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Originally Posted by Ells:

Aww Soozy, I used to love when it was just me and one of the kids at home during the day.  I'd be entertained the whole time and they amused me with their childish outlook on the world.  I hated when they had to start school.


Now that that they're older though I can't wait to get them out to school

Ells - I used to love the school holidays when I had my three at home. I went into a sort of depression when they went back in September - always sort of felt awwwwwwwwww - they're another year older - more so than birthdays.


I'm even more of an old sad sack with the grand kids.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Aww Soozy, I used to love when it was just me and one of the kids at home during the day.  I'd be entertained the whole time and they amused me with their childish outlook on the world.  I hated when they had to start school.


Now that that they're older though I can't wait to get them out to school

Ells - I used to love the school holidays when I had my three at home. I went into a sort of depression when they went back in September - always sort of felt awwwwwwwwww - they're another year older - more so than birthdays.


I'm even more of an old sad sack with the grand kids.

When it was only the eldest at school and he got off for summer I loved it.  Now that both are at school and used to so much time apart they do nothing but fight through the holidays.  No matter where we go or what we do they end up fighting.  So once September hits I'll be glad to get them back to school.  9 weeks holidays is way too long now




I found out something really interesting about myself and Mr Cinds today, something WE didn't even know.


Apparently, according to the other people that share the units around where we have our business, the only reason Mr Cinds and I get on so well as a married couple working together is because we are swingers.  

Originally Posted by Cinds:

I can't wait to go to work tomorrow and have fun with the fact that I am giving the MOT centre man my keys tomorrow. 


(He's servicing my car while we're away)


When I take the keys over I might take them in a bowl 

You should buy some pampas grasses and put them in a pot outside your unit, thats supposed to be a secret 'swingers' sign!

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I can't wait to go to work tomorrow and have fun with the fact that I am giving the MOT centre man my keys tomorrow. 


(He's servicing my car while we're away)


When I take the keys over I might take them in a bowl 

You should buy some pampas grasses and put them in a pot outside your unit, thats supposed to be a secret 'swingers' sign!

Why, pampas grass?


Noooooo ... I saw an interview with Mariella Frostrop a while ago who had two pampas grasses on her balcony/in her garden (cant remember which). Some one told her that was a secret sign.


Id love to see your work neighbours face if some pampas arrived tomorrow and theyd seen the same interview!


Gawd, id hate the thought of swinging, its taken me 23 years to train my man to a acceptable level, Id hate the thought of randomers!


Apologies so the punctuation police, Im on my ipad tonight and its too much trouble to keep putting in apostrophies!


You really wouldn't want it in your garden Cinds. When we moved here (25 years ago) we had one in the back garden. The leaves are like razor blades - we had to pull ours up (got proper sliced up doing so) the kids and their friends were constantly cut to ribbons.


I never knew that about pampas grass - everyone used to have them in the house in the seventies, perhaps I was just naive and missed out on the 'signals'

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

You really wouldn't want it in your garden Cinds. When we moved here (25 years ago) we had one in the back garden. The leaves are like razor blades - we had to pull ours up (got proper sliced up doing so) the kids and their friends were constantly cut to ribbons.


Did you wonder why random strangers kept knocking on your door?

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

You really wouldn't want it in your garden Cinds. When we moved here (25 years ago) we had one in the back garden. The leaves are like razor blades - we had to pull ours up (got proper sliced up doing so) the kids and their friends were constantly cut to ribbons.


Did you wonder why random strangers kept knocking on your door?





Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Lol at all the grass outfits, all sorted i went round my mates house and did a fashion show for her lol..... I'm wearing a bright pink haulter neck with silver disks/sequins, black trousers and shoes and sliver jewellery with pick and silver make up.... sounds naff but its not..... honest

I use a trowel for my make up 


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