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Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
There is a football Saturday tomorrow. I trust someone with better access than me will reinstate the footie thread. Someone steely from the South Yorkshire environs perchance.


Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I should have said "Owly!" Apologies!



Owl or Steel I don't mind I knew what you were saying GJ 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

oohhh - loooook..    she's a pretty one!!!   (in my completely biased opinion!) 



& no..    not been told a name yet...  


tis worse than the royal baby     We are being trickle fed information -  but hey ho...    whatever...     everyone will know everything in the next few days..     we're gonna let the baby madness subside a bit, then hopefully sneak in for our turn to see her next weekend when we drop the girl back at the flat ready for uni

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

oohhh - loooook..    she's a pretty one!!!   (in my completely biased opinion!) 



& no..    not been told a name yet...  


tis worse than the royal baby     We are being trickle fed information -  but hey ho...    whatever...     everyone will know everything in the next few days..     we're gonna let the baby madness subside a bit, then hopefully sneak in for our turn to see her next weekend when we drop the girl back at the flat ready for uni

Wow! What a little beauty! She looks like a big-un though!  And also very content on her first day outside. 


Enjoy the Uncle/Aunty love.  I didn't have that about my first nephew because I'd been asked to release my medical records about my condition before they proceeded with the pregnancy.  I of course did but never felt the same about their family since then. 


Got lots of Aunty love from the other sib's offspring since though.  So I do know how fab you must be feeling! 

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:


 I'd been asked to release my medical records about my condition before they proceeded with the pregnancy. 


 never felt the same about their family since then. 





no shit!!!  


seriously Xochi...   of the many many things I have learned over the last 18 months, one of the main lessons has been -  siblings - just cos they share the same parents it does not mean you have to have the soul sucking, nasty, spiteful, self centred dickheads in your life...   


*& breathes*  



Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

oohhh - loooook..    she's a pretty one!!!   (in my completely biased opinion!) 



& no..    not been told a name yet...  


tis worse than the royal baby     We are being trickle fed information -  but hey ho...    whatever...     everyone will know everything in the next few days..     we're gonna let the baby madness subside a bit, then hopefully sneak in for our turn to see her next weekend when we drop the girl back at the flat ready for uni

just lovely

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

oohhh - loooook..    she's a pretty one!!!   (in my completely biased opinion!) 



& no..    not been told a name yet...  


tis worse than the royal baby     We are being trickle fed information -  but hey ho...    whatever...     everyone will know everything in the next few days..     we're gonna let the baby madness subside a bit, then hopefully sneak in for our turn to see her next weekend when we drop the girl back at the flat ready for uni

Wow! What a little beauty! She looks like a big-un though!  And also very content on her first day outside. 


Enjoy the Uncle/Aunty love.  I didn't have that about my first nephew because I'd been asked to release my medical records about my condition before they proceeded with the pregnancy.  I of course did but never felt the same about their family since then. 


Got lots of Aunty love from the other sib's offspring since though.  So I do know how fab you must be feeling! 

That's truly crap xochi. Families eh?

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:


 I'd been asked to release my medical records about my condition before they proceeded with the pregnancy. 


 never felt the same about their family since then. 





no shit!!!  


seriously Xochi...   of the many many things I have learned over the last 18 months, one of the main lessons has been -  siblings - just cos they share the same parents it does not mean you have to have the soul sucking, nasty, spiteful, self centred dickheads in your life...   


*& breathes*  



Amen to that!


One of the guys that works for us can be a right little weasel trying to get others in to bother by tittle tattling (not always correct information).  Anyway yesterday he had tried to call one of our engineers who hadn't answered for whatever reason, tittle tattle man thought he had hung up and proceeded with a tirade of slagging the engineer off.  Unfortunately for him he hadn't hung up properly and the whole lot had been left on engineers phone as a voice mail.  Apparently there were fireworks in the office this morning.  


I'm just sorry I wasn't in to see it. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

One of the guys that works for us can be a right little weasel trying to get others in to bother by tittle tattling (not always correct information).  Anyway yesterday he had tried to call one of our engineers who hadn't answered for whatever reason, tittle tattle man thought he had hung up and proceeded with a tirade of slagging the engineer off.  Unfortunately for him he hadn't hung up properly and the whole lot had been left on engineers phone as a voice mail.  Apparently there were fireworks in the office this morning.  


I'm just sorry I wasn't in to see it. 


I've done that myself. I ended up being seated next to him after an office reshuffle. It did not affect our relationship as I only spoke the truth.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

I've had such a busy weekend, just getting back to normal today. Thursday we went to see Micky Flanagan, very funny! Friday we went to see Rod Stewart, I'll come back to that. Then Saturday spent the day sorting the house ready for all of the grand babies and daughters staying over Sat and Sunday night as we had a family christening on Sunday.


So Rod Stewart, we went as my brother in law is a HUGE fan. They had bought 4 tickets for them and their friends, then we said we would like to go, so they bought two more. The two more they bought were 3 rows from front centre stage, so they took them any we sat further back (only about 10 rows from the front). 


The show was brilliant and we kept laughing as we kept getting glimpses of my sis and bro in law on the big screen. (He looked like he was close to Beatlemania hysterics). I should point out that as a father of teenagers he still has Rod Stewart posters on the bedroom wall. Say NOWT


Anyway, the point of the ramble is coming. So towards the end of the show Rod kicks maybe 20 signed footballs in to the crowd, and yours truly caught one of them. I knew being goalkeeper on the netball team would pay off eventually.


So when we met up with them outside, I decided to be a bitch, and was saying "can you believe I caught one of the balls, someone has just told me that I'll get ÂĢ300 for it on eBay, so that's our night and then some paid for". My poor bro in law was trying to be so lovely, but you could see he was gutted. I lasted about a minute before I said to him "of course I'm giving you the ball". He burst in to tears. Bless!


I was in Birmingham at the weekend and i wasn't allowed to go see Archie The hospital have gone on 'lock down' as a result a of a few infections in the baby unti and are only allowing parents and grand parents to visit..... I found out on Sat afternoon before i traveled down and i was really really gutted... i actually nearly cried


Awww Jen. It must be an awful feeling, but remember they're doing it for the good of the babies. 


I was talking about him the other day when we were at the Christening, as there were relatives with their grand son who was prem, and I was saying about the 'look' premmies have, and they couldn't get what I was saying so I showed them Archie and they were "oh my god they look the same". They just couldn't get that I was saying all premature babies have pretty much the same facial appearance.


I know exactly what you mean Cinds! The slightly sunken eyes is the main feature i think, even though my eldest was only 10 wks prem and a good weight etc she still had and still has a bit of the sunken eyes.


Ion, i was at hosp today with my little one for an appointment about her umbilical 'hernia'.... its more extra skin than actual hernia...... They booked her in for a op on it on Thursday! I was a little shocked at how close it is tbh... day case general anesthetic home for tea time


Aww Cinds that was nice of you to give him the ball.  


Jen at least she will be getting out afterwards, it's a bloody nightmare having to stay in the hospital with them (when you're actually allowed).  Home is more comforting to them and at least they don't get woke up every 2 hours through the night by the nurses coming in and out!  Hope she recovers quick x


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