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Originally Posted by Cinds:

You couldn't make this stuff up. 



That tweet has now been removed, and after all the adverse publicity they're now backtracking...
 11h11 hours ago

Sorry for late tweet on silence. Seems smart phones are not so smart sometimes!


Kinda like you then?
that'd be the user, not the appliance
Smarter than the idiot using it.
tools blaming their tools

I reckon it's the fault of all the blacks and Muslims! .....


A bad workman blames his tools, eh? Or was it some immigrant that had taken his job?


Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

You couldn't make this stuff up. 



That tweet has now been removed, and after all the adverse publicity they're now backtracking...
 11h11 hours ago

Sorry for late tweet on silence. Seems smart phones are not so smart sometimes!


Kinda like you then?
that'd be the user, not the appliance
Smarter than the idiot using it.
tools blaming their tools

I reckon it's the fault of all the blacks and Muslims! .....


A bad workman blames his tools, eh? Or was it some immigrant that had taken his job?


Yeah I saw that one too Eugene.  Flippin hilarious.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:

that dentist in Nottingham!     Wonder if Aimee or Jen were patients!

It did cross my mind too.

There were loads of people on R2 supporting him today - saying what a great dentist he is and what a nice chap.   Wonder if they'll think the same if someone tells them they've got hep C


It's a legal document that is completely sexist. I didn't even realise until I had to dig out my marriage certificate last year. I saw that my father was listed but not my mother. 

It is 2014 and mothers are ignored on marriage certificates. I think it's about time this changed. That's why I've started a petition on asking the Government to let us include mothers on marriage certificates. Sign it here.

Mothers' names are included alongside fathers' on marriage certificates in Scotland and Northern Ireland. But for the rest of the UK there is only a box asking for the name and occupation of the fathers of the bride and groom. Mothers don't appear.



August 2014




The Prime Minister has announced that he has instructed the Home Office to address the inequality on marriage certificates and allow mothers' name to appear alongside fathers.

I am overjoyed that together with over 70,000 supporters, mobilised via, I've succeeded in persuading the Government that mothers' names should be recorded on marriage certificates alongside fathers' names.

David Cameron said: "The content of marriage registers in England and Wales has not changed since the beginning of Queen Victoria’s reign. At the moment, they require details of the couples’ fathers, but not their mothers. This clearly doesn’t reflect modern Britain - and it’s high time the system was updated. So I have asked the Home Office to look at how we can address this too."

When I started this petition just over a year ago, inspired by Caroline Criado-Perez's campaign to get a woman on a banknote, I never imagined I would get so much support and that the Prime Minister would respond to our calls -- and on my wedding anniversary!

Thank you for all your support - we did it!

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

blimey EC

well done

but  think that it deserves a thread of its own

cos you never know how many people are in the same position

but never mention it


that people might know someone that would be glad to read that and might pass it on


I have to point out Pirate that it reads like I am the person in question, in actuality I copied this from an email I was sent to support it. 


What would I call the thread?



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

blimey EC

well done

but  think that it deserves a thread of its own

cos you never know how many people are in the same position

but never mention it


that people might know someone that would be glad to read that and might pass it on


I have to point out Pirate that it reads like I am the person in question, in actuality I copied this from an email I was sent to support it. 


What would I call the thread?




Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

the last of my Moms sister died earlier

thats it

the whole lot of the brothers & sisters gone

end of an era


ive just got back from my aunties funeral

and managed to make it through the service without saying something inappropriate...

then i went outside

this is hard to explain as you had to be there


my cousins have always called me dag or daggy-after the cartoon/films from yrs ago-blondie & dagwood

a girl cousin spotted me, said to her sister (who i dont know very well & was really upset)

'heres our dag'-the younger sister thought she said 'heres our dad'

she looked round for him, girl cousin said 'no, i said dag'

and cos she was really crying-i put my arms out-meant to say come here bab-got all my words mixed up (dag,daggy,dad,bab)

and said

'come to daddy'


i must've looked a proper pervert


Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

the last of my Moms sister died earlier

thats it

the whole lot of the brothers & sisters gone

end of an era


ive just got back from my aunties funeral

and managed to make it through the service without saying something inappropriate...

then i went outside

this is hard to explain as you had to be there


my cousins have always called me dag or daggy-after the cartoon/films from yrs ago-blondie & dagwood

a girl cousin spotted me, said to her sister (who i dont know very well & was really upset)

'heres our dag'-the younger sister thought she said 'heres our dad'

she looked round for him, girl cousin said 'no, i said dag'

and cos she was really crying-i put my arms out-meant to say come here bab-got all my words mixed up (dag,daggy,dad,bab)

and said

'come to daddy'


i must've looked a proper pervert


Aww, I'm sure you didn't.


How is your stepson's girlfriend?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

the last of my Moms sister died earlier

thats it

the whole lot of the brothers & sisters gone

end of an era


ive just got back from my aunties funeral

and managed to make it through the service without saying something inappropriate...

then i went outside

this is hard to explain as you had to be there


my cousins have always called me dag or daggy-after the cartoon/films from yrs ago-blondie & dagwood

a girl cousin spotted me, said to her sister (who i dont know very well & was really upset)

'heres our dag'-the younger sister thought she said 'heres our dad'

she looked round for him, girl cousin said 'no, i said dag'

and cos she was really crying-i put my arms out-meant to say come here bab-got all my words mixed up (dag,daggy,dad,bab)

and said

'come to daddy'


i must've looked a proper pervert


Aww, I'm sure you didn't.


How is your stepson's girlfriend?

she's still being hounded by her parents

pair of oddballs i reckon

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

the last of my Moms sister died earlier

thats it

the whole lot of the brothers & sisters gone

end of an era


ive just got back from my aunties funeral

and managed to make it through the service without saying something inappropriate...

then i went outside

this is hard to explain as you had to be there


my cousins have always called me dag or daggy-after the cartoon/films from yrs ago-blondie & dagwood

a girl cousin spotted me, said to her sister (who i dont know very well & was really upset)

'heres our dag'-the younger sister thought she said 'heres our dad'

she looked round for him, girl cousin said 'no, i said dag'

and cos she was really crying-i put my arms out-meant to say come here bab-got all my words mixed up (dag,daggy,dad,bab)

and said

'come to daddy'


i must've looked a proper pervert


Aww, I'm sure you didn't.


How is your stepson's girlfriend?

she's still being hounded by her parents

pair of oddballs i reckon

Oh dear!

What about the abscess?


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