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Cinds, that is lovely of your Dad to give your boy the watch.  Just shows you that the odd hug still means the world to someone.


Aaaaand ffs your post made me sniffly enough but writing the response to it has set the tears off   I have no idea why.  I suppose I just think it's a beautiful gesture from your dad and shows how lovely your son is too.

Originally Posted by Ells:

Cinds, that is lovely of your Dad to give your boy the watch.  Just shows you that the odd hug still means the world to someone.


Aaaaand ffs your post made me sniffly enough but writing the response to it has set the tears off   I have no idea why.  I suppose I just think it's a beautiful gesture from your dad and shows how lovely your son is too.

Awww bless ya.  Pregnancy hormones 


I do online surveys to earn 'rewards' (50p upwards) and had accumulated ÂĢ40 in the past few weeks so thought I'd order myself some new clothes for the pregnancy because I'm going to need some things to grow into.  You have to buy vouchers from the reward site so instead of having to get in store vouchers I looked at the online vouchers and saw on the flexecodes voucher I could use it in Dorothy Perkins.  DP's are also having a 'save ÂĢ20 n ÂĢ80 spend' so I thought woo-hoo, ÂĢ80 worth of clothes for ÂĢ20!  Sat for aaaaages deciding what I wanted, chopping and changing my mind but about 2 hours later had my basket filled with nice stuff.  Had a look at payment section and they don't bloody accept flexecodes!!  


So, off I go to the flexecodes site and see that on their own site (not the survey site) they don't say they do codes for DP's/  Fook sake.  So, seeing that they DO do codes for New Look I thought ok I'll go there, check the checkout and yes, they accept the vouchers, spend another age on their site finding stuff only to find the fecking flexecodes site are saying the NewLook codes are out of stock when you try to buy them with your rewards 


Whyyyy did I waste all day on this crap??  Why can't things be straight forward?  I ended up just buying amazon vouchers instead and will see if there's anything needed in the house that I can get on amazon 

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Ells Stuff like that happens to me all the time lol It's so annoying.

I was really looking forward to getting the stuff I had chose from DP  Although I really should have just spent it on new pyjamas because that's all I seem to wear these days!

And for the first few months once baba is born too if you're anything like me... Infact some days i come back from the school run and put pj's on to be the cleaning


Haha, my little one made a shoe box into a treasure chest at nursery by sticking tissue paper, shells, sequins, material etc all over it...... It's here next my computer and my eldest just asked ooow is that a treasure chest? I said yeah.... i made it  She though i was being serious and her face was so funny, she's like an open book and would be totally rubbish at poker.

Last edited by Jen-Star
Originally Posted by Ells:

I do online surveys to earn 'rewards' (50p upwards) and had accumulated ÂĢ40 in the past few weeks so thought I'd order myself some new clothes for the pregnancy because I'm going to need some things to grow into.  You have to buy vouchers from the reward site so instead of having to get in store vouchers I looked at the online vouchers and saw on the flexecodes voucher I could use it in Dorothy Perkins.  DP's are also having a 'save ÂĢ20 n ÂĢ80 spend' so I thought woo-hoo, ÂĢ80 worth of clothes for ÂĢ20!  Sat for aaaaages deciding what I wanted, chopping and changing my mind but about 2 hours later had my basket filled with nice stuff.  Had a look at payment section and they don't bloody accept flexecodes!!  


So, off I go to the flexecodes site and see that on their own site (not the survey site) they don't say they do codes for DP's/  Fook sake.  So, seeing that they DO do codes for New Look I thought ok I'll go there, check the checkout and yes, they accept the vouchers, spend another age on their site finding stuff only to find the fecking flexecodes site are saying the NewLook codes are out of stock when you try to buy them with your rewards 


Whyyyy did I waste all day on this crap??  Why can't things be straight forward?  I ended up just buying amazon vouchers instead and will see if there's anything needed in the house that I can get on amazon 

Awww Ells just let it all hang out, not that I would ever in a non pregnant state, but hell woman cheap stretchy leggings and some long floaty tops. You'll be looking like a hot pregnant lady x

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Haha, my little one made a shoe box into a treasure chest at nursery by sticking tissue paper, shells, sequins, material etc all over it...... It's here next my computer and my eldest just asked ooow is that a treasure chest? I said yeah.... i made it  She though i was being serious and her face was so funny, she's like an open book and would be totally rubbish at poker.

At her age, she probably just had pity in her head, Awwww Bless me mam look what she can do? They forget that parents have had 20+ years experience. 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
My daughter has discovered she likes the game Sims again and has been playing it since 5, all the way through the soaps and Gogglebox she's nearly 20 for fuc_ksake the music is still ringing in my head

I love the sims and I'm 30  I hate the music though and only really play it so I can build nice houses, decorate them and that's it.

Originally Posted by Ells:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
My daughter has discovered she likes the game Sims again and has been playing it since 5, all the way through the soaps and Gogglebox she's nearly 20 for fuc_ksake the music is still ringing in my head

I love the sims and I'm 30  I hate the music though and only really play it so I can build nice houses, decorate them and that's it.


Don't you start she's built a house and put a pool in the garden, her woman had an affair and she's now pregnant and her husband is sleeping in a different bed can't believe she's told me all this
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
My daughter has discovered she likes the game Sims again and has been playing it since 5, all the way through the soaps and Gogglebox she's nearly 20 for fuc_ksake the music is still ringing in my head

I love the sims and I'm 30  I hate the music though and only really play it so I can build nice houses, decorate them and that's it.


Don't you start she's built a house and put a pool in the garden, her woman had an affair and she's now pregnant and her husband is sleeping in a different bed can't believe she's told me all this

Naughty sims!!  I take notions and play it for weeks then don't go near it for months but I refuse to throw out my discs even though there are about 30 cases of Sims discs sitting in the cupboards.  

Originally Posted by Cagney:



Just found out my daughter (who broke her ipad and has been using mine) has been logged in here and nosing for about a month. Bloody teenagers.


How are you all? Hope you are all well? I will try to have a read back and catch up. 

Hahah well I hope we haven't made her think we're a bunch of idiots!


How the hell do you deal with pre-teen boys who don't care what punishment they are given??  My 12 year old is coming close to being given to the nuns and he strops round the house acting like we're the ones at fault.  Caught watching porn, actual porn....nothing soft about it, back in Feb so we had a serious talk, explained the difference between sex and porn, gave the whole speech about it being exploitive and not indicative of sex at all, took the PC and laptop away and he hasn't been allowed it since.  Went to the loo one night and I heard what I thought was the TV going off quickly in his room, went it and found he had been watching porn on his smart phone!!  I didn't even think that was possible!  So we went ballistic, took his phone and xbox away and he has only just earned the xbox back (with no xbox live or online access) and what do I discover tonight?  He's been stealing money on us!  Whyyyy??  Why do kids do these things?  What else should I be doing to punish him?  He doesn't seem to give a shit what punishments he gets, he just sits around the house picking on his brother or being really rude to me.  He called me an asshole earlier in the week.  We send him out to play with the kids in the street and he stands there watching them play football because he has no interest in it so refuses to even get involved.  The kids don't even call for him because he's so ignorant that he refuses to play with them unless they play something he's interested in.  Even then it has to be by his rules or he comes back in.


I am at my wits end with him.  

Last edited by Ells
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Holy shit

I don't know what to say to that, isn't he a bit young to be interested in porn? Where did he the idea from to look it up? Have you checked who he is hanging around with? Did he say what he stole the money for?

Yes Aimee, way too young and we were gobsmacked because he has shown no interest in anything related and never asks questions about sex even though we have always told our kids they can talk to us about anything and not to be embarrassed if they want to know something.  He said as soon as he started secondary school his classmates were talking about girls/boobs/sex and then around xmas one had found a site online and the other boys had been ogling it and talking about all the stuff they'd seen.  He first started looking it up in January and his excuse was that he felt stupid not knowing what they were on about.  I emailed the school about it and they sent a reply saying they would get back to me as soon as they head teacher had seen the email but they haven't responded again since even though I've emailed again asking what steps they were taking with it. 


He has no interest in hanging around with anyone outside of school.  I make him go play in the street but if it was up to him he'd stay in his room playing xbox all day.  


He has gone from a lovely sensitive boy to a rude, ignorant little shit since starting secondary school and I was trying to be patient because it's such a big upheaval but now I'm just angry.  I was so upset to see the filth he had been looking at, it was disgusting, and there's no way to undo that.  Added to that, we had told him I was pregnant around the time he started looking it up so God knows what he thinks we'd been up to to create a baby.  


I feel like I'm betraying him by even posting on here but I refuse to confide in my sister or Mum because my sister would think he was a dirty little pervert and not let him near her daughter again and my Mum would just say ooh dear.  My OH has spoken to his brother about it though and his brother said that he had been looking it up at the same age and that it was when he started secondary school that he first heard about it.  




Oh and he stole the money (his brother's birthday money which was in my purse) because he has been told he isn't getting any new xbox games as punishment for the porn.  He has been huffing around the house because he has nothing new to play so thought if he stole the money then said he had been saving up that he would be able to buy a game for himself.

Oh god Ellis :hugs: I was thinking after I posted that it was probably due to starting secondary school, trust me they all go through the horrible nasty stage, lol Aims is 20 this year and some of the messages she sends me when she's away at uni are awful.

I'd get back in touch with the school and demand they do something or you will take it further, I don't know what to suggest to stop him as would be the same as you if it was me, would going to the doctors help? to see if something was upsetting him that was making him go off the rails a bit

I have just rattled off another email to the school telling them how disgusted I am at their lack of interest.  


I did a huge amount of googling when the porn issue came about.  I ended up contacting a children's charity to ask them for advice on whether I should seek any professional advice as 12 years old is much too young to have an interest in that and it has worried me with all sorts of thoughts.  They were quick to respond and told me everything I had done so far (talking to him about how it doesn't represent reality, removing his phone, xbox etc, emailing the school) was what they would suggest and that sadly kids were looking at these sites from a much younger age and that the main thing was to keep communication open with him so he could tell us anything that was on his mind.  We've done that and he honestly seemed a lot happier and less moody.......then the boredom of having no xbox kicked in and he started being rude and grumpy again and now the stealing.  


The thing is, his brother had already given him ÂĢ5 of his birthday money but he goes ahead and steals another ÂĢ6 from my purse which had the birthday money in it.  I know it's not a huge amount but I'd be just as angry if it had been 50p, stealing is stealing and he NEVER gets told no if he asks for money to go to the shop or on a day out with friends.  

Last edited by Ells

I feel better for ranting, thanks you two xx


I was just saying to my OH that when we were kids we'd have shit our pants at being caught doing anything bad because we would have got a good slap for it!  My kids don't actually believe that their granny or granda would have beat the shit out of us for doing the things they get away with these days.

Originally Posted by Ells:

I feel better for ranting, thanks you two xx


I was just saying to my OH that when we were kids we'd have shit our pants at being caught doing anything bad because we would have got a good slap for it!  My kids don't actually believe that their granny or granda would have beat the shit out of us for doing the things they get away with these days.

Same here Ells.

I feel really sorry for you and your hubby trying to deal with this  

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I feel better for ranting, thanks you two xx


I was just saying to my OH that when we were kids we'd have shit our pants at being caught doing anything bad because we would have got a good slap for it!  My kids don't actually believe that their granny or granda would have beat the shit out of us for doing the things they get away with these days.

Same here Ells.

I feel really sorry for you and your hubby trying to deal with this  

Sad thing is, there's probably worse to come if this is his behaviour at 12!!  My youngest is disgusted at his brother's behaviour, he has promised never to be bold like that  We'll see!

We are always here :hugs: I took my daughter to the shop with my neighbour and her granddaughter once and the kids nicked some chewing gum, like you I gave lil AIms money when all the kids went to the shop, I dragged her back in to the shop, made her apologised, grounded her and told her grandparents, she was modified but she never did it again
Originally Posted by Aimee:
We are always here :hugs: I took my daughter to the shop with my neighbour and her granddaughter once and the kids nicked some chewing gum, like you I gave lil AIms money when all the kids went to the shop, I dragged her back in to the shop, made her apologised, grounded her and told her grandparents, she was modified but she never did it again



I know you meant to say "mortified" but in a strange way I kinda liked that.





Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Aimee:
We are always here :hugs: I took my daughter to the shop with my neighbour and her granddaughter once and the kids nicked some chewing gum, like you I gave lil AIms money when all the kids went to the shop, I dragged her back in to the shop, made her apologised, grounded her and told her grandparents, she was modified but she never did it again

My parents would have done the same.....and added a slap too, for good measure.  My daddy would just say give him a good hiding and my Mum would say oh dear, because she's used to the teenage boy carry on because my nephew lives with her and is an epic shit.


My partner's Mum would just use it in an argument against us.  She has custody of her grandson but lets him away with murder and when my partner even mentions her doing anything wrong (like letting the kid stay off school because he throws a tantrum and refuses to go....he's 6) she throws back at him anything he's told her about our kids.  But she's a whole different rant!!

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
We are always here :hugs: I took my daughter to the shop with my neighbour and her granddaughter once and the kids nicked some chewing gum, like you I gave lil AIms money when all the kids went to the shop, I dragged her back in to the shop, made her apologised, grounded her and told her grandparents, she was modified but she never did it again



I know you meant to say "mortified" but in a strange way I kinda liked that.






It fits quite nicely

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