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After a trip to a sports shop yesterday a few towns away we got caught in awful traffic which meant we were sat in the carpark for over an hour unable to move.  At the time it didn't occur to us that the total for everything we bought was a bit offbut when I did later realise it I thought maybe some things were on sale.  Checked the receipt and realised the cashier hadn't rang in 2 items at a total of ÂĢ36.


So, some good honest folk would probably go back and pay for them but not me.  I'm keeping them.  

Originally Posted by Ells:

After a trip to a sports shop yesterday a few towns away we got caught in awful traffic which meant we were sat in the carpark for over an hour unable to move.  At the time it didn't occur to us that the total for everything we bought was a bit offbut when I did later realise it I thought maybe some things were on sale.  Checked the receipt and realised the cashier hadn't rang in 2 items at a total of ÂĢ36.


So, some good honest folk would probably go back and pay for them but not me.  I'm keeping them.  

Ells...karma and all that.


I know Erin, I felt guilty for a wee bit after it but my OH won't drive back there this week.  Then I remembered that they refunded me ÂĢ12 less than they were supposed to because I had 'returned them a day after their returns policy ran out' even though the manager knew I had been in the shop a week before and their internet was down and he couldn't do the returns then.  So, maybe it's their karma!

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Ells:

After a trip to a sports shop yesterday a few towns away we got caught in awful traffic which meant we were sat in the carpark for over an hour unable to move.  At the time it didn't occur to us that the total for everything we bought was a bit offbut when I did later realise it I thought maybe some things were on sale.  Checked the receipt and realised the cashier hadn't rang in 2 items at a total of ÂĢ36.


So, some good honest folk would probably go back and pay for them but not me.  I'm keeping them.  

Ells...karma and all that.

Its is! Ells you deserve it and they'll not miss it 


I've been reading Mumsnet a lot since getting pregnant and while it is a great resource for information and hearing other people's thoughts who are at around the same stage as me, there are an insane amount of annoying people there.


People are really judgemental on there, it's a bit scary.  And God forbid you mention what you want to call your baby over there......they aren't shy in their replies!  I haven't mentioned baby names over there but did see a thread asking about the name Mason.  Yikes!



Originally Posted by Ells:

I dreamt of spiders last night.  Or maybe just one spider.  But now I am wondering (and totally creeped out at the thought of) if there was a spider on me in the middle of the night

That's punishment for getting one over on the Sports Shop .........when you weigh it up 'a dream about a spider orrrrrrrrrr a saving of ÂĢ36' NO CONTEST!!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Ells:

I know Erin, I felt guilty for a wee bit after it but my OH won't drive back there this week.  Then I remembered that they refunded me ÂĢ12 less than they were supposed to because I had 'returned them a day after their returns policy ran out' even though the manager knew I had been in the shop a week before and their internet was down and he couldn't do the returns then.  So, maybe it's their karma!

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I dreamt of spiders last night.  Or maybe just one spider.  But now I am wondering (and totally creeped out at the thought of) if there was a spider on me in the middle of the night

Spider in your dreams

I'm thinking it might be related to my OH telling me he saved me from a heart attack by finding a huge spider that had been crawling up the wall behind my sofa and when he tried to catch it, it fell on my sofa :'(  But (well so he says) he pulled off the cushions off and found the spider.   I'm not sure how much I believe that he actually found the spider though!


My son just rang - he and his partner have gone down to city centre Manchester for their Good Friday fish and Chips. They were sat in Peace Gardens eating them on a bench. Guess who was sat on the bench opposite???


Only Jason ****swooooooooooooon**** Orange


He rang me saying guess who I've just seen ...........we went through all the clue thing he said Boy Band etc. etc. - I was guessing Keith Duffy, Dane Bowers, Abz etc. etc. then he said yeah but who was your absolute fave ......I eventually got there.


He said 'It's a good job I hadn't approached him saying your my mums favourite and then had him on the end of the phone whilst I rattled through a list


Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I started life as an arrogant wanker and moved on to being a fish not too far from the inbreds

we didnt need a map to tell us


*legs it quick*

It's a good job we know you like a joke!


The Welsh bit is quite funny.  

space time rift lol


someone has took a long time working that map out

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I started life as an arrogant wanker and moved on to being a fish not too far from the inbreds

we didnt need a map to tell us


*legs it quick*

It's a good job we know you like a joke!


The Welsh bit is quite funny.  

Yeah but .....................I think I may come across a bit 'strong' at times 


I'm a real softie in RL.

A bit of a pussy cat.




Soozy Woo

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