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Originally Posted by frodo:



 I replied to your post on another thread about clocks ...that was really kind of you simply cannot find It.


I didn't want you to think I was ignoring It would love to see them link 


thankyou frodo xxx



found an emulsion called Silver Mist for the chimney breast ..but sold out so looking for another pale silvery one I suppose they are really pale grey ,do you think ? must go post for so long and then the coughing kicks in from the cold 

It's in one of the things that annoy you threads.I'm on my tablet at the mo and can't post links and pics.


The paint sounds lovely ....hope you're feeling better soon.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Eeek I'm off to Portugal next Sunday and I've nothing done for it so far!  Booked the flights and that's it.  Need to get a move on now and do the rest.


It better be warm there or I'll throw a tantrum.

Look out for Mr Woo  - he's off to Portugal on Sunday too - flying from Manchester. Off to see his father and have a few rounds of golf.












I only just booked my hotel tonight, I kept changing my mind and not wanting to leave the kids


They don't even care though!  They're happy to be left with their Grannies (eldest is staying with my Mum, youngest with the OHs Mum)


Hope Mr Woo has a fab time x


Hope you have a fab time Ells. Mr Woo's trip is a bit of a duty really, he'd rather not be going. If you knew his father you'd understand. He's going with his brother and meeting his sister out there .............a recipe for disaster TBH - God knows what they'll find to fall out over but I know for sure that Mr Woo and his brother will be sitting side by side on the plane on the way home barely speaking to each other. They're a funny ole bunch.

Soozy Woo

I'd probably be the same if it was my family Soozy  I'd never want to go away on holiday with any of them, even the one I'm closest to because it would only end in tears.  Such a shame though as it would be nice to do a family holiday but there's no way on earth that's ever happening because one of us would be banged up abroad for murder!


I just gave MiniMe a really needed shower (10 days of strip washing a 3yr old!!) and took her dressing off her tummy..... I'm a bit if I'm honest, the size of her belly button isn't too different to what it was before her Op.


I'm gonna give it time though and I'm reminding myself that they repaired a hernia there too, next appointment isn't for 3-4 months so that gives plenty of time for it heal properly etc

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I just gave MiniMe a really needed shower (10 days of strip washing a 3yr old!!) and took her dressing off her tummy..... I'm a bit if I'm honest, the size of her belly button isn't too different to what it was before her Op.


I'm gonna give it time though and I'm reminding myself that they repaired a hernia there too, next appointment isn't for 3-4 months so that gives plenty of time for it heal properly etc

Oooooooh Jen ......I missed all this. I didn't realise mini had been poorly. I do hope she's much better now .....and you too. It's terrible when our littlies aren't well.


Soozy Woo

Soozy, she wasn't actually ill, it was an umbilical hernia that she's had since birth (I had one as a baby and my eldest daughter had one too and we both had the minor ops) It hadn't caused her any pain or anything it just looked like a really big outie belly button that we decided needed reducing to avoid any future bullying/self esteem issues etc turn out it was 'a bigger than they thought hernia' so that was repaired too and she's been herself pretty much the whole time


So me and two of my kids along with my friend and her four kids, were nearly mown down by a woman who passed out at the wheel..... as she smashed her car into a parked car RIGHT NEXT US! She had a baby and boy who was about 8 in the car with her. she kept her foot on the accelrater for a few mins after too causing the parked car to move about 1-2meters and smoke and steam to pour from her engine.....Thankfully no one was hurt but I've been thinking if that parked car wasn't there she would have gone into us all like a bunch of skittles


I swear i'm in shock

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

So me and two of my kids along with my friend and her four kids, were nearly mown down by a woman who passed out at the wheel..... as she smashed her car into a parked car RIGHT NEXT US! She had a baby and boy who was about 8 in the car with her. she kept her foot on the accelrater for a few mins after too causing the parked car to move about 1-2meters and smoke and steam to pour from her engine.....Thankfully no one was hurt but I've been thinking if that parked car wasn't there she would have gone into us all like a bunch of skittles


I swear i'm in shock

 What a shocking thing to have happened. Thank goodness nobody was hurt.

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I know Yogi, my eldest was at home (about a 5min walk from where it happened) and she heard the bang from my house!

Was the car going at speed when it crashed?

I wonder what made the woman collapse at the wheel? Her eight year old must have been terrified.

How are your kids who witnessed the crash?


It did seem like she was going fast (she must have been to have moved the parked car so much) all her doors were locked and I'm pretty sure she passed out so it a took a few mins to get the three of them out.... there was men trying to break the windows until her son opened one of the doors.


My little one kept saying "the cars went smash and scared me" just after but she's fine now.... It's the thoughts of how close 8 kids came (including the 2 in the car) to being seriously hurt that keep going round my head.


Still like i said, no one was actually hurt



I haven't been in this thread for a while, so had missed all of that.


i came in to say, I'd bought some bedding earlier in the year or even late last year that I really loved. This is it.



Anyway, I made the mistake of washing it with the fuschia coloured sheets I put with it, and the White went dull pink. I did try to dye it so it was all dark pink, but it didn't work. 


Anyway, I bought it all again, and have put it on the bed tonight and Mr C hasn't even noticed that it is all miraculously sparkling white again, despite him living through my post wash tantrum, and the tearing around trying to rectify it.



Roger, in all honesty, this opens up a thought I have about colour, and when in the past I have tried to discuss it with family etc, they look at me like I am crazy.  But I do wonder whether we all see colours the same way, as in, how I see blue you might see it as pink if you know what I mean, or how you see red, I might see it as green?

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Roger, in all honesty, this opens up a thought I have about colour, and when in the past I have tried to discuss it with family etc, they look at me like I am crazy.  But I do wonder whether we all see colours the same way, as in, how I see blue you might see it as pink if you know what I mean, or how you see red, I might see it as green?

good point Cinds. Hmmm... every time the forum colour scheme changes, some FMs see it differently, don't they? 


On this occasion, I could see your bedspread was off-purple but I didn't know the name. Fuschia is just right - exactly like the flower!

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

How frightening for you all. I wonder what made the woman passout.


Anyway - so glad no one was hurt - your guardian angel must have been looking out for you.

Would have been my mum's  Birthday yesterday Soozy and i swear it's crossed my mind she was watching out for me today

Could well be Jen  


 Just had some pest sales caller, they rang yesterday and did the same thing 'can I speak to ****?' when I ask who is calling, they just give their first name, no mention of where they are from.  So anyway, they've just done it to me again and I had a right old rant about it while asking Mr Cinds if he wanted to talk to them, ending with the words 'I effin hate people sometimes'.  He's laughing his head off and says 'you know they're not on hold don't you?'  Yes of course I did 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

 Just had some pest sales caller, they rang yesterday and did the same thing 'can I speak to ****?' when I ask who is calling, they just give their first name, no mention of where they are from.  So anyway, they've just done it to me again and I had a right old rant about it while asking Mr Cinds if he wanted to talk to them, ending with the words 'I effin hate people sometimes'.  He's laughing his head off and says 'you know they're not on hold don't you?'  Yes of course I did 


Still, how irritating and rude of them Cinds   Next time, say you're visiting and you'll go get the person who lives there. Then leave the phone off the hook for 20 mins wasting their time.

Last edited by Former Member

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