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Originally Posted by moonie:


I have noticed over the past few months that...


There are still a lot of drivers who still drive with no seat belts on...

I have also noticed that the are a lot of drivers driving around with mobile phones to their ears...

But what's even more noticeable is that there many many more drivers driving around with no seat belts on AND mobile phones to their ears


Really quite shocking that.........


It really annoys me I live on a bus route and I've seen bus drivers on the phone, not only putting other road users at risk but all the passengers on the bus as well, mobile phones are one of my annoyances
Originally Posted by Aimee:
It really annoys me I live on a bus route and I've seen bus drivers on the phone, not only putting other road users at risk but all the passengers on the bus as well, mobile phones are one of my annoyances

Report them to the company, the buses have some sort of ID thing like a taxi I think, or just go for the reg no.Even better if you can snap a pic of them on the phone

Originally Posted by SazBomb:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
It really annoys me I live on a bus route and I've seen bus drivers on the phone, not only putting other road users at risk but all the passengers on the bus as well, mobile phones are one of my annoyances

Report them to the company, the buses have some sort of ID thing like a taxi I think, or just go for the reg no.Even better if you can snap a pic of them on the phone


My daughter reported her bus driver last week as he was on the phone and the bus kept swerving, she got an e-mail back saying they had looked at cctv on the bus and he had done nothing wrong

I found out today that I have gestational diabetes and spent too long reading up on it and trying to figure out which foods I can/can't eat that I went without food for 7 hours.....which is fine as I do it regularly but the headache I now have is ridiculous and I'm wondering if that is a side effect of the GD because I have always got headaches when I go too long without food.


Anyway, I now have no idea what I can eat because there is just too much info online.  Is anyone diabetic and can help me with a simple menu?  *flutters eyelashes*

Last edited by Ells
Originally Posted by Ells:

I found out today that I have gestational diabetes and spent too long reading up on it and trying to figure out which foods I can/can't eat that I went without food for 7 hours.....which is fine as I do it regularly but the headache I now have is ridiculous and I'm wondering if that is a side effect of the GD because I have always got headaches when I go too long without food.


Anyway, I now have no idea what I can eat because there is just too much info online.  Is anyone diabetic and can help me with a simple menu?  *flutters eyelashes*

Did they not give you some advice? All I know about GD is that it cam make for a BIG baby. Sorry if that scares you, but it's a fact. 


But with or without GD, you need to eat regularly while you're pregnant. I'm like you I'll go way too long because I'm busy and end up feeling awful. 


But seriously Ells, I would either try to speak to your midwife ASAP, if she's not available ring the NHS helpline. You need to take even more care of your pregnant self now. 

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Got to be up to catch the 6.23 am train to Birmingham in the morning. Oh joy.

That's the middle of the night!!


We have to take both kids to a hospital app at 8:30am which we thought was bad enough!

Well hopefully a 8.30 am Saturday appointment means you won't have to wait around too long. Good luck.


The doctor rang me today to tell me of the results and said she would normally have asked to see me today but they were short staffed and she needed to spend at least an hour with me so has me booked in for monday morning.  She said not to panic and for the weekend just avoid takeaways and too much sugar and she will go into detail with me on Monday.  


Yes, DB does cause big babies that's why I wanted to be strict right from the minute she rang today because I don't want the baby having a hard time during labour as they can get stuck due to bigger shoulders etc.  I am awful at eating on schedule or more than 2 or 3 times per day (which, if you seen me, you'd find hard to believe....I look like I eat a lot ) so trying to get a good routine is going to be the hardest part for me.  Maybe now I'll have more energy though!


My eldest has been a little shit recently, he's just doing the whole teenager thing (a bit early at 12) but when he heard his dad mention that I had diabetes he came in and said he 'heard the news' and that he would be better behaved because he knows diabetics have a hard time.  He also informed me I would be getting insulin and having to inject it daily and if I wanted then he could learn to do it for me because he knows I hate needles.  He also offered to run to the shop and get me a pack of fruit pastilles.  His friend in school is diabetic so I think he has picked up too much info  He did, however, give me a kiss at bedtime.......for the first time in months!


Bless on the child front. 


I just remember seeing a GD baby come in to the neonatal ward when master Cinds was in there (master c is 17 today), but this baby came in to a ward full of babies born between 24 and 30 weeks and they were all tiny. Then this GD baby came in born at 31 weeks and he looked enormous, he was over 8lbs. We all respected each other's privacy, but when this 8lb 31 weeker arrived we just couldn't help but stare and ask. 


Aww 8lbs at 31 weeks!!  Imagine how big he would have been if he'd gone to full term.  Ouch!  I've read that they usually induce women with GD at 38 weeks or so just to ensure the baby doesn't get too big so I hope that's true.  


My last babies weren't big. 1st was 8lbs at 41+1 weeks and 2nd was 8lbs 10oz at 42 weeks so I wasn't really expecting a huge baby this time.  Now it looks more likely that she will be a biggun!  But I'll be doing everything I can to ensure the weight gain is minimal.  So far I've put on 6lbs, which isn't too bad for being 28 weeks so I am hoping I can control the gain just as well for the next few weeks although I do remember just ballooning from around 32 weeks with the other 2.  Hopefully this diet sheet the doc is giving me will help limit the weight gain for the last few weeks as it's always the worst then.


Turkey - we need to keep it simple from the airport just up the road. Unfortunately this year the flights are very limited but on the plus side they're really good flight times and I like the look of this place. We are pretty lazy on holiday - beach, book, food (no drink anymore) but we still have a good time (hopefully). The first day or so Mr Woo is a grump - I swear that advert on the telly (think it was Thomas Cook) - the guy with the devils horns one was made for him.


Soozy Woo

I loved Turkey.  Very relaxing and lovely people.  My partner keeps saying 'aww I wish we could have a holiday this year' but we've too much to do in the house etc and can't afford it.  My eldest never does well on holidays for some reason, he grumps the whole time and him and his Dad end up arguing the whole time.....not fun for me but Turkey was fab for everyone.  The hotel was pretty empty so the kids had the pool to themselves and we sat round the pool all day just chilling while the waiters brought us all sorts of treats.  We thought they seemed to working hard for their tips but it turned out they weren't allowed to accept tips personally (there was just a tip jar which got split between everyone even though there was 3 or 4 who went out of their way to make sure we had a great time) and were just really attentive and loved carrying on with the kids too.  My youngest cried when we had to leave.

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


I do apologise if I have got this wrong, but some time ago I was discussing music with a forum member (possibly Cinds) and I mentioned a track from an album which I loved and they said they had the whole album in the car.


I've been out and purchased it, evidence below.



think that might have been me... i still have it in the car!   Which track?

Last edited by Kaffs
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


I do apologise if I have got this wrong, but some time ago I was discussing music with a forum member (possibly Cinds) and I mentioned a track from an album which I loved and they said they had the whole album in the car.


I've been out and purchased it, evidence below.



think that might have been me... i still have it in the car!   Which track?


Sorry, Kaffy, my memory is quite poor.


The song is Broken Land


Ah, you noticed my little scribbling, just to prove it's me. 



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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