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Originally Posted by Ells:

I know this is weird but I am really craving something dusty.  I can't really describe what I need but kind of like sand but not so gritty.  I want to fill my mouth with it but not swallow it.  Someone suggested sherbert dip but that's a bit sweet.


I'd be so happy if I was on a building site right now.  I'm sure I would find the perfect thing there.

Oh god oh god, the potential for filthy innuendo is here, but I won't.


But just so you know my head might explode during the night keeping all the filth in.


 Cinds, why am I not surprised??  TMI but as soon as I said to my OH that I need something dusty for my mouth he said he had something that was getting dusty so I could have it in my mouth or elsewhere.  


It's such a strange craving and I've googled it and it seems to stem from a lack of Iron so I'm taking extra Iron in the hope it goes away.  My friend mentioned soot last night and I thought that was exactly wht I needed.  A big mouthful of soft, powdery soot.  Obviously that's way too dangerous but omg it sounds perfect.


I ended up with tubes of sherbet dip.  Perfect for a few seconds then the fix kicked in and it was rotten.


Cologne, I love honeycomb but it's too sweet for me (diabetes) and I can never have just one bit, I eat too much in go.  We were at the seaside a few weeks ago and I bought chocolate covered honeycomb for my Dad but ate it all on the journey home 


Rog, crackers or cereal in the blender might actually work!  I have some ryvita I will try it with if the craving returns tonight.

Originally Posted by Ells:

Cologne, I love honeycomb but it's too sweet for me (diabetes) and I can never have just one bit, I eat too much in go.  We were at the seaside a few weeks ago and I bought chocolate covered honeycomb for my Dad but ate it all on the journey home 


Rog, crackers or cereal in the blender might actually work!  I have some ryvita I will try it with if the craving returns tonight.

Or chalk?... heard of preggy ladies eating that. Hope it subsides Ells 


A naked selfie style picture was posted to his Twitter account.  The angle of the picture included his stump and cricket balls with the caption "What are you thinking .. xx"  


It was very quickly removed and Sir Ian tweeted that he had been hacked, but to be honest I thought it looked like a very good circumcision, but I'm no expert.

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Cologne, I love honeycomb but it's too sweet for me (diabetes) and I can never have just one bit, I eat too much in go.  We were at the seaside a few weeks ago and I bought chocolate covered honeycomb for my Dad but ate it all on the journey home 


Rog, crackers or cereal in the blender might actually work!  I have some ryvita I will try it with if the craving returns tonight.

Or chalk?... heard of preggy ladies eating that. Hope it subsides Ells 

Yep, ate loads of that during pregnancy 1, ate some during pg2 but then discovered XXX mints were a perfect replacement.  I'm just a weirdo

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Cologne, I love honeycomb but it's too sweet for me (diabetes) and I can never have just one bit, I eat too much in go.  We were at the seaside a few weeks ago and I bought chocolate covered honeycomb for my Dad but ate it all on the journey home 


Rog, crackers or cereal in the blender might actually work!  I have some ryvita I will try it with if the craving returns tonight.

Or chalk?... heard of preggy ladies eating that. Hope it subsides Ells 

Yep, ate loads of that during pregnancy 1, ate some during pg2 but then discovered XXX mints were a perfect replacement.  I'm just a weirdo

 Awww Ells... I've heard worse. My Mum had orange peel cravings  


Ewww I don't think I'd fancy those Rog!


My decorating is (nearly) finished.  We misplaced a roll of wallpaper (I have NO idea how you lose a roll of wallpaper) so I've had to order a roll online and they'll come back to finish it next week.  The house looks like a bomb hit it and will take days to get back to normal and I now need to go buy curtains and a rug for the living room along with some bits and pieces.  I wish someone would just go pick stuff for me!  Really don't like the paper on the living room brace but love the rest of the rooms.


I've had such a busy day today!


I was gonna take the kids to the park and meet my friend and her three there this morning.... On the way out the door it pee'd it down! So we all went to a soft play area.... where some kid was kicking my son quite a bit so my son kicked him back... Queue his mother telling my son off! Kids told me and i let it go as D had kicked back.... The mother on the other hand was burning holes in my daughter with her eyes (so to speak) So i went over and politely said it was a bit of both kids kicking and she should have a word with her lad too.... She started being a cow so i was a bit bitchy back and started pointing at her saying she should have come to me rather than shouting at my son... I the ntold her to stop staring my 12yr daughter down and left her to it! Good job she didnt look at my daughter again (who hadn't done anything!!!) And the boys stayed away from each other..... I was shaking when i sat back down with my friend


Then I spent all afternoon pulling out sofa's etc and hoovering.... HOW do so many toys get under and behind those things!


And in between all this dealing with emails etc


I hope i make it through to watch tonight!!

Originally Posted by Ells:

Ewww I don't think I'd fancy those Rog!


My decorating is (nearly) finished.  We misplaced a roll of wallpaper (I have NO idea how you lose a roll of wallpaper) so I've had to order a roll online and they'll come back to finish it next week.  The house looks like a bomb hit it and will take days to get back to normal and I now need to go buy curtains and a rug for the living room along with some bits and pieces.  I wish someone would just go pick stuff for me!  Really don't like the paper on the living room brace but love the rest of the rooms.

New rug + baby sick.... good luck


I bet the mess is driving you mad as you're probably 'nesting' by now?


Aww Jen I have been warned by my partner not to even get into a confrontation with anyone during this pregnancy as apparently I've turned into a cheeky bitch and thinks my mouth will get me in trouble.  I would have done the same as you though, your daughter did nothing and didn't deserve to be given the evil eye over it.  


I just need the place back to normal before I go into labour so I know my partner isn't left to do everything while I'm in hospital.  Hmmm maybe I should go for a temporary rug instead of paying for a good one.....just until the projectile vomiting stage is over with.


My living room is black, silver and cream but it's all a bit bland.  What other colour could I add?  Everyone usually adds red but it's not a colour I like in my house.

Originally Posted by Ells:

Aww Jen I have been warned by my partner not to even get into a confrontation with anyone during this pregnancy as apparently I've turned into a cheeky bitch and thinks my mouth will get me in trouble.  I would have done the same as you though, your daughter did nothing and didn't deserve to be given the evil eye over it.  


I just need the place back to normal before I go into labour so I know my partner isn't left to do everything while I'm in hospital.  Hmmm maybe I should go for a temporary rug instead of paying for a good one.....just until the projectile vomiting stage is over with.


My living room is black, silver and cream but it's all a bit bland.  What other colour could I add?  Everyone usually adds red but it's not a colour I like in my house.

That's the colours of mine! I like monotone atm but I've seen people add lots of different colours, blues, greens etc (nice shades though)

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I've had such a busy day today!


I was gonna take the kids to the park and meet my friend and her three there this morning.... On the way out the door it pee'd it down! So we all went to a soft play area.... where some kid was kicking my son quite a bit so my son kicked him back... Queue his mother telling my son off! Kids told me and i let it go as D had kicked back.... The mother on the other hand was burning holes in my daughter with her eyes (so to speak) So i went over and politely said it was a bit of both kids kicking and she should have a word with her lad too.... She started being a cow so i was a bit bitchy back and started pointing at her saying she should have come to me rather than shouting at my son... I the ntold her to stop staring my 12yr daughter down and left her to it! Good job she didnt look at my daughter again (who hadn't done anything!!!) And the boys stayed away from each other..... I was shaking when i sat back down with my friend


Then I spent all afternoon pulling out sofa's etc and hoovering.... HOW do so many toys get under and behind those things!


And in between all this dealing with emails etc


I hope i make it through to watch tonight!!

She sounds strange Jen - why was she staring at your daughter? Was she scared to look you in the eye, so picked on a child? Glad you gave as good as you got though  

Originally Posted by Ells:

I was thinking maybe some splashes of lime.  I'll have to see what I find in town tomorrow.


I suppose I may start cleaning up  I was planning on leaving it all to the OH when he gets back but I'm getting really annoyed looking at crap everywhere.

Nah take it easy Ells. Just don't look at it! 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I was thinking maybe some splashes of lime.  I'll have to see what I find in town tomorrow.


I suppose I may start cleaning up  I was planning on leaving it all to the OH when he gets back but I'm getting really annoyed looking at crap everywhere.

Nah take it easy Ells. Just don't look at it! 

Aye, I just ignored it and did some online shopping.  I'm knackered now

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I was thinking maybe some splashes of lime.  I'll have to see what I find in town tomorrow.


I suppose I may start cleaning up  I was planning on leaving it all to the OH when he gets back but I'm getting really annoyed looking at crap everywhere.

Nah take it easy Ells. Just don't look at it! 

Aye, I just ignored it and did some online shopping.  I'm knackered now

Much better plan 

Originally Posted by Ells:

Ewww I don't think I'd fancy those Rog!


My decorating is (nearly) finished.  We misplaced a roll of wallpaper (I have NO idea how you lose a roll of wallpaper) so I've had to order a roll online and they'll come back to finish it next week.  The house looks like a bomb hit it and will take days to get back to normal and I now need to go buy curtains and a rug for the living room along with some bits and pieces.  I wish someone would just go pick stuff for me!  Really don't like the paper on the living room brace but love the rest of the rooms.

Ells when you say you ordered the paper online, did you check it had the same batch number?


Because different batches can have a marginal difference in colour which is very noticeable once it's hung. I've learned that the hard way.

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I've had such a busy day today!


I was gonna take the kids to the park and meet my friend and her three there this morning.... On the way out the door it pee'd it down! So we all went to a soft play area.... where some kid was kicking my son quite a bit so my son kicked him back... Queue his mother telling my son off! Kids told me and i let it go as D had kicked back.... The mother on the other hand was burning holes in my daughter with her eyes (so to speak) So i went over and politely said it was a bit of both kids kicking and she should have a word with her lad too.... She started being a cow so i was a bit bitchy back and started pointing at her saying she should have come to me rather than shouting at my son... I the ntold her to stop staring my 12yr daughter down and left her to it! Good job she didnt look at my daughter again (who hadn't done anything!!!) And the boys stayed away from each other..... I was shaking when i sat back down with my friend


Then I spent all afternoon pulling out sofa's etc and hoovering.... HOW do so many toys get under and behind those things!


And in between all this dealing with emails etc


I hope i make it through to watch tonight!!

I've met a few of them in my time, will watch their kid kicking and punching another kid, but as soon as the child retaliates it's 'not on'. 


Best advice I ever got off my mother where kids are concerned is "Never fall out over your children, because while you're falling out they are off becoming best friends" A statement that was brilliantly portrayed in the movie Carnage.


We've been out to the cinema tonight, we did the odeons over 18's only The Gallery, balls to the film, the experience doing the Gallery was great.


Anyway, we had been home 10 minutes when we noticed Gloria's face was massively swollen, meaning she's having another allergic reaction to something. But I don't know what this time. I always keep Piriton in the house just in case, but 30 minutes later and her face seems to be getting fatter and she's whinging now. I'm going to give it another 15 minutes to see if the tablets kick in, and if not I'm calling the on call vet out.


Aww poor doggy!  Glad she was able to get sorted quickly though.  Is she allergic to a lot of stuff?


As for the wallpaper batch number, the decorator said it doesn't matter.  The last wall is completely separate from the rest so he thinks even if the shading is a little different it won't matter.  And it's not where guests can see so at this point.....I don't care  I have a feeling we're going to find the missing roll when moving furniture back to the right rooms so hopefully we won't need to use the new one.


I've a terrible headache.  I've been awake a million times in the night to pee and to tell my absolute warthog of a partner to roll over.  His snoring is out of control!  He's waiting on an appointment to get his sinuses sorted and I swear if he doesn't get them fixed he's going to beat up in his sleep.  I am downstairs and I can still hear him snoring.

Originally Posted by Ells:

Aww poor doggy!  Glad she was able to get sorted quickly though.  Is she allergic to a lot of stuff?


As for the wallpaper batch number, the decorator said it doesn't matter.  The last wall is completely separate from the rest so he thinks even if the shading is a little different it won't matter.  And it's not where guests can see so at this point.....I don't care  I have a feeling we're going to find the missing roll when moving furniture back to the right rooms so hopefully we won't need to use the new one.


I've a terrible headache.  I've been awake a million times in the night to pee and to tell my absolute warthog of a partner to roll over.  His snoring is out of control!  He's waiting on an appointment to get his sinuses sorted and I swear if he doesn't get them fixed he's going to beat up in his sleep.  I am downstairs and I can still hear him snoring.

Oh no sounds like you had a bad night Ells   You can get really good foam earplugs fromm most supermarkets or chemists. Not sure they'd block out mega snoring though!


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