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Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I have today discovered Spooks. I was never into it, but I watched North & South yesterday on netflix and typed in Richard Armitage and Spooks came up. So I've had 2 hours of possibly 90. 2002 - 2006, 15 series with what may be 6 to each series. Everything else (apart from BB) is on hold. No books, crosswords are saved till after, I'm hooked.

Spooks is brilliant, Col. Just wait until you get to the series with Rupert Penry Jones *phwoar*


'Face-kini' craze sweeps China

Women wear face masks and full body wetsuits for day at the beach

ÂĐ Rex Features / Quirky China News

The craze has taken over the beaches of Qingdao in the Shandong province of north-east China. As well as the protective face masks, full body suits have also become popular.
The item is intended not just to protect the wearer from sunburn, but also to repel insects and jellyfish.
Women wear face masks and full body wetsuits for day at the beach

ÂĐ Rex Features / Quirky China News

The product has shot to success this summer, despite being released around seven years ago, and demand is said to be increasing at a steady pace.
The 'face-kinis' sell at 15-25 yuan ($3/ ÂĢ2).
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

OK - it's 2.30 am - I'm off to bed. My visitors are driving me crazy - they're here till Friday  Please remember me in your prayers.







I am with you in thought - I had the same last week - nearly drove me outta my home   I love to see them but 24 hours at a time is really enough 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

OK - it's 2.30 am - I'm off to bed. My visitors are driving me crazy - they're here till Friday  Please remember me in your prayers.







I am with you in thought - I had the same last week - nearly drove me outta my home   I love to see them but 24 hours at a time is really enough 

I usually love visitors but ....................these are my sister in laws girls (and kids) - I can't stand my SiL and not keen on her daughters TBH (how nasty am I?) - the three little kids are OKish. They were having such a 'good time' after two days one of the husbands has decided to come up too. They want waiting on hand and foot - don't lift a finger and it seems it's down to us to buy their wine and beers. 


I'm a miserable bitch but ...........A WEEK!!!!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I usually love visitors but ..................... They want waiting on hand and foot - don't lift a finger and it seems it's down to us to buy their wine and beers. 


I'm a miserable bitch but ...........A WEEK!!!!

  sounds familiar .... 

Stop buying them and i bet they leave pretty quick

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Nah Soozy you're not a miserable bitch, that to me sounds like they're taking the piss.  I would never go to someones house empty handed, whether it was just for an evening or a few days, it's just plain rude.

Me neither - It's not so much that I expect them to but after we'd supplied the first few

days I sort of thought maybe they'd buy their own. The trouble is everyone is used to coming into a house that's awash with booze - drinks on tap. Now we don't drink we tend not to have a load in stock.


TBH - it's the laziness that bothers me more - I could go on but it'll bore you.


Must remember to log out when I'm done = how awful would it ve if they found this 


The trouble is they're that thick (skinned) it probably wouldn't bother them.

Soozy Woo

my pc has been playing up for ages, it just keeps flashing on and off the page, ive restored it back several times, reinstalled windows, configured it back to a working point,kicked it,cried,restored it again, but no, nada, nothing.

I pride myself on being quite good with pc's

but in the end had to give up as i was flummoxed

so i rang a pc fixer man

who promptly turned up and after 2mins of looking he told me that my escape button was slightly stuck

i went red, paid him and sulked whilst OH was sniggering in the other room


thank you for reading

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

my pc has been playing up for ages, it just keeps flashing on and off the page, ive restored it back several times, reinstalled windows, configured it back to a working point,kicked it,cried,restored it again, but no, nada, nothing.

I pride myself on being quite good with pc's

but in the end had to give up as i was flummoxed

so i rang a pc fixer man

who promptly turned up and after 2mins of looking he told me that my escape button was slightly stuck

i went red, paid him and sulked whilst OH was sniggering in the other room


thank you for reading


That reminds me of me being a total let down to womankind.  


Mr Cinds was away and the washing machine stopped working.  I was all a tizz, trying everything, on the point of ringing an electrician.  Anyway, Mr Cinds rang me, so I was moaning about afore mentioned, and he said have you had the basket on the bench...'YES'...check the spur plug.  I'd knocked it off at the wall by mistake 


Cinds and Pirate ^^^^^^^^^^


My mum rang earlier and said she could only get one channel on her TV - she said it was stuck. She wanted Mr Woo to go round and sort it out (I'm sure he probably couldn't) he was out anyway. I told her to turn it off - turn it off at the wall socket too then turn it on again.


She did - it worked - she thinks I'm a genius 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

my pc has been playing up for ages, it just keeps flashing on and off the page, ive restored it back several times, reinstalled windows, configured it back to a working point,kicked it,cried,restored it again, but no, nada, nothing.

I pride myself on being quite good with pc's

but in the end had to give up as i was flummoxed

so i rang a pc fixer man

who promptly turned up and after 2mins of looking he told me that my escape button was slightly stuck

i went red, paid him and sulked whilst OH was sniggering in the other room


thank you for reading

hahaha.. love it!

Originally Posted by Moonbeams:

Thanks Ladies, well chuffed with myself.

Doing Slimming world Soozy, love it, I am constently eating. Mr Beams says my mood is much better these days. Mostly fruit and veg with pasta or noodles. Love the SW chips. i've started cooking again. Eating a lot of super free foods.

I'm SW but not losing at that rate 


How much more do you have to go to target?

Soozy Woo

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