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Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

I've developed a pineapple habit . I'm on about four packs a day .

I love Pineapple but am allergic to it Very weird - allergy kicked in when I was anout 18. As for the fortnightly cycle (re weight) - yes I am a bit like that as I have done SW in the past. I only started back again last week - first week is usually a good one and I lost one pound 


The thing is - I do it slowly but ...........I know I'm slower to gain - my Dil can lose 5lbs one week and gain three the next. I tend to be a plodder.


Holiday booked for September 18th - I want to shift a few pounds for that - I'm a lazy dieter - I do need something to motivate me.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

I've developed a pineapple habit . I'm on about four packs a day .

I love Pineapple but am allergic to it Very weird - allergy kicked in when I was anout 18. As for the fortnightly cycle (re weight) - yes I am a bit like that as I have done SW in the past. I only started back again last week - first week is usually a good one and I lost one pound 


The thing is - I do it slowly but ...........I know I'm slower to gain - my Dil can lose 5lbs one week and gain three the next. I tend to be a plodder.


Holiday booked for September 18th - I want to shift a few pounds for that - I'm a lazy dieter - I do need something to motivate me.

Have you tried adding the Scan Bran to the diet?


I hate dieting, I feel really sorry for myself when I'm doing it

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

I've developed a pineapple habit . I'm on about four packs a day .

I love Pineapple but am allergic to it Very weird - allergy kicked in when I was anout 18. As for the fortnightly cycle (re weight) - yes I am a bit like that as I have done SW in the past. I only started back again last week - first week is usually a good one and I lost one pound 


The thing is - I do it slowly but ...........I know I'm slower to gain - my Dil can lose 5lbs one week and gain three the next. I tend to be a plodder.


Holiday booked for September 18th - I want to shift a few pounds for that - I'm a lazy dieter - I do need something to motivate me.

Have you tried adding the Scan Bran to the diet?


I hate dieting, I feel really sorry for myself when I'm doing it

No has never had any appeal to me in the past - I might give it a go now though. I need to re read the stuff, In the past I've always reserved my sins for alcohol (and gone well over ) now I don't drink I have a bit more flexibility.

Soozy Woo

In other news:


Kids!!  Why can't they just have a falling out without parents getting all involved?  My youngest is 6 and he plays in the street with about 5 other kids aged between 6 and 8 and they always fall out with each other and have the usual 'I'm not playing with you' carry on then be the best of friends 10 minutes later.  My wee one was playing with one of the kids when another of them came along and my son said he couldnt play with him right now because the one he was playing with wasn;t alowed to play with the other boy (still with me?) but he'd play with him later.  


This resulted in an argument and the wee boy threw an ice pop at my son and my son and him must have had an argument because next thing the wee boy comes to my door shouting 'He's being cheeky to me!' but I was on the phone so I said 'I'm on the phone.....go play'.  I noticed the Mum of the wee boy passing by at the same time but didn't think anything of it.


Now my son comes in crying telling me he called for the boy he had been arguing with and his Mum tells him to go away and not to ever call back for him because he's now not allowed to play with my son anymore 


Jebus!  Just let them fall out and make up like they always do instead of making it into a whole carry on with the kids getting upset because they think they're never gonna be friends again. 


Roll on September when they're back at school!!

Originally Posted by Ells:

In other news:


Kids!!  Why can't they just have a falling out without parents getting all involved?  My youngest is 6 and he plays in the street with about 5 other kids aged between 6 and 8 and they always fall out with each other and have the usual 'I'm not playing with you' carry on then be the best of friends 10 minutes later.  My wee one was playing with one of the kids when another of them came along and my son said he couldnt play with him right now because the one he was playing with wasn;t alowed to play with the other boy (still with me?) but he'd play with him later.  


This resulted in an argument and the wee boy threw an ice pop at my son and my son and him must have had an argument because next thing the wee boy comes to my door shouting 'He's being cheeky to me!' but I was on the phone so I said 'I'm on the phone.....go play'.  I noticed the Mum of the wee boy passing by at the same time but didn't think anything of it.


Now my son comes in crying telling me he called for the boy he had been arguing with and his Mum tells him to go away and not to ever call back for him because he's now not allowed to play with my son anymore 


Jebus!  Just let them fall out and make up like they always do instead of making it into a whole carry on with the kids getting upset because they think they're never gonna be friends again. 


Roll on September when they're back at school!!

Ells, we have a couple in our street and you can see them marching down to the house of which ever kid has upset theirs and having ding dongs on the doorstep.  (To be honest in the main it is their kids that start the crap anyway, but we won't get in to that).


My mother always used to say to me 'never fall out over your kids, because while you're falling out the kids are busy making up', and I have always tried to remember that.


I recently watched the movie Carnage (Jodie Foster and Kate Winslet) which reflects that saying very well.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

My mother always used to say to me 'never fall out over your kids, because while you're falling out the kids are busy making up', and I have always tried to remember that.



Agreed!  I don't go to anyone's door although I've been close a few times  We always did that when we were young, have our Mum have an argument with our friends mum then we'd all be friends after an hour and our Mums weren't speaking for ages 


PMSL the OH and I just had a bit of a tiff about winning the euromillions.


He said 'ohh wouldn't it be great?  We'd move away from here and all the shite'

Me: 'Knowing our luck, half of our families would want to buy a house near us with the money we give them'

Him: 'what's wrong with that?'

Me: ' just said we could get away from all the shite....which is always caused by them?'

Him:  'Well, my Ma could live near us'

Me 'Jesus, I hope I only win enough to take us on holiday then'


 We haven't won a penny but it didn't stop us from dreaming about it!


I'm still catching up on BB.


I laughed so much at the 50k press the button.  Luke S crying and glancing at the screen. Hilarious.  Then the following:


Luke S 'You know if I had pressed it 1/2 of that would have been yours' translation 'are you going to share it with me?'

Conor 'Don't worry about it' translation 'no chance'.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Just had a lovely surprise.  


On Sunday we found a mobile at the airport, so we text the number that came under 'dad' and explained and said we would forward it on once we were back in the UK.  Posted it on Monday and today had a beautiful bouquet of flowers delivered as a thank you. 

How lovely. How's your kitchen?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Just had a lovely surprise.  


On Sunday we found a mobile at the airport, so we text the number that came under 'dad' and explained and said we would forward it on once we were back in the UK.  Posted it on Monday and today had a beautiful bouquet of flowers delivered as a thank you. 

How lovely. How's your kitchen?

Almost done, it should have been finished but the builder has royally screwed up so we're waiting for him to come back and out it right.  I'll upload some pics once I've put everything away, there's still boxes everywhere, but I can't empty them until he's done.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

See in my house I would blame the polterteen for moving it. 


I love him dearly, but sometimes want to slap his face so hard.  Sadly these days I would need a ladder.   He's so tall now he could put his hand on my forehead while I swung wildly at him without ever hitting him. Grrrrrr 


PMSL! My brother used to do that to me 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Oh I know it's an illness.  I hope I wouldn't suffer it either, although I can't imagine I would, I hate clutter to the point that if I haven't used or needed something in 6 months it goes the journey.


Mr Cinds however is a completely different kettle of fish 

 I wonder could I apply your theory to Mr L .


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