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Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

anyone wanna play 'Rick Astley - The Board Game'?


You know the rules. And so do I.

 I had a boyfriend called Ricky when I was a teenager and he used to say this was our song, after we split I met my daughter's dad and he's called Ricky  I must have a thing for Rickys 

Is your real name Bianca?

Originally Posted by Ells:

I wanted a jambon or a chicken taco roll and waited aaaaages on my OH to bring it back.  He came back with NOTHING   I swear that's grounds for divorce.


I still haven't ate but I'll hold out until the chinese starts delivering.  I want everything on the menu at this stage.

  v v bad idea ordering when you're really hungry. You'll be eating leftovers for a week Ells.

Originally Posted by Ells:

Aww no Sooz, Ronan Keaton makes me want to punch him in the throat.  The others aren't too bad though and I did like that one (Shane?) that went on Love Island years ago.

Ronan used to be one of my teen crushes... Along side Robbie Williams.. Literally posters on every wall and the ceiling


 When I was a teen my Mother used to take the piss saying 'if they weren't dead they weren't going on my wall'


My posters were. James Dean. Jim Morrison. Bon Scott. Janice Joplin.


And just to add to my teenage oddness, I totally had the biggest crush on Richard O'Brien BUT only when he was Riff Raff in the Rocky Horror movie.

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I was never a fan of Boyzone purely because of Ronan  I loved Take That though but weirdly my favourite group as a teen was ABBA 

Why do you say WEIRDLY? In their day they were BIG.


I never understood why people went gaga over Robbie Williams, Couldn't/cant stand the guy!

Fluffy maybe its cos Abba were out of fashion for a long time eg in my teens [80s] you wouldn't have been caught dead liking them  Now their brilliance is justifiably celebrated.


Agree about Robbie Williams - can't stand him either 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I was never a fan of Boyzone purely because of Ronan  I loved Take That though but weirdly my favourite group as a teen was ABBA 

Why do you say WEIRDLY? In their day they were BIG.


I never understood why people went gaga over Robbie Williams, Couldn't/cant stand the guy!

Fluffy maybe its cos Abba were out of fashion for a long time eg in my teens [80s] you wouldn't have been caught dead liking them  Now their brilliance is justifiably celebrated.


Agree about Robbie Williams - can't stand him either 

How about MY teens in and around 2000!!!  It was waayyy too uncool to be liking ABBA then!

Originally Posted by Billy:

Someone please find a way to stop the Wonga adverts

Unfortunately, unless we get some radical legislation, they will never stop!


Ed Milliband want's to ban them from being shown during kids programmes:-


"A spokeswoman for the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills said the government was already cracking down on irresponsible payday lenders to protect consumers.

She said two "misleading" payday loan adverts had been banned in the last six months."


We've had them for yonks now....and they want to be patted on the back for banning TWO in the past 6 months!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I am totally shattered! Having a new boiled fitted tomorrow along with 3 new radiators in the bedrooms..... i found out on Friday (been waiting ages for a date) So i have spent the weekend literally gutting my whole house to try and lessen the impact of it all.


I'm not looking forward to tomorrow... I am looking forward to cheaper heating (Got an old back boiler atm) but tomorrow is going to be a nightmare

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I had the old back boiler and had a new combi one fitted and I can't say I've noticed it being any cheaper 

Don't tell me that Aims

Don't worry, that's just Aims. She hardly has anything working long enough to tell the difference!

I'll get you butler 

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I had the old back boiler and had a new combi one fitted and I can't say I've noticed it being any cheaper 

Don't tell me that Aims

Is the council doing it? Mines not been right since they did it  it packed up again recently and the contractor that did it said the warranty had run out so the council had to repair it, he was here for hours as he said they had done a cowboy job on, the radiators where full of air so were cold most of the time, they'd put the thermostat in the wrong place and had done something to the water tank so it wouldn't fill up and in winter the pipes outside freeze which shuts the boiler down  13 yrs of a back boiler and not one problem 

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I can't say I've noticed the bills being less since I got a combi boiler, but then again, gas must have gone up about three times and I don't think my bills have really gone up - and I love, love, love, the instant hot water all the time.

I don't get instant hot water  something else I've broke no doubt 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I had the old back boiler and had a new combi one fitted and I can't say I've noticed it being any cheaper 

Don't tell me that Aims

Is the council doing it? Mines not been right since they did it  it packed up again recently and the contractor that did it said the warranty had run out so the council had to repair it, he was here for hours as he said they had done a cowboy job on, the radiators where full of air so were cold most of the time, they'd put the thermostat in the wrong place and had done something to the water tank so it wouldn't fill up and in winter the pipes outside freeze which shuts the boiler down  13 yrs of a back boiler and not one problem 

Blimey... that's spectalularly bad.    Councils must be the same country wide...

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I can't say I've noticed the bills being less since I got a combi boiler, but then again, gas must have gone up about three times and I don't think my bills have really gone up - and I love, love, love, the instant hot water all the time.

I don't get instant hot water  something else I've broke no doubt 

you don't?   that's weird... is it switched on? 


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