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Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I just watched that for longer than i should have EC


Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I just watched that for longer than i should have EC

And me! I can't figure out what's happening 



I think a coating on the outside of the cup is expanding due to the high temperature of the water.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

Sooooo tired......just want to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!


How do you become a morning person?  I've tried going to bed earlier (around 11) and I'm still a grumpy cow in the mornings unless I know I am only up for an hour (school days) then can go back to bed.  These days I can't sleep til around 1am so getting up any earlier than 11 makes me sad.  I need lots of sleep.  This baby is going to turn my world upside down (can't wait for the most part) so I need to become a morning person in the next 3-4 weeks.


How do you people do it?  I've NEVER been a morning person (I love my bed, I could lie there just daydreaming happily for hours) and newborn baby days were tough but somehow I made it.  This time though, I've had 8 years between night feeds and don't know if I'll make it


I'm up since 8 and still not feeling very alert.  

Originally Posted by Ells:

Sooooo tired......just want to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!


How do you become a morning person?  I've tried going to bed earlier (around 11) and I'm still a grumpy cow in the mornings unless I know I am only up for an hour (school days) then can go back to bed.  These days I can't sleep til around 1am so getting up any earlier than 11 makes me sad.  I need lots of sleep.  This baby is going to turn my world upside down (can't wait for the most part) so I need to become a morning person in the next 3-4 weeks.


How do you people do it?  I've NEVER been a morning person (I love my bed, I could lie there just daydreaming happily for hours) and newborn baby days were tough but somehow I made it.  This time though, I've had 8 years between night feeds and don't know if I'll make it


I'm up since 8 and still not feeling very alert.  

Ells I'm not a morning person either. But do you not think that when you have a newborn, there's some sort of internal switch that just goes and you just do it?  Maybe your body is just trying to make you get your sleep in before baby girl arrives. (Did you choose a name yet?)

Originally Posted by Ells:

Sooooo tired......just want to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!


How do you become a morning person?  I've tried going to bed earlier (around 11) and I'm still a grumpy cow in the mornings unless I know I am only up for an hour (school days) then can go back to bed.  These days I can't sleep til around 1am so getting up any earlier than 11 makes me sad.  I need lots of sleep.  This baby is going to turn my world upside down (can't wait for the most part) so I need to become a morning person in the next 3-4 weeks.


How do you people do it?  I've NEVER been a morning person (I love my bed, I could lie there just daydreaming happily for hours) and newborn baby days were tough but somehow I made it.  This time though, I've had 8 years between night feeds and don't know if I'll make it


I'm up since 8 and still not feeling very alert.  

Ells, I have always been an early riser. Even on weekends, I rarely lie in later than 8am. Once I'm awake, I have to get up, I can't stay in bed. I'm usually asleep by 11pm at the latest, although often earlier - unless I'm having one of those "can't get to sleep" nights.

When my boys were babies, I struggled with those middle of the night feeds as I'm rubbish with broken sleep, but somehow I managed to get through it, and you will too. If your older two are at school, just try to have a nap whenever the baby sleeps and catch up on some of your lost sleep.


Cinds, I suppose you do just get through that newborn stage SOMEHOW but geez, I can't see how it's going to happen lol.  


Yogi, usually my partner would do a lot of the night feeds as he's always able to fall asleep in seconds once everything is sorted whereas it would take me ages to nod off again so it was always a case of I'd run and do the bottle while he did the nappy and then when I handed over the bottle I'd get to go to sleep while he did the feed and that worked great for us.  This time though I am hoping to breastfeed so will be doing it all on my own.  


Oh the name.....I am still really struggling.  I think I've settled on Maddison or Mya but Maddison has become quite popular around here and there are at least 2 people on my facebook with babies under 2 with that name.  I know it's no big deal but I don't really want her to be one of 5 Maddison's in her class.  Mya is the newest one.  Still not sure though.  I wish she'd just be born with a name tag.

Originally Posted by Ells:

Cinds, I suppose you do just get through that newborn stage SOMEHOW but geez, I can't see how it's going to happen lol.  


Yogi, usually my partner would do a lot of the night feeds as he's always able to fall asleep in seconds once everything is sorted whereas it would take me ages to nod off again so it was always a case of I'd run and do the bottle while he did the nappy and then when I handed over the bottle I'd get to go to sleep while he did the feed and that worked great for us.  This time though I am hoping to breastfeed so will be doing it all on my own.  


Oh the name.....I am still really struggling.  I think I've settled on Maddison or Mya but Maddison has become quite popular around here and there are at least 2 people on my facebook with babies under 2 with that name.  I know it's no big deal but I don't really want her to be one of 5 Maddison's in her class.  Mya is the newest one.  Still not sure though.  I wish she'd just be born with a name tag.

I think that until you actually lay eyes on the newborn  (unless you've had a name totally fixed in your head) you don't know what name will suit them. But I swear to god when you give birth to your girl, I have a funny old feeling you will want to call her Lisa. 


Lol Lisa is the name of my OH's ex so I think it's safe to say it's a no.  


My boys had their names before they were born.  Theirs were easy though, they just seemed right straight away.  Girls names are just a lot harder.  Probably because there's too bloody many of them now!


Jen, I have heard that bf'ing does mean that night time feeds are nice and quick so I am definitely willing to give it all a good go and hope I survive.  I am shockingly bad at early mornings but my OH has agreed that he will do the school mornings with the boys so that I can just sleep through.  


I know I'll get used to it eventually but at the minute I'm just dreading the tiredness.


Just under 4 weeks to go now 

Last edited by Ells
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Lol Lisa is the name of my OH's ex so I think it's safe to say it's a no.  

OH To be honest I wouldn't call a girl Lisa either, proper slags name.

 I am now thinking about all the Lisa's I know.....interesting! 


I remember on Radio 1 back in 2000(ish) they had this 'All Emma's are evil' thing going on for a while.  It really put me off that name too because when I thought of every Emma I knew I could honestly say I disliked or REALLY disliked them.  (Apologies to any Emma's on here)

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Lol Lisa is the name of my OH's ex so I think it's safe to say it's a no.  

OH To be honest I wouldn't call a girl Lisa either, proper slags name.

 I am now thinking about all the Lisa's I know.....interesting! 


I remember on Radio 1 back in 2000(ish) they had this 'All Emma's are evil' thing going on for a while.  It really put me off that name too because when I thought of every Emma I knew I could honestly say I disliked or REALLY disliked them.  (Apologies to any Emma's on here)

All Emma's are evil, my nephew married one, and it's not been pretty.


I haven't even missed any of those Cinds.  I'm actually struggling with not eating nuts (through choice as youngest has severe eczema and they are unsure whether nuts in pregnancy can cause it) as sometimes I just really want some Reece's peanutfookingbutter cups!!  My eldest has said he's bringing some of those and ferrero rocher to the hospital after the birth but I'm now wondering if I can have them while BF'ing?   


I have the odd 'aww I miss nights out' when my mates are all going out but the thought of drinking/hangovers is putting me off ever doing it again.  I wonder how long that will last though

Originally Posted by Ells:

I haven't even missed any of those Cinds.  I'm actually struggling with not eating nuts (through choice as youngest has severe eczema and they are unsure whether nuts in pregnancy can cause it) as sometimes I just really want some Reece's peanutfookingbutter cups!!  My eldest has said he's bringing some of those and ferrero rocher to the hospital after the birth but I'm now wondering if I can have them while BF'ing?   


I have the odd 'aww I miss nights out' when my mates are all going out but the thought of drinking/hangovers is putting me off ever doing it again.  I wonder how long that will last though

Until she's teething her molars, oh my god I sat on the floor crying because I couldn't stop his crying. 


But anyway, a child coming out of your vagina is young to be a breeze, compared to the next 18 years with her. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I haven't even missed any of those Cinds.  I'm actually struggling with not eating nuts (through choice as youngest has severe eczema and they are unsure whether nuts in pregnancy can cause it) as sometimes I just really want some Reece's peanutfookingbutter cups!!  My eldest has said he's bringing some of those and ferrero rocher to the hospital after the birth but I'm now wondering if I can have them while BF'ing?   


I have the odd 'aww I miss nights out' when my mates are all going out but the thought of drinking/hangovers is putting me off ever doing it again.  I wonder how long that will last though

Until she's teething her molars, oh my god I sat on the floor crying because I couldn't stop his crying. 


But anyway, a child coming out of your vagina is young to be a breeze, compared to the next 18 years with her. 

Well yes, my 12 year old has proven that they turn from tiny little criers to big stroppy, rude, assholes in the space of a few years.  He's been lovely recently though so I should probably add that.

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I haven't even missed any of those Cinds.  I'm actually struggling with not eating nuts (through choice as youngest has severe eczema and they are unsure whether nuts in pregnancy can cause it) as sometimes I just really want some Reece's peanutfookingbutter cups!!  My eldest has said he's bringing some of those and ferrero rocher to the hospital after the birth but I'm now wondering if I can have them while BF'ing?   


I have the odd 'aww I miss nights out' when my mates are all going out but the thought of drinking/hangovers is putting me off ever doing it again.  I wonder how long that will last though

Until she's teething her molars, oh my god I sat on the floor crying because I couldn't stop his crying. 


But anyway, a child coming out of your vagina is young to be a breeze, compared to the next 18 years with her. 

Well yes, my 12 year old has proven that they turn from tiny little criers to big stroppy, rude, assholes in the space of a few years.  He's been lovely recently though so I should probably add that.

But there you go, the lovely lad will be the one that is there for his sister.


(looking up why did my iPad change 'going to be' to 'young')






Ahh I thought maybe it changed 'bound' to young.


He's going to be great with her.  The youngest is NOT looking forward to her at all.  Poor eldest is on high alert asking if I need water 1000 times a day and offering to help me off the sofa and jumping at every 'ohh' and 'oww' I make, even asking if he needs to ring dad to come home.  He can't remember me being pregnant last time (he was 4) but he has just recently learned about childbirth in school so I think he is worried it's all going to happen very quickly and is probably shitting himself in case he's the only one here with me at the time.  


So much for me going to bed earlier so I can get up earlier

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Ells, your eldest sounds like a star.


I cannot get to sleep, and have just got the worst itch on my shoulder blade just where I can't reach it, and to be fair, that's much worse than being almost due pregnant! *runs*

It's ok, I can barely manage a waddle never mind running!  My sister has just been in my Mums and said gee I thought you were nearly due, you don't even look pregnant.  Which is nice (apart from the fact that I don't speak to her.....she forces conversation with me) considering how far along I am but I am developing a waddle.  My youngest said I walk like a penguin.


Oh well if you don't really speak to her, at least she said something complimentary.  Although saying that I had someone I considered to be a very close friend say a similar thing to me when I was 6 months, and then went on to tell anyone who would listen that I wasn't really pregnant & just attention seeking.   (Never found out how she explained the baby I happened to have).


I think the waddle sometimes comes not because of size but due to the baby moving down.  I still can't believe you're almost due, it just seems like a month or so ago that you announced your news.  I'm very excited for you. 


It has flown in!  Being induced early because of the diabetes but I'm happy about that because once it comes to week 40 I usually go into meltdown waiting for anything to happen and with both boys was nearly 2 weeks overdue.


She sounds like a lovely friend   why do people even do that?  With my first, my 'best friend' told everyone I hadn't a clue who the Daddy was.  Nice.  


Ex-friend   Blimey, your friend sounds just as nice, we should introduce them 


Oh yes of course, I forgot about the diabetes.  Aww bless the boys are going to be so protective of their little sister.  Poor girl won't stand a chance when she's a teen and she has 2 twentysomething brothers breathing down any  potential boyfriends neck. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Ex-friend   Blimey, your friend sounds just as nice, we should introduce them 


Oh yes of course, I forgot about the diabetes.  Aww bless the boys are going to be so protective of their little sister.  Poor girl won't stand a chance when she's a teen and she has 2 twentysomething brothers breathing down any  potential boyfriends neck. 

Thankfully my ex friend lives in England now.  With a footballer.


I know, between having all brothers and all uncles and cousins on Dad's side she really is going to have a hard time sneaking out with boyfriends.  My brother was useless.  He even let me date his friends (in their 20s) when I was 16 


I know this is weird but I am really craving something dusty.  I can't really describe what I need but kind of like sand but not so gritty.  I want to fill my mouth with it but not swallow it.  Someone suggested sherbert dip but that's a bit sweet.


I'd be so happy if I was on a building site right now.  I'm sure I would find the perfect thing there.

Originally Posted by Ells:

I know this is weird but I am really craving something dusty.  I can't really describe what I need but kind of like sand but not so gritty.  I want to fill my mouth with it but not swallow it.  Someone suggested sherbert dip but that's a bit sweet.


I'd be so happy if I was on a building site right now.  I'm sure I would find the perfect thing there.

Scrunch up some cereal Ells?Or put crackers in a blender?

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I know this is weird but I am really craving something dusty.  I can't really describe what I need but kind of like sand but not so gritty.  I want to fill my mouth with it but not swallow it.  Someone suggested sherbert dip but that's a bit sweet.


I'd be so happy if I was on a building site right now.  I'm sure I would find the perfect thing there.

Scrunch up some cereal Ells?Or put crackers in a blender?

Brilliant idea!




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