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Originally Posted by Ells:

My new mattress is SHITE!!  It's not all lumpy and bumpy like my last one with a dent in it for my arse  It's all firm and new and I don't like it!  

Ells - I want to tell you that you'll get used to it but might not.


We had the same mattress for years (a wedding present from my Nan and Grandad) - when after a long time we came to change we tried out all different mattresses and settled on a really firm/hard one. When it arrived I couldn't wait to go to bed that night. I almost cried ........................I kept saying - it's not like getting into bed - it was like getting 'on the bed'.


We have had a few changes since - now have a lovely memory foam. TBH - our house is like a mattress factory. A 'Man with a Van' goes into Mr Woo's shop every so often with 'unbeatable offers' - he's always coming home with a new mattress - he just can't say no. I have a brand new one on my landing as we speak - waiting to do out the small bedroom.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I am in a very odd mood tonight, don't know why

In what way? 

The only way i can describe it is 'giddy'

 Wonder why?

I have no idea, but i like it... cheaper than drinking hehehe

Jen your being giddy last night reminded me of this video. Theres a few giddy people in it - watching it makes me giddy  

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Roger!! I've just finished painting the the bathroom.. (the corner shop sold a cheap naff roller so it needs another coat tomorrow) while i was up there the kids have been on youtube and that song is playing right now through my speakers as i've taken the pc back for minute

Wow how spooooooky Jen

Great video isn't it? 


A five-year-old boy has been praised by Microsoft after he found a flaw in the Xbox security system.

Kristoffer Von Hassel, from San Diego, managed to hack into his father's Xbox Live account without having to put in the correct password.

When the login screen appeared, all Kristoffer had to do was press the space button several times.

By doing so, he managed to get in by the back door without needing to use the password.

The child's father, Robert Davies, who works in computer security, was so proud he recorded a video of the process which he sent to Microsoft.

Xbox put Kristoffer Von Hassel's name on the websiteXbox has listed the child on its website as a "security researcher"

The security team at Microsoft quickly fixed the bug and put Kristoffer's name on the Xbox website, listing him as a "security researcher".

When he saw his name online, Kristoffer said: "I'm gonna be famous!"

It is not the first time he has outwitted technology.

When he was a one-year-old, he figured out how to unlock his father's phone by holding down the 'Home' button.

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Roger!! I've just finished painting the the bathroom.. (the corner shop sold a cheap naff roller so it needs another coat tomorrow) while i was up there the kids have been on youtube and that song is playing right now through my speakers as i've taken the pc back for minute

Wow how spooooooky Jen

Great video isn't it? 

I don't see the big deal tbh.... That's how i walk down the street every day

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Roger!! I've just finished painting the the bathroom.. (the corner shop sold a cheap naff roller so it needs another coat tomorrow) while i was up there the kids have been on youtube and that song is playing right now through my speakers as i've taken the pc back for minute

Wow how spooooooky Jen

Great video isn't it? 

I don't see the big deal tbh.... That's how i walk down the street every day



Aww Rexi you lucky duck!!!


I am really going to miss going away this year but with being pregnant and the house needing so much done it's just not possible .  I love going on holiday but then again I get into such a tizzy and get stressed out and usually cry a bit before we go so maybe a break from the stress will be good 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
I haven't had a holiday in over ten years "sighs"

Then you should have one!!  Some great deals to be had Aimee.  My OH and I went to Portugal for 5 days in October for less than ÂĢ300 for flights, transfers and hotels.....and it could have been even cheaper if we had been more flexible on flights.  


We usually book a holiday then realise we can't actually afford it but still go ahead with it anyway which means all spare money goes towards it so we needed to give it a miss this year to get the house done and thankfully I've been able to give it a good start already.....but still loads more to do yet!


We are already thinking about where we're going next year

Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by Sprout:



Anyone got said sound system?   I'm watching QVC at the minute (OK yes, it fascinates me)  


I have absolutely no intention of buying but I'm wondering what sets it apart from other sound systems 


What's the difference between a Senheiser or, say a Sony

The spelling

Oooooh!    you could be right there! 

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
I live on ÂĢ20 a fortnight for food at the moment so ÂĢ300 is totally out my league unfortunately

A weekend in Newcastle is dead cheap you know, it's only your train fare, just Divven touch my white goods :wink: But if you fancy it, you're welcome.

now white goods is either


A-your white stilletoes

B-your stash

C-your washing machine


Aimee, I actually came in to blame you for my boiler breaking this morning. I had to go and shower at my neighbours house, don't worry people I didn't scuttle up and down the street in my towel. But Aimee, I was going to say it was your fault for tinkering with my post yesterday, implying that your tinkering caused a virus that extended to all of my appliances.


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