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Why do I keep getting ingrown toenails??  Sounds disgusting but actually you can't even see that there's anything wrong with my toe but I can!  It bloody hurts!!  


Started off with 1 on my right foot, took months of treating it with all sorts of home remedies and finally it cleared up only for me to get one on my left foot. Repeated the treatments THEN back to the right foot, back to the left on the other side of the nail and NOW back to the right but the other side of the nail now and it's the most painful yet!


I'm too scared to go back to the hospital because they said I'd need the surgery if it persists.  I've heard it sometimes doesn't help AND that the pain of the procedures isn't worth it 


I'll give it a goo Soozy, I've tried everything else!


The holiday was great, really relaxing and peaceful and we had a top floor room with huge open balcony so spent most of our time on that.  We were without the kids for the first time ever but we were fine and they were fine so there were no tears  Lovely weather too....27 degrees most days, brilliant for October!  



Originally Posted by Ells:

Why do I keep getting ingrown toenails??  Sounds disgusting but actually you can't even see that there's anything wrong with my toe but I can!  It bloody hurts!!  


Started off with 1 on my right foot, took months of treating it with all sorts of home remedies and finally it cleared up only for me to get one on my left foot. Repeated the treatments THEN back to the right foot, back to the left on the other side of the nail and NOW back to the right but the other side of the nail now and it's the most painful yet!


I'm too scared to go back to the hospital because they said I'd need the surgery if it persists.  I've heard it sometimes doesn't help AND that the pain of the procedures isn't worth it 

Ells! Go! My mam had an ingrown toenail and they took the nail off and after a short bit of bathing and looking after it she was fine 


Obviously I'm not gonna lie to you, it was a but uncomfortable in the beginning but it did get things sorted in the long run 


I've already been to hospital, they said it's surgery next if it keeps up and I swear my OH will have to drag me by the hair to ever go back there.  Even the nurse said it's a painful procedure and I'd be best trying to deal with it myself


You're supposed to let the nail grow long enough so that the sides are above the skin (so you would see the whole nail tip from the underneath) but that's when the pain starts and I end up cutting the nail short again so I'll have to let it grow out again and try the V shape.  


Ingrown nails are evil.  You think you've sorted it out then the barstewards come back with a vengeance!  It's quite sore but the fear of the surgery is worse.  I'm the biggest wuss when it comes to needles.  I had a panic attack going in to have a stupid skin tag removed and the needle was the tiniest thing ever.  


God I'm painting such a pretty picture of myself with my ingrown toenails and skin tags.  


Anyway, it's bedtime so I'm off to try the cotton wick and tiger balm solution that I read about online.  I love the smell of tiger balm.


 I feel for you Pirate, I hate kids parties.  Thankfully my 2 are old enough now to be dropped off and collected at said parties or easily talked into not having a party of their own instead they get to decide what kind of day out they want for us and one or two of their mates.  Sometimes more expensive but way less stressful (and noisy).


There are Christmas trees up in my area already.  It used to be a tradition of one older woman who, for years, put her tree up at midnight on Halloween.  Then she died so every one of her family started doing the same.  Then there are those absolute assholes (sadly they are related to me) who do it now because they can't see anyone do anything without copying them.  So now there are probably about 10 houses in our estate with trees up.


It used to be a lovely novelty of this one old woman's house lit up at midnight on Halloween, as kids we'd be dead excited upon seeing it. Now too many people have turned it into a joke.


Suzie Dent on Countdown is slipping. I beat her twice today ..........move over dear and make way for the all new Soozy


Received an invite today for a 1950's themed party. I don't think I'd suit a big skirted dress. Thinking of buying  a Pink Ladies jacket and wearing it over a straightish plain black dress ....sunglasses , scarf etc.


Any ideas anyone? And ? Mr Woo ..........I really wouldn't like him in a Teddy Boy outfit ....traditional bowling shirt maybe or they have a Buddy Holly rype jacket on e bay. He has a black leather jacket ........any ideas what I could do/ put with that to make the outfit 50ish?



Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Jen that story is horrendous.  I remember a similar on going back to the late 80's early 90's where someone had bought a Yucca plant and kept hearing strange noises from it, and there was apparently a colony of baby tarantulas in there. 

I really wish i hadnt read it Cinds, i've heard stories like that before i've always assumed they urban myths!! I honestly dont like i will buy another banana ever again

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I have a teenager for sale, 1 good owner will take any offer 

I might actually consider trading you if my 11 year old wee boy doesn't stop acting like a teenage girl AND a teenage boy all in one go.


And I hear it just gets worse from here on in 

Mines 20 next and she's still a pain, I'm actually dreading her coming home and I feel so bad saying that 


I'm sure you're not the only parent who has those thoughts Aimee .  People don't really like to say their kids can be little shits but they are, at times, aren't they?  I could give my eldest to the nuns some days, then he's great other days.  I was a nightmare for my Mum up until the day I moved out.  In fact she'd probably tell you I still get on her nerves most days  


I'm a bit pissed off.  My Mum has been sick for about a year, constant chest infections, coughing, vomiting and a lot of fluid in her legs and feet.  When we went to Spain she could barely move and when we got home I insisted she went back to her doctor and tell him enough is enough with the 'maybe it's this, maybe it's that' carry on and he'd need to start taking her seriously or we'd be taking things further as all her children were really not happy with how unwell she was and how little he was doing for her.  He told her everything looked ok but just to prove that he is right (his words) he would send her for a chest xray.  It came back that she has fluid in her lungs.


I've been reading up about it and it's quite serious.  I'm fuming!  She has been so sick for so long and it could have been sorted a lot quicker if he hadn't faffed around so long.  He just upped her meds and said come back in 2 weeks for a check up.  In the meantime I've rang my doctors and asked them to take her on as a patient (she agreed to this) so I'm hoping they see her soon and she gets better quickly.


I've wanted her to change to my doc's for ages Jen, she was reluctant though.  But when she realised he was palming her off constantly she asked me to change her over to my doctors.  


I'm going to ring them tomorrow and see if they can take her yet.  They have a waiting list but hopefully she's near the top of it now.


Hers is the same doctor who sent me home in tears one time when my eldest was a baby.  He was always sick so I kept taking him to the surgery and this doctor got pissed off with me and told me I was being an over anxious new mum and was basically taking up appointments that others needed more urgently.  I told him I wouldn't be a new doc and they admitted my son to the hospital for tests.  He was anaemic and had a low immune system which was why he was always sick.


I worked with a woman who was taking Phenobarbitone for nearly 25yrs on the say so of her mum who said she saw her have a seizure.

Its an awful med and we never saw her have a seizure.

So one day i just asked if it could be discontinued and gave my reasons (after a staff meeting).

The doctor lazily said, "Oh yes we could". So after all those years she was weaned off it.

Originally Posted by Ells:

I've wanted her to change to my doc's for ages Jen, she was reluctant though.  But when she realised he was palming her off constantly she asked me to change her over to my doctors.  


I'm going to ring them tomorrow and see if they can take her yet.  They have a waiting list but hopefully she's near the top of it now.


Hers is the same doctor who sent me home in tears one time when my eldest was a baby.  He was always sick so I kept taking him to the surgery and this doctor got pissed off with me and told me I was being an over anxious new mum and was basically taking up appointments that others needed more urgently.  I told him I wouldn't be a new doc and they admitted my son to the hospital for tests.  He was anaemic and had a low immune system which was why he was always sick.

Thats awful Ells   what a rude uncaring so-and-so. Good job you persevered 


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