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Originally Posted by Aimee:
My auntie died this morning and I can't get my head around it she went for a planned MRI scan and had a massive heart attack while having it done, such a shock and so unexpected my poor uncle took his wife for a scan and came home leaving her in the mortuary

OMG that is awful!  No wonder you are in such shock.  You just don't even think that kind of thing could happen  Sorry for your loss Aims xxx

Originally Posted by Aimee:
My auntie died this morning and I can't get my head around it she went for a planned MRI scan and had a massive heart attack while having it done, such a shock and so unexpected my poor uncle took his wife for a scan and came home leaving her in the mortuary

What a terrible shock for your family. So sorry to hear that, Aims.

Last edited by Yogi19

I bought a new set of knives, which arrived recently. They are amazingly sharp. I found this out when I was unpacking them and practically filleted my finger. 


I've bought a smaller set of them in the past & obviously didn't learn any lessons, because when I first washed those ones I sliced my hand so bad, the sink looked like the bucket of blood scene from Carrie & I had to shout for the boy to come and help me. It took three days for it to stop bleeding. (It wasn't peeing blood for three days, just bloody dressings).

Originally Posted by Cinds:

I bought a new set of knives, which arrived recently. They are amazingly sharp. I found this out when I was unpacking them and practically filleted my finger. 


I've bought a smaller set of them in the past & obviously didn't learn any lessons, because when I first washed those ones I sliced my hand so bad, the sink looked like the bucket of blood scene from Carrie & I had to shout for the boy to come and help me. It took three days for it to stop bleeding. (It wasn't peeing blood for three days, just bloody dressings).

I feel a bit sick now.     I'm terrified of knives - mine are all blunt, because I don't trust myself with sharp ones 

Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

I've got another interview 

Spill..!  When is it - do you fancy the job?




Tomorrow at 2pm. The ad says sales admin but it's general admin really. Taking orders from customers and checking deliveries in and what not. It's for a fire/fire surround and bathroom furniture place 15/20 mins up the road from where I live. I walked up there today and scouted the place 


I feel better about this interview (if you can feel good about them anyway) than I did for the last one.


And yes, I think I might like it 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

I bought a new set of knives, which arrived recently. They are amazingly sharp. I found this out when I was unpacking them and practically filleted my finger. 


I've bought a smaller set of them in the past & obviously didn't learn any lessons, because when I first washed those ones I sliced my hand so bad, the sink looked like the bucket of blood scene from Carrie & I had to shout for the boy to come and help me. It took three days for it to stop bleeding. (It wasn't peeing blood for three days, just bloody dressings).

Eww! Bloomin eck!  You'll have to be more careful 

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

I've got another interview 

Spill..!  When is it - do you fancy the job?




Tomorrow at 2pm. The ad says sales admin but it's general admin really. Taking orders from customers and checking deliveries in and what not. It's for a fire/fire surround and bathroom furniture place 15/20 mins up the road from where I live. I walked up there today and scouted the place 


I feel better about this interview (if you can feel good about them anyway) than I did for the last one.


And yes, I think I might like it 

If it's walking distance even better, no travel costs. Best of luck.

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I bought a new set of knives, which arrived recently. They are amazingly sharp. I found this out when I was unpacking them and practically filleted my finger. 


I've bought a smaller set of them in the past & obviously didn't learn any lessons, because when I first washed those ones I sliced my hand so bad, the sink looked like the bucket of blood scene from Carrie & I had to shout for the boy to come and help me. It took three days for it to stop bleeding. (It wasn't peeing blood for three days, just bloody dressings).

I feel a bit sick now.     I'm terrified of knives - mine are all blunt, because I don't trust myself with sharp ones 

Kaffs I stand and cook for hours, I love it so I like sharp knives, I'm just a mare at handling them after using them. 



I feel a bit sick now.     I'm terrified of knives - mine are all blunt, because I don't trust myself with sharp ones 

Kaffs I stand and cook for hours, I love it so I like sharp knives, I'm just a mare at handling them after using them. 

I often toy with the idea of buying some proper ones, (usually when I'm hacking my way through some meat or bread!) but then I bottle it.      In another life I was trying to get a knife off my ex hubby (don't ask..) and tried to pull it by the blade... that didn't help my phobia!


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