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Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Ells:

That's good Yogi, I don't think people around me would be happy if I got sick

I got my one and only flu jab when I was 20, and I was ill for ages with really awful flu symptoms but never a full flu.

Oh God Cinds that doesn't sound nice at all.  It seems people respond very differently to it.  My eldest gets it every year and there's been 2 or 3 years he's been quite sick about a week or so after the jag but my Dad is always fine after his.  How long did it take you to get sick?


I was a little worried to be honest, I'm in the very early stages of pregnancy and don't want to be getting really sick because of it although I know it was given to prevent me getting sick.  


I shouldn't even have said that but I just can't keep it to myself  It's way too early to be telling people but you lot in here aren't going to see me in r/l and spill the beans to anyone

Awwwwwwwww Ells how exciting. That's just lovely, lovely news CONGRATULATIONS!!


You have two boys don't you? Wonder if you'll be like me ....two boys then a girlie.


I'm soooooooooo pleased for you!

Soozy Woo

Jen I can't even listen to the scary music without nearly crying.  I am such a wuss.  I freak out if people are even discussing the title of a scary film 


Thanks Soozy  My partners Mother has had all boys and she only has grandsons so I'm thinking I'll probably have another boy.  Which is fine, a girl would be amazing but little boys are the funniest wee things and I will be very happy either way.  

Originally Posted by Ells:

Jen I can't even listen to the scary music without nearly crying.  I am such a wuss.  I freak out if people are even discussing the title of a scary film 


Thanks Soozy  My partners Mother has had all boys and she only has grandsons so I'm thinking I'll probably have another boy.  Which is fine, a girl would be amazing but little boys are the funniest wee things and I will be very happy either way.  

Ells I loved my boys so much I couldn't imagine having a girl. I really wanted another boy glad now that I got a girlie.


I've got three kids , one of each - a girl a boy and a gay. A bit of everything there!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I bought a little laptop a couple of months ago, I'm assuming the version of windows on it is the most recent, it's shit, absolutely shit and makes me want to launch little laptop every 30 minutes. Can I change the version of windows?


I've always liked XP as Vista was very resource hungry.

Don't know a thing about Windows 8.

But if its a slow processor it will struggle to keep up.

As long as drivers are available online it shouldn't be a problem.

I do know Microsoft are phasing out support for XP soon.




Earlier tonight I heard someone trying to fit a key into my front door lock. Went to the door (didn`t open it) and asked who it was. She said "I`m Gillian, let me in, this is my house." I told her she was at the wrong house. "I`ve lived here for 3 years, open the door." She started shouting, banging on the door and windows and rattling her key in the lock. It was frightening. I told I would call the police if she didn`t go away. She eventually did. She`s just turned up again. I`m waiting for the police.  


Originally Posted by Scotty:

Earlier tonight I heard someone trying to fit a key into my front door lock. Went to the door (didn`t open it) and asked who it was. She said "I`m Gillian, let me in, this is my house." I told her she was at the wrong house. "I`ve lived here for 3 years, open the door." She started shouting, banging on the door and windows and rattling her key in the lock. It was frightening. I told I would call the police if she didn`t go away. She eventually did. She`s just turned up again. I`m waiting for the police.  


Feckin' hell Scotty! Keep posting! 

Originally Posted by The Mexican Masher (Xochi):
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:



Hope everythings alright.

I think Scotty can take care of herself but this must feel really scary. Lets hope the polis turn up pronto. 

Yes -must be awful. Your home is your sanctuary isn't it? Awful to have trouble right on the doorstep I'd have thought.


Perhaps the police are there now. I'm so trusting I'd have probably opened the door fact our door is always open. I have people walking in and out at all hours.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by The Mexican Masher (Xochi):
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:



Hope everythings alright.

I think Scotty can take care of herself but this must feel really scary. Lets hope the polis turn up pronto. 

Yes -must be awful. Your home is your sanctuary isn't it? Awful to have trouble right on the doorstep I'd have thought.


Perhaps the police are there now. I'm so trusting I'd have probably opened the door fact our door is always open. I have people walking in and out at all hours.

I know what you mean Sooz. I've learnt to be less trusting after 3 burglaries and 1 car theft though. 


I really need to rest now. Hope all is well Scotty and goodnite Sooz.  

Originally Posted by Scotty:

What a carry on. She was running around my back garden, no coat on, drenched to the skin. Poor woman obviously has mental health issues. The police eventually managed to calm her down. They`ve taken her to Carseview, our local psychiatric hospital.


Thanks Xochi, Suzy and velvet 


Time for bed, night night   



That must have been scary for you, Scotty.

You did the right thing contacting the police and hopefully the poor woman can get some help now.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Apropos Windows 8. It's rubbish. My main one is back at 7. I managed to put XP back on Mrs Jer's. Everyone loves XP.

That's good then, so it means I can install 7 on it.  Thanks

you're brave... I wont' buy  a new lappy because Ihate the new operating system   It's on the latest PC in the office and everyone refuses to use it.  i'm still using Vista in work - and woe betide anyone who tries to 'upgrade' me!


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