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Originally Posted by erinp:

Is Ells on holiday? I havn't seen her around .

 I bloody wish!!  The OH and I are seriously moody that we aren't get a holiday this year and the more people post pics of their hols on facebook, the more I want a holiday!


I've been glued to the LOST boxset all weekend so haven't been here posting.  I had taken the hump with it after the awful final episode but decided to give it a go once more.......brilliant show and I've completely forgotten 99% of the storylines so it's good to watch it again.



Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Is Ells on holiday? I havn't seen her around .

 I bloody wish!!  The OH and I are seriously moody that we aren't get a holiday this year and the more people post pics of their hols on facebook, the more I want a holiday!


I've been glued to the LOST boxset all weekend so haven't been here posting.  I had taken the hump with it after the awful final episode but decided to give it a go once more.......brilliant show and I've completely forgotten 99% of the storylines so it's good to watch it again.



Ells forget a hoilday, you will be getting something much more rewarding this year .stork smiley photo: stork stork-baby-38.gif

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ells:

I know Erin, just so much stuff to be done that I'm freaking out a little now and would love to go sit by a pool in the sun for a few days to relax before it all gets too real.


Anomaly (sp) scan tomorrow where we'll find out if everything is ok and hopefully the sex of the baby too.

Good luck .

Originally Posted by Ells:

I know Erin, just so much stuff to be done that I'm freaking out a little now and would love to go sit by a pool in the sun for a few days to relax before it all gets too real.


Anomaly (sp) scan tomorrow where we'll find out if everything is ok and hopefully the sex of the baby too.

 Aww Ells.

Originally Posted by Ells:

I know Erin, just so much stuff to be done that I'm freaking out a little now and would love to go sit by a pool in the sun for a few days to relax before it all gets too real.


Anomaly (sp) scan tomorrow where we'll find out if everything is ok and hopefully the sex of the baby too.

Awwww I hope everything is okay Ells

Originally Posted by Ells:

Beyonce's sister Solange has serious issues with Jay Z:


She gives him a right beating while Beyonce just stands there at first.

Families, you never know what goes on. 


And I'd just come in to whine about family


Re Step kids again, and I really thought I'd got somewhere. So it's youngest grandsons 1st birthday this weekend, stepdaughter has been planning it for 5 months. So my sister does amazing cakes so I'd asked her to do his cake. Last week a load of texts asking about his cake, and if it's al going ok. 


So Mr C had spoke to her yesterday, and it turns out she's decided to have the bairns party at her mothers house, and although she wants us to bring the cake down from Newcastle to York, we are no longer invited!


Families, eh!


I know I made the cake sound like the main thing, but it's not. Mr C is his grandfather. I'm bloody furious.


So Mr C had spoke to her yesterday, and it turns out she's decided to have the bairns party at her mothers house, and although she wants us to bring the cake down from Newcastle to York, we are no longer invited!


Families, eh!


I know I made the cake sound like the main thing, but it's not. Mr C is his grandfather. I'm bloody furious.

I had to read that twice to make sure I read it properly!   Why on earth are you not invited?   What a flippin' cheek.     The baby's only one - he won't know if he's had a cake or not.... it would be a cakeless party for me...     Not fair on Mr C. though... 

Originally Posted by Kaffs:

So Mr C had spoke to her yesterday, and it turns out she's decided to have the bairns party at her mothers house, and although she wants us to bring the cake down from Newcastle to York, we are no longer invited!


Families, eh!


I know I made the cake sound like the main thing, but it's not. Mr C is his grandfather. I'm bloody furious.

I had to read that twice to make sure I read it properly!   Why on earth are you not invited?   What a flippin' cheek.     The baby's only one - he won't know if he's had a cake or not.... it would be a cakeless party for me...     Not fair on Mr C. though... 

Me too!!


Like Kaffs said she could have let the cake go so's not to twist the knife! I mean not inviting Grandad is bad enough... uninviting Grandad is worse (choosing mother over father I'm guessing ) But to then request you drop the cake off too! The cheek


Poor Mr C that must hurt and you too

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

     The baby's only one - he won't know if he's had a cake or not.... it would be a cakeless party for me...     Not fair on Mr C. though... 



Like Kaffs said she could have let the cake go so's not to twist the knife! I mean not inviting Grandad is bad enough... uninviting Grandad is worse (choosing mother over father I'm guessing ) But to then request you drop the cake off too! The cheek


Poor Mr C that must hurt and you too

Oh  no, you misunderstand me Jen.. you're taking me for someone less vindictive than me...  I'd let them think the cake was coming ... right up until the time the penny dropped that it wasn't....


Would only cause grief for Mr C though, i suspect.. but that's what I'd like to do.    P's me off when kids do that - I've a niece that totally ignores her Dad until she wants some work done in her house... but even she allows him to things like birthday parties -although her mother still causes an icy atmosphere.  I just think 'FFS.. it's been about 15 years.... get over it'


Give us the cake but pee off back home !!! what a ruddy cheek. What does she think she achieves keeping a  grandad from his grandson .

What are you going to do? If you don't take the cake then it gives her cause to have a go ,and  poor hubby going all that way down to about turn and leave.

Shame on the mother (hubby's ex) for not putting a stop to such nonesense .


It's better than us being uninvited at the last minute. We've booked to stay in a pub near them on Saturday night, and had thought it would be nice to take his girls out for a dinner, so they would have time off the babies, we would have seen the babies first and then seen them the next day.


Anyway, we were told we were being selfish for not taking everyone out for dinner. Same dicks that we paid to go out for Christmas lunch and turned up stoned. Grrrrrr


Originally Posted by Cinds:

It's better than us being uninvited at the last minute. We've booked to stay in a pub near them on Saturday night, and had thought it would be nice to take his girls out for a dinner, so they would have time off the babies, we would have seen the babies first and then seen them the next day.


Anyway, we were told we were being selfish for not taking everyone out for dinner. Same dicks that we paid to go out for Christmas lunch and turned up stoned. Grrrrrr


ungrateful sods

Originally Posted by Cinds:

It's better than us being uninvited at the last minute. We've booked to stay in a pub near them on Saturday night, and had thought it would be nice to take his girls out for a dinner, so they would have time off the babies, we would have seen the babies first and then seen them the next day.


Anyway, we were told we were being selfish for not taking everyone out for dinner. Same dicks that we paid to go out for Christmas lunch and turned up stoned. Grrrrrr


 Flippin' hell Cinds, what a shower 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

It's better than us being uninvited at the last minute. We've booked to stay in a pub near them on Saturday night, and had thought it would be nice to take his girls out for a dinner, so they would have time off the babies, we would have seen the babies first and then seen them the next day.


Anyway, we were told we were being selfish for not taking everyone out for dinner. Same dicks that we paid to go out for Christmas lunch and turned up stoned. Grrrrrr


jesus...    I don't know what to say.    So what ARE you going to do?  


I would say you were actually invited to 2 parties that weekend but were going to Grandsons 1st as it is such a special one and family..... but now you're free you've taken up the other invitation so will be unable to deliver the cake.


That way it doesn't give her reason to be a cow in future... lets her know she's being a cow now and also tells her if she wants the cake she can bloody well drive up and collect it.

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

It's better than us being uninvited at the last minute. We've booked to stay in a pub near them on Saturday night, and had thought it would be nice to take his girls out for a dinner, so they would have time off the babies, we would have seen the babies first and then seen them the next day.


Anyway, we were told we were being selfish for not taking everyone out for dinner. Same dicks that we paid to go out for Christmas lunch and turned up stoned. Grrrrrr


jesus...    I don't know what to say.    So what ARE you going to do?  

I will be the nice G'Ma and deliver the cake


Geez Cinds, that's just downright hateful!  I understand the whole 'if so and so is there then such and such can't come' carry on that families do and there's always someone who is going to get hurt by not being invited BUT to ask you's to still bring the cake and then f*ck off back home is really taking the piss and, to be honest, shows just what they think you and Mr C are good!


Stay at home, have cake and tea for supper and then send the kid something only useful for a kid (not money or clothes, just toys) so they can't profit from it.  


Aaaaand this conversation has made me realise I haven't ordered a cake for my sons party on Sunday.  Lots of time, I know, but he wants a Man Utd one so I have to hunt someone out who can make one!

Originally Posted by erinp:

Ells just pop to Asda with a Man Utd picture and they will put it on a cake .

Really?  I didn't know Asda did that!  We don't have one in our town but if pushed then we could drive to the nearest (about 45 mins away) and get it.  I know I've seen one in some shop in town but I can't remember where.  He is going to get my foot in his arse soon if he doesn't stop adding numbers to the guestlist!  He is a very popular boy both in the street and at school though so the list keeps getting longer.........not a bad thing, just expensive


Been for my scan this morning.  All is good with the baby and measurements and checks were all great.  No idea of the sex still because the baby wasn't in the best position which I am gutted about.


Glad to know that the reason I haven't felt much movement yet is because of the placenta being at the front of my stomach so cushioning the kicks.


Soozy I'd love that too but I have no patience at all so I neeeeeed to know!  I have youngest sons birthday then first communion coming up soon so can't afford to be getting a private scan done until after that so I'll just have to wait.


I am just relieved that everything is looking good.  Baby is still  upside down like in the first few scans so he/she must be comfortable that way......not that comfortable for me though because I can feel the head in the way when I try to bend over

Originally Posted by Ells:

Soozy I'd love that too but I have no patience at all so I neeeeeed to know!  I have youngest sons birthday then first communion coming up soon so can't afford to be getting a private scan done until after that so I'll just have to wait.


I am just relieved that everything is looking good.  Baby is still  upside down like in the first few scans so he/she must be comfortable that way......not that comfortable for me though because I can feel the head in the way when I try to bend over

Glad all is well with you and wee babby, Ells 

Must be frustrating not knowing though xx


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