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Originally Posted by Cinds:

Master Cinds had a valuable life lesson today.  That moment when you stick your hand in the pocket of a pair of jeans you haven't worn in ages and find a tenner that's been through the wash.  


He was well chuffed.

I love laundered money 


I made a gorgeous Pavlova today - the meringue was perfect and guess what fruit i used?........................................Rhubarb from the allotment cooked in elderflower cordial. We didn't have enough raspberries so I blitzed them up to make a sauce. Yum, yum!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

Stomach ulcers,I hate loathe and despise them,28 years of having them invited inhabiting  my body alongside their friend excruciating pain,

Oooooh Lee - sounds horrible . Hope you get some respite soon.

Sooz I had the kids for a sleepover on Saturday night,got them to bed and was tidying up,bent over to pick a few things up and wham ,the most awful pain exploded in my tummy,I ended up sitting on the floor puffing and panting like we do in childbirth ,.I am on meds for it so took a few more it finally settled ,it kicked off again at 5.00am this morning so I've been up since then.

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

Just as a quick response............ (You probably do have ulcers and I both  apologise and sympathise) Are you and the medicos absolutely sure they are ulcers? My Mum had the same trouble for years and in the end they discovered that she had some sort of recurring infection which was easily treatable.

Joe I've had the cameras down numerous times for over 20 years and yes it's definitely ulcers...In the past I had the eradication treatment for Heliobacter pylori,I don't think there is a  med they haven't had me on at some stage or another,I'm on Lansporazole 30mg daily doubling up if need arises.I'm glad your mum has managed to get her symptoms under control Joe ,it's a nasty pain...



Ells I am starting to think I'm just a lost cause tbh,,seriously I've tried loads of meds and combination meds for years but still have flare ups which will progressively get worse until I'm forced to go seek medical help,again.....My dad had ulcers too,are they genetic I do not know,mine flared after I'd had my kids,I was sick 24/7 throughout all my pregnancies and wonder do I do damage of some description then.either way the pain imo is best described as toothache in the tummy,nightmare.


Sounds like a nightmare Lee


I'm not 100% sure my mate's problem really is ulcers as they've told her it's 'most likely' after not finding anything else wrong with her.....they even took her appendix out at the start of it all because they thought that's where the pain was coming from.  The tablets she's on help sometimes but not all the time and she's lost loads of weight because she can't eat for days sometimes or the pain gets worse.

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I'm a right grump today, I've so much cleaning and clearing out to do and need to go food shopping and all I really want to do is stay in my PJs and not leave the house.  One more cup of tea then I'm going to start....

Hangover  Some days just get you like that   

 But I wasn't drinking last night for a change 


I've felt a bit sick all day and the youngest has a tummy ache so I think we might be in for a bug or something equally as inconvenient. 

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I'm a right grump today, I've so much cleaning and clearing out to do and need to go food shopping and all I really want to do is stay in my PJs and not leave the house.  One more cup of tea then I'm going to start....

Hangover  Some days just get you like that   

 But I wasn't drinking last night for a change 


I've felt a bit sick all day and the youngest has a tummy ache so I think we might be in for a bug or something equally as inconvenient. 

Hope you're feeling better today Ells, once one of you gets something like that it goes round the whole household!


Now I know why I get out of bed in the mornings in a bad mood.


As if it isn't enough to have to sleep beside a snorer he then decides to set his alarm for stupid o'clock and THEN not get up.  He just kept hitting snooze and then snoring like a pig inbetween alarms.  I wake with the first alarm and sometimes I can get him straight out of bed and then I can go back to sleep but it's hell when he refuses to get up and just lies there snoring.  LOUDLY.


I've no teabags left  Somebody help me, please.

Originally Posted by Ells:

Now I know why I get out of bed in the mornings in a bad mood.


As if it isn't enough to have to sleep beside a snorer he then decides to set his alarm for stupid o'clock and THEN not get up.  He just kept hitting snooze and then snoring like a pig inbetween alarms.  I wake with the first alarm and sometimes I can get him straight out of bed and then I can go back to sleep but it's hell when he refuses to get up and just lies there snoring.  LOUDLY.


I've no teabags left  Somebody help me, please.

Some morings I wake up grumpy and at other times I let him sleep.


I've just watched 'the boy in the striped pyjamas'. I've stayed away from this film for years because I am the post war generation and have been indoctrinated to think all Germans were bad. Well, they weren't. My dad managed to get about a 1000 Jewish people out of the country and he paid for it by going to prison for 2 years. It took my mum 6 months before she even found out where he was. He was in Berlin, the distance between Glasgow and London and a wee bit more.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I've just watched 'the boy in the striped pyjamas'. I've stayed away from this film for years because I am the post war generation and have been indoctrinated to think all Germans were bad. Well, they weren't. My dad managed to get about a 1000 Jewish people out of the country and he paid for it by going to prison for 2 years. It took my mum 6 months before she even found out where he was. He was in Berlin, the distance between Glasgow and London and a wee bit more.

Ohh, I remember watching that film Cologne. I didn't read the book because I knew it would be upsetting ... my daughter put the film on one Sunday afternoon and my mum and I watched it with her. I found it very moving, you must have found it even more so


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