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Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

They are very good Cinds

Thank you. 


But I feel like the child bringing their painting home, and the parents feel obliged to display it on the fridge. 


I guess I'm saying you lot are all my mother.


Gee, thanks!  Now get to bed and no texting your mates..!


Love the mosaics, Cinds   


Oh. My. God.


I really am a lunatic.


My OH didn't come in til half 10 even though he told me at 8:50 he was finishing up and wouldn't be too long.  I threw a right strop when he came in and said he'd had some chippy at work after me waiting all night (starving) for him to finish up so I could have take away.  Proper crazy person strop.


He had offered to just get me something in the chinese but nooooooo, crazy Ells decided to make a mountain out of a mole hill.



I feel really bad now but the word 'sorry' is just refusing to come out of my mouth at the minute.



Originally Posted by Ells:

I'm fed now.  He's fine, he's alive and unharmed.


I honestly feel like a right loon.  He said to me when I got pregnant that he was dreading the crazy mood swings but I honestly don't remember having them in the last 2 pregnancies.....he seems to remember though



 You're fed. He's alive. Good news.

Originally Posted by Ells:

I'm fed now.  He's fine, he's alive and unharmed.


I honestly feel like a right loon.  He said to me when I got pregnant that he was dreading the crazy mood swings but I honestly don't remember having them in the last 2 pregnancies.....he seems to remember though



They're embedded in him. But it's the price he must pay for his pleasure.

Last edited by Cinds

Clacton, Easter 1985.


It rained all the way there on the Friday afternoonâ€Ķ and all the way home on the Monday morning. The rally campsite was like a ploughed field (luckily I had B&B booked in town so avoided that quagmire) Several offs with WHU casuals over the weekend including them chucking 2 CS canisters into our disco / Live venue (The Westcliffe Hotel) on the Saturday night – not the most pleasant experience! The sun popped out on the Sunday afternoon and there was a ride-out of maybe 200 scooters along the seafront and through the town. Great weekend, loved it – only bettered by Isle of Wight ’84 and maybe Lowestoft ’87!

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Clacton, Easter 1985.


It rained all the way there on the Friday afternoonâ€Ķ and all the way home on the Monday morning. The rally campsite was like a ploughed field (luckily I had B&B booked in town so avoided that quagmire) Several offs with WHU casuals over the weekend including them chucking 2 CS canisters into our disco / Live venue (The Westcliffe Hotel) on the Saturday night – not the most pleasant experience! The sun popped out on the Sunday afternoon and there was a ride-out of maybe 200 scooters along the seafront and through the town. Great weekend, loved it – only bettered by Isle of Wight ’84 and maybe Lowestoft ’87!

Fabulous, sounds like Quadrophenia


I'm on week 13 of my pregnancy and today woke up to find I was bleeding.  I've been spotting during the first 9 weeks and had an early scan which told me everything was fine.  I had my 12 week scan last week and everything was fine but today I've had this bleeding but because I'm not having any pain with it they don't seem to think it's a big deal and so can't see me until Thursday.


I'm kinda freaking out a bit, it's completely different to what was happening in the first few weeks and was told only when it was fresh blood was I to panic.  Well, it's fresh and I'm panicking


I'm not in any pain though and the bleeding has stopped now but it's going to be a long few days!


If it were me Ells and i was worried i would be tempted to either just go down or ring them back and tell them you are now getting pain..... a lie i know but always better safe than sorry with pregnancy, you can always say the pain went away after you spoke to them.... I wouldn't sit worrying hope it stops and stays stopped! Let us know how you get on, will be thinking of you

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

If it were me Ells and i was worried i would be tempted to either just go down or ring them back and tell them you are now getting pain..... a lie i know but always better safe than sorry with pregnancy, you can always say the pain went away after you spoke to them.... I wouldn't sit worrying hope it stops and stays stopped! Let us know how you get on, will be thinking of you

Soon as I hung up I knew that was my mistake, telling them there was no pain, as I've told BY THE MIDWIFE that if I was bleeding again then to tell them there were cramps because otherwise it's not seen as important enough to warrant a same day scan.


I'm going to wait a little while longer because the bleeding has stopped and still no pain but if anything changes again then I will go to A&E where they will have to scan me.  If I'm fine tonight I will still ring my GP in the morning (closed today) and ask him to ring the early scan unit and get me seen to earlier than Thursday.

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

If it were me Ells and i was worried i would be tempted to either just go down or ring them back and tell them you are now getting pain..... a lie i know but always better safe than sorry with pregnancy, you can always say the pain went away after you spoke to them.... I wouldn't sit worrying hope it stops and stays stopped! Let us know how you get on, will be thinking of you

Soon as I hung up I knew that was my mistake, telling them there was no pain, as I've told BY THE MIDWIFE that if I was bleeding again then to tell them there were cramps because otherwise it's not seen as important enough to warrant a same day scan.


I'm going to wait a little while longer because the bleeding has stopped and still no pain but if anything changes again then I will go to A&E where they will have to scan me.  If I'm fine tonight I will still ring my GP in the morning (closed today) and ask him to ring the early scan unit and get me seen to earlier than Thursday.

Good plan Ells. You must be out of your mind with worry - you poor girl!   I'm so sorry - will say a prayer for you and hope that all is well xx

Originally Posted by Ells:

I'm on week 13 of my pregnancy and today woke up to find I was bleeding.  I've been spotting during the first 9 weeks and had an early scan which told me everything was fine.  I had my 12 week scan last week and everything was fine but today I've had this bleeding but because I'm not having any pain with it they don't seem to think it's a big deal and so can't see me until Thursday.


I'm kinda freaking out a bit, it's completely different to what was happening in the first few weeks and was told only when it was fresh blood was I to panic.  Well, it's fresh and I'm panicking


I'm not in any pain though and the bleeding has stopped now but it's going to be a long few days!

 Take care, Ells and let us know how you get on when you call the GP tomorrow.


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