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Originally Posted by Scotty:

What a carry on. She was running around my back garden, no coat on, drenched to the skin. Poor woman obviously has mental health issues. The police eventually managed to calm her down. They`ve taken her to Carseview, our local psychiatric hospital.


Thanks Xochi, Suzy and velvet 


Time for bed, night night   



OMG!! What a scary experience - poor you Scotty  

Originally Posted by SazBomb:

I think they are making improvements - things like bringing the start button back. And I think there is a way to get it out of that stupid 'app' view that's default - desktop view? I'll have a look

I do have the desktop view.  It's the missing start button I miss, it's so complicated to try to access your files etc. And the stupid app thing makes it flip from the screen you are using back to the apps and I hate it.

Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
 i'm still using Vista in work - and woe betide anyone who tries to 'upgrade' me!

Definitely upgrade to 7 from Vista! Vista is a dog's breakfast  


8 is so bad that Vista makes it look good though

nah... I'll stick with this until it breaks.  I don't mind 7 really - I have it at home, but I'm even still on Office 2003 because I think they latest 'update' is so not user friendly!

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:

I think they are making improvements - things like bringing the start button back. And I think there is a way to get it out of that stupid 'app' view that's default - desktop view? I'll have a look

I do have the desktop view.  It's the missing start button I miss, it's so complicated to try to access your files etc. And the stupid app thing makes it flip from the screen you are using back to the apps and I hate it.

It is horrible Cinds, very convoluted... I've had it since last Autumn. You get used to it though. 


Re the Win 8 thing. I've had it for a short while and like everyone else I was adamant I wasn't having it until someone said bite the bullet and get it now and you'll know a little bit more about it when we all have to get it.


Although I think they have made it a little bit harder to work with, I really don't think it's as bad as peeps make out (my own opinion)  Obviously I'm still learning things about mine but it just takes time 


It's like any new system.....once you work with it and get to know it, it will fall into place.


Who remembers their first computer and thought......what the hell do I do with this!  


Originally Posted by Sprout:

Re the Win 8 thing. I've had it for a short while and like everyone else I was adamant I wasn't having it until someone said bite the bullet and get it now and you'll know a little bit more about it when we all have to get it.


Although I think they have made it a little bit harder to work with, I really don't think it's as bad as peeps make out (my own opinion)  Obviously I'm still learning things about mine but it just takes time 


It's like any new system.....once you work with it and get to know it, it will fall into place.


Who remembers their first computer and thought......what the hell do I do with this!  


Agree, good post  


 First computer...OMG yeah I was like this >>> 


I just  had a look on Private Eye website to see if I could see it, I couldn't but this caught my eye, under LOOKALIKES:


"During a visit to the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford a while ago, my son noticed this fantastic Victorian-era shrunken head from Ecuador.
I immediately said, “That’s Bernie Ecclestone, son,” to him. Keep up the fine work."


Just had some news which has brightened my day.

I began restoring my 1965 BSA 5 years ago back to factory spec.

It's been a long haul as only 500 of that particular model were produced and many ended up on race tracks.

Headlight for example (unique to that model) turned up in Australia.

It is about 6 weeks from completion!!!!!

Engine in and running.

Final fitting up and mudguards/wheels to fit and she's ready for M.O.T.

Just got to remember to change gear with the other foot again now.....

Here's what it will look like:

Last edited by MikeOxlong
Originally Posted by MikeOxlong:

Just had some news which has brightened my day.

I began restoring my 1965 BSA 5 years ago back to factory spec.

It's been a long haul as only 500 of that particular model were produced and many ended up on race tracks.

Headlight for example (unique to that model) turned up in Australia.

It is about 6 weeks from completion!!!!!

Engine in and running.

Final fitting up and mudguards/wheels to fit and she's ready for M.O.T.

Just got to remember to change gear with the other foot again now.....

Here's what it will look like:

My day has just got even better.

Update to numbers.

Only 280 were manufactured as factory bikes in 1965.

Another 200 or so were home assembled from kits of parts that owners could buy in 1966.

My frame/engine numbers are original and matching and an email from the owners club has just confirmed it as a genuine factory bike.

Value - ÂĢ12-15,000!

(Not that it's for sale - unless a '58 Edsel comes along.....)


Originally Posted by MikeOxlong:
Originally Posted by MikeOxlong:

Just had some news which has brightened my day.

I began restoring my 1965 BSA 5 years ago back to factory spec.

It's been a long haul as only 500 of that particular model were produced and many ended up on race tracks.

Headlight for example (unique to that model) turned up in Australia.

It is about 6 weeks from completion!!!!!

Engine in and running.

Final fitting up and mudguards/wheels to fit and she's ready for M.O.T.

Just got to remember to change gear with the other foot again now.....

Here's what it will look like:

My day has just got even better.

Update to numbers.

Only 280 were manufactured as factory bikes in 1965.

Another 200 or so were home assembled from kits of parts that owners could buy in 1966.

My frame/engine numbers are original and matching and an email from the owners club has just confirmed it as a genuine factory bike.

Value - ÂĢ12-15,000!

(Not that it's for sale - unless a '58 Edsel comes along.....)


Bloody hell Michael - that's a work of art   


CafÃĐ bikes rock  


It's an A65 Lightning Clubman.

It has the "Hot" cam from the Spitfire and a close ratio gearbox.

It's slower than my Honda but a lot more exciting to ride.

Cable brakes with a single leading shoe on the front!

I've had push-bikes with better brakes.

It's all worth it though when you are riding down a country lane and just hear that sound.....


Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

It's the dogs bollox. And I hear the enthusiasm   


You are now my favourite poster after pirate deserted me on a vee twin from Milwaukee.



i never!

i went to buy the jim beam & grits you asked for & you left me by the roadside when i was in the garage


you fickle person




i have no idea what im on about


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