, but I assure you it is not and I have seen the picture.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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