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Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I'm home!! Lovely to be back in my own (freezing when i walked in the door) house

Well????  How was it?  What was the flight like with the kids?  Was it worth the money?  

Was great Ells, very tiring doing most of Disney, Universal and Seaworld with 4 kids in 2 and 1/2 weeks. The fireworks at Magic kingdom were brilliant, the really big ones you could feel in your chest when they boomed.


The plane ride was fine, on Virgin they have touch screens in seat in front of you with LOADS on them... movies, games, music.... (on the way i back i caught up on emmerdale and corrie ) So the older kids were no trouble and the little one had Disney progs and Peppa pig to watch..... The stewardess asked where the kids parents were (older 3 were in row in front of us) and she complemented them for being so polite on the way back. So was good.


Money wise the food outside theme parks was good, great prices for whatever you want.


Kitted the kids out in GAP and Nike from the premium outlets and even treated myself to an impulse buy hand bag... the matching purse fell into the bag too  they were on sale!


Living with the MiL got hard sometimes though! I love her but she's very bossy normally so when living with her and she's not getting enough sleep.... we got a little bit snappy at each other sometimes.


The kids got me on this (manta at seaword) and i dont do roller coasters normally!



Last edited by Jen-Star
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I'm home!! Lovely to be back in my own (freezing when i walked in the door) house

Welcome back, Jen. It's always good to get back to your own home, isn't it?

I hope you all enjoyed your holiday in Florida.


Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I'm home!! Lovely to be back in my own (freezing when i walked in the door) house

 Welcome back. Did you have a good time? 

Thanx guys


I've got loads of unpacking to do but its all clean so not that bad.

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I'm home!! Lovely to be back in my own (freezing when i walked in the door) house

Well????  How was it?  What was the flight like with the kids?  Was it worth the money?  

Was great Ells, very tiring doing most of Disney, Universal and Seaworld with 4 kids in 2 and 1/2 weeks. The fireworks at Magic kingdom were brilliant, the really big ones you could feel in your chest when they boomed.


The plane ride was fine, on Virgin they have touch screens in seat in front of you with LOADS on them... movies, games, music.... (on the way i back i caught up on emmerdale and corrie ) So the older kids were no trouble and the little one had Disney progs and Peppa pig to watch..... The stewardess asked where the kids parents were (older 3 were in row in front of us) and she complemented them for being so polite on the way back. So was good.


Money wise the food outside theme parks was good, great prices for whatever you want.


Kitted the kids out in GAP and Nike from the premium outlets and even treated myself to an impulse buy hand bag... the matching purse fell into the bag too  they were on sale!


Living with the MiL got hard sometimes though! I love her but she's very bossy normally so when living with her and she's not getting enough sleep.... we got a little bit snappy at each other sometimes.


The kids got me on this (manta at seaword) and i dont do roller coasters normally!



So glad you had a great time.  I my opinion, you cannot beat flying Virgin transatlantic, they always make sure every passenger will be entertained.

Originally Posted by Ells:

They come in here (the bro in law and his son) ask for a lift, ask for a lend of money and then the kid asks for a lend of a game too.   

That, I hate.


In the past I might have been desperate to keep the electricity etc on, but I reluctantly would have asked my parents to help out for a week or a month at most.


But when did it become OK to start asking your brother, cousin, aunt, uncle to bail you out financially?


I would go ballistic if Master Cinds asked any of my sisters or my parents for a loan of money.


One of my nephews asked me once for help, saying their electricity etc would be cut off, so I gave them the money. A week after, him and his wife went and had matching Tattoos done. *slap my face*.


THEN, 6 months later he asked me again for money because they HAD to move house.  When I said no, they don't talk to me any more.  

Originally Posted by Cinds:

So glad you had a great time.  I my opinion, you cannot beat flying Virgin transatlantic, they always make sure every passenger will be entertained.

I agree, I flew with them the first time in November when we went to San Francisco, which was a looooong flight and I'm a nervous flier But they were fab, so good to me at the airport, found me a window seat, were fab on the plane and there was loads of in flight entertainment too - oh and free drinks and the food just kept on coming round I wouldn't go with anyone else now In fact, I was so impressed I send them an email telling them how fab they were when I got back


Cinds I don't mind anyone else asking for a lend.  We'll lend to any family or friend who asks because they would do the same for us and it's never a large amount BUT this brother in law is a selfish asshole who uses everyone in his family and has ruined his Mums life (left her looking after his kid takes the kid's benefit money to spend on drink and drugs, verbally abuses his mum and makes her feel worthless, manipulates the kid to lash out at his gran by telling him granny wouldn't let him come see him when the truth is he's gone on a bender for 2 weeks and doesn't give a shit about the kid, then waltzes in acting all sorry for himself when the money dries up).  He thinks everyone owes him and should feel sorry for him because he's an alcoholic but he's a vicious waste of space.  The only time he ever comes here is when he wants my OH to drive him places and lend him money or when he knows he's burnt his bridges with the rest of the family and needs to kiss my OH's ass because he knows my OH feels sorry for him at times.


Aww I always go into a rant when talking about him but believe me, he's much worse than I could even put into words.

Originally Posted by Ells:

Cinds I don't mind anyone else asking for a lend.  We'll lend to any family or friend who asks because they would do the same for us and it's never a large amount BUT this brother in law is a selfish asshole who uses everyone in his family and has ruined his Mums life (left her looking after his kid takes the kid's benefit money to spend on drink and drugs, verbally abuses his mum and makes her feel worthless, manipulates the kid to lash out at his gran by telling him granny wouldn't let him come see him when the truth is he's gone on a bender for 2 weeks and doesn't give a shit about the kid, then waltzes in acting all sorry for himself when the money dries up).  He thinks everyone owes him and should feel sorry for him because he's an alcoholic but he's a vicious waste of space.  The only time he ever comes here is when he wants my OH to drive him places and lend him money or when he knows he's burnt his bridges with the rest of the family and needs to kiss my OH's ass because he knows my OH feels sorry for him at times.


Aww I always go into a rant when talking about him but believe me, he's much worse than I could even put into words.

 Been there, done that.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Cinds I don't mind anyone else asking for a lend.  We'll lend to any family or friend who asks because they would do the same for us and it's never a large amount BUT this brother in law is a selfish asshole who uses everyone in his family and has ruined his Mums life (left her looking after his kid takes the kid's benefit money to spend on drink and drugs, verbally abuses his mum and makes her feel worthless, manipulates the kid to lash out at his gran by telling him granny wouldn't let him come see him when the truth is he's gone on a bender for 2 weeks and doesn't give a shit about the kid, then waltzes in acting all sorry for himself when the money dries up).  He thinks everyone owes him and should feel sorry for him because he's an alcoholic but he's a vicious waste of space.  The only time he ever comes here is when he wants my OH to drive him places and lend him money or when he knows he's burnt his bridges with the rest of the family and needs to kiss my OH's ass because he knows my OH feels sorry for him at times.


Aww I always go into a rant when talking about him but believe me, he's much worse than I could even put into words.

 Been there, done that.

He came in today again....for a ciggy and to shit in my loo!!


Fecking liberty!!


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