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Originally Posted by Jen-Star:

Aww Kaffs, poor bride. Still it's a story to tell the grandkids and if she's got it on film that ÂĢ250 from you've been framed.


I've managed a shower and i feel a bit better today.. I dragged myself out of bed to wash the school uniforms only to find my (13 this week) daughter had already put the machine on

Aww... good girl   Take it easy Jen xx


Haha Pirate, love that.


How are you today Jen?  It's a nightmare being sick when you have the little ones to look after


I burnt my finger trying to get crumpets out of the toaster. Bloody hurts!!  Nothing wakes you up like sticking your finger to hot metal.


I've been trying to teach Maddie to clap recently, singing 'clap your hands for daddy...' for weeks to her but to no avail.  This morning she's sat on her playmat and I start singing 'if you're happy and you know it' and clapping my hands.  After a few times of singing it she, really angrily, starts clapping her hands together and shouts 'da-deeee' at me .  I think I've got a cheeky little madam on my hands! But at least she finally learnt how to clap.

Originally Posted by Jen-Star:

Aww Kaffs, poor bride. Still it's a story to tell the grandkids and if she's got it on film that ÂĢ250 from you've been framed.


I've managed a shower and i feel a bit better today.. I dragged myself out of bed to wash the school uniforms only to find my (13 this week) daughter had already put the machine on

Glad to hear you're feeling a little better.  Tonsillitis itself is miserable enough without having to look after kids too.

Originally Posted by Kaffs:

It was blowing a gale here today and this afternoon I went to see a bride (family friend's daughter) leaving her house for the ceremony.  She was absolutely beautiful.. but before she reached the car the wind pulled her veil right off her head and it disappeared on the wind .....     

Poor thing.  Hopefully it didn't ruin her whole day.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:

It was blowing a gale here today and this afternoon I went to see a bride (family friend's daughter) leaving her house for the ceremony.  She was absolutely beautiful.. but before she reached the car the wind pulled her veil right off her head and it disappeared on the wind .....     

Poor thing.  Hopefully it didn't ruin her whole day.

She was lucky, Cinds - the woman from the bridal shop had been there helping her to get ready, so she jumped in her car and went to her shop, picked up a new one and followed her on to the venue, so by the time the photos were done she was all sorted out.


I had Boy Cinds talking to me last night about his end of 6th form Prom/Party. It's in a bar in the town, but unfortunately, we are away that weekend, so I was giving him the talk, mainly about NOT bringing people back to the house. 


Anyway he said "Don't worry I'm not going to drink or get drunk, because I would hate it if I lost anything".  I couldn't help myself & replied "What, like your virginity". 

Originally Posted by Jen-Star:
Cinds She's just done one better! Her Dad just got in and went and gave her a kiss good night and as he was walking out of her room she said "I've just got to tell you, if you're ever a real Mum, it's your job to be moaning"

I should really write these down

You should.  The stuff they come out with is priceless. 


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