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Originally Posted by Aimee:
What did you get for mothers day I hear you say, well the answer is naff all, not even a card daughter normally rings me on a Sunday night, she's just messaged me to say can't ring I'm going out, a phone call at least would have been nice

Aimee, I totally get how disappointed and hurt you must feel. I actually got a card, last few years it's been a flower drawn on a piece of paper sometime in the evening, because he must have spotted something on FB.


But on my birthday last year he just completely ignored it, despite us being at a family party on the day of my birthday & people wishing me happy birthday in front of him. Then about 11pm he came and apologised & said he'd just forgot. The next day Mr Cinds paid him for the work he'd done for us (he works for us in the school holidays) & the day after he asked me for some money to go out with his mates. I said 'Dad just paid you yesterday' He replied " well he said I HAD to buy you something for your birthday". I won't say here what I replied to him.


Anyway, point is Aimee, it's really hurtful when you have such a good relationship and they do something like that.  I hope she makes it up to you. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
What did you get for mothers day I hear you say, well the answer is naff all, not even a card daughter normally rings me on a Sunday night, she's just messaged me to say can't ring I'm going out, a phone call at least would have been nice

Aimee, I totally get how disappointed and hurt you must feel. I actually got a card, last few years it's been a flower drawn on a piece of paper sometime in the evening, because he must have spotted something on FB.


But on my birthday last year he just completely ignored it, despite us being at a family party on the day of my birthday & people wishing me happy birthday in front of him. Then about 11pm he came and apologised & said he'd just forgot. The next day Mr Cinds paid him for the work he'd done for us (he works for us in the school holidays) & the day after he asked me for some money to go out with his mates. I said 'Dad just paid you yesterday' He replied " well he said I HAD to buy you something for your birthday". I won't say here what I replied to him.


Anyway, point is Aimee, it's really hurtful when you have such a good relationship and they do something like that.  I hope she makes it up to you. 


Thanks Cinds I have no idea why she didn't send me a card, she would have to be blind to not know what day it was, she did wish me happy mothers day on FB, on my wall not in a private message, I know she's away at uni but her boyfriend was there so he could have dropped it off on his way home, kids eh, they do know how to upset you
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
What did you get for mothers day I hear you say, well the answer is naff all, not even a card daughter normally rings me on a Sunday night, she's just messaged me to say can't ring I'm going out, a phone call at least would have been nice

Aimee, I totally get how disappointed and hurt you must feel. I actually got a card, last few years it's been a flower drawn on a piece of paper sometime in the evening, because he must have spotted something on FB.


But on my birthday last year he just completely ignored it, despite us being at a family party on the day of my birthday & people wishing me happy birthday in front of him. Then about 11pm he came and apologised & said he'd just forgot. The next day Mr Cinds paid him for the work he'd done for us (he works for us in the school holidays) & the day after he asked me for some money to go out with his mates. I said 'Dad just paid you yesterday' He replied " well he said I HAD to buy you something for your birthday". I won't say here what I replied to him.


Anyway, point is Aimee, it's really hurtful when you have such a good relationship and they do something like that.  I hope she makes it up to you. 


Thanks Cinds I have no idea why she didn't send me a card, she would have to be blind to not know what day it was, she did wish me happy mothers day on FB, on my wall not in a private message, I know she's away at uni but her boyfriend was there so he could have dropped it off on his way home, kids eh, they do know how to upset you

It's bizarre. I think as 'young folk' I don't think they realise how hurtful it is. Wait until she has her own & she's moaning to you about her thoughtless children. 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Saint:

press the copy and then the paste thing


hope that helps

Been there, tried that and it don't work but thanks for the advice 

Moonie, I've had my IPad for ages and I still can't C&P anything on it.

We need a conference with Bazzy, Yogi 

Queen of all things i 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Saint:

press the copy and then the paste thing


hope that helps

Been there, tried that and it don't work but thanks for the advice 

Moonie, I've had my IPad for ages and I still can't C&P anything on it.

We need a conference with Bazzy, Yogi 

Queen of all things i 

 She can give us a tutorial.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Saint:

press the copy and then the paste thing


hope that helps

Been there, tried that and it don't work but thanks for the advice 

Moonie, I've had my IPad for ages and I still can't C&P anything on it.

We need a conference with Bazzy, Yogi 

Queen of all things i 

 She can give us a tutorial.

I mithered her to death when I first had my iPad. She was very patient with me  

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

My new computer has just arrived I`m off to set it up and find out how to work it.


Being a technophobe, I may be gone for some time


Bye the noo


How's it going?


Just thought on, you won't be able to answer that if it's not going well. 



Hi EC   


Finally got it working, so confusing all the codes and stuff I had to enter but I got there in the end. 


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