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Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Aimee did you hear about that 7year old girl who was murdered? it was only a few streets away from me

WHAT? Omg Jen that's awful. Poor child, poor family.

They've charged the woman she lives with and people were saying it was her aunty who she lived with as her mother used to abuse her I'll find the news story... The whole street was filled with reporters on Thursday when it happened. so so sad the poor girl, i read it was a head injury

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Aimee did you hear about that 7year old girl who was murdered? it was only a few streets away from me

WHAT? Omg Jen that's awful. Poor child, poor family.

They've charged the woman she lives with and people were saying it was her aunty who she lived with as her mother used to abuse her I'll find the news story... The whole street was filled with reporters on Thursday when it happened. so so sad the poor girl, i read it was a head injury


I read a quote from a neighbour saying they had been worried about her before and you only ever saw her when she went to school, why didn't no one say anything to someone
Crisps is one thing I'm not that keen on, the past two months I've eaten no junk and no fat etc with going to seaside tomorrow we had nothing in so decided a takeaway would be easier... Wish I'd cook tbhy main down fall was chocolate and biscuits but I switched to alpen light cereal bars and I've been fine.... Lost 1 and half stone now
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
That's pretty Erin

After 2 months of eating really healthily I had KFC tonight and I feel horribly bloated and lethargic after it!

have you ever squeezed a piece of KFC chicken & seen how much fat oozes out?

i'm not making it any better am i?

Wouldn't eat the stuff ,I have tried it but not for me .

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Crisps is one thing I'm not that keen on, the past two months I've eaten no junk and no fat etc with going to seaside tomorrow we had nothing in so decided a takeaway would be easier... Wish I'd cook tbhy main down fall was chocolate and biscuits but I switched to alpen light cereal bars and I've been fine....Lost 1 and half stone now

well done!

ive been trying to lose weight

done good with food but i like my drink

so only shed 16lbs in 2 months

it woulda been 26lbs if i gave up booze

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
That's pretty Erin

After 2 months of eating really healthily I had KFC tonight and I feel horribly bloated and lethargic after it!

have you ever squeezed a piece of KFC chicken & seen how much fat oozes out?

i'm not making it any better am i?

Wouldn't eat the stuff ,I have tried it but not for me .

i love it

best fries in the world & i always have the chicken gravy

which is just the coating with hot water lol

ive been through a bucket on my own a couple of times

im getting older now

so i try to avoid it

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by fremsley:

The Iranians have injected him with mescaline erin for triple crossing them.

Your to clever for me Velvet ,I have to goggle lots of what you post to understand what you mean. I have never heard of mescaline.



Aldous Huxley wrote a short book about it.


Why The Doors were called "The Doors", so I've been told.

That wouldn't surprise me as good ole Jim was renowned for taking off in to the desert to indulge in a little peyote cactus.

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

i HATE it when BB is on cos most of you watch it & i got nobody to play with

yes-im aware its a BB site

I haven't watched it at all this week.  Don't think I'm going to bother with tonight's eviction either.


What would you like to do tonight?  Shall we play a game?

missed this reply last night

can we play now?

what shall we play?

can everyone join in?

do you want to choose?

or shall i?

can you tell im on my own and bored?


Luckily for you I am not afraid of clowns


I am terrible though, I know my friend is terrified......and I mean utterly terrified, of clowns so I sent her a nice picture of a really scary clown on facebook and the poor thing cried her eyes out


I am probably not a very nice friend.  I also send my best friend pics of huge spiders and pigeons because she's scared of them.  And I made my Dad bring one of his pigeons into the hallway when she was at my parents house.  


It's my nieces 16th birthday this weekend, I know I have mentioned it before (I think). Anyway she's having a fancy dress party, the theme is her initials CP, so we have to dress as a C or a P. YES, we considered the obvious. 


My niece is called Cassie, so Mr Cinds and I are going as a Pair of Cassies. We have identical wigs, styled like she wears her hair, we have identical all in one short outfits, what she likes to wear, identical owl necklaces, she loves owls. But best of all she loves JLS. So Mr C put on his Cassie hair and make up for a photo shoot, and we have put them in to pics with JLS. 


Here are a few of them, next post 






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