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Ells, Sezit and Aims I'm sure they will all be fine within a week of starting


I've got Eldest starting secondary school next tue and the little one start nursery everyday from the 16th (she's got a few taster sessions before that) They are both really looking forward to it..... My 11yr old is pretty much wishing this last week away.... she's not normal i tell you!


I'm more concerned about getting the last few bits of uniforms etc and hair cuts

Originally Posted by Ells:

Aww Aimee I hope she finds she loves it there!  

I think she will and she's coming home a week later for her birthday  her friend from college is now going to the same uni so she's a little happier about it now, I think she's more concerned about having to look after herself  I'm going to miss the little rascal 


I've just put my living room curtains in the washing machine.  I never read the labels at all, I just thought f*ck it, they're boggin'.  So in they went. do I dry them?    Hang them up wet?  Tumble dry on a cool setting first THEN hang them?  


My new sofa is coming tomorrow (2 weeks early and with only a days notice) so I have no time to paint as planned but I wanted to get the curtains and verticals washed and rehung before delivery tomorrow morning.


Been to the dentist.  I knew I was only going for a check up but that didn't stop the nerves from making me walk back out the door after checking in.  Again.  


3 times now I've took terrible nerves and felt sick whilst waiting so I've bolted out the door before being seen or rang to cancel the appointment.


I know it's silly being so scared but I had a dentist once who didn't tell me anything he was going to do and would inject me or say it was just a check up and then do work so it's the fear of what is going to happen I think......even though my new dentist seems nice enough I still don't trust him.  And he looks like Michael McIntyre.


I'm the same Ellis and I really need some work doing  never used to be scared but then the dentist said there was nothing wrong even though I was in pain, turns out I had 4 wisdom teeth that needed removing urgently as they were growing the wrong way, I had to be put under and have all 4 removed in one go, they were massive and hadn't even broke through the gum


Then when I was pregnant he removed a back tooth without pain relief and I ended up with blood all down my top, kind of put me off 



I treated myself to some very sharp kitchen knives. First time I have used the, tonight and I have spliced my finger washing them. I felt it scratch me while I was washing up. Then then I went to reach something else to wash and noticed the blood across the bench and the sink water was red. Mr C was out so had to shout the boy to help me. he went pale

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Third dressing change and it's still pissing blood. Ooopsie

Oo-er missis! Keep an eye on it and maybe go to A&E if it doesn't stop 

It had finally stopped bleeding by the time I got up this morning 


At least I learned a valuable lesson about my new knives. DO NOT PUT THEM IN THE SINK FULL OF WATER!


I've just had one of those moments where you get your words mixed up and come out with something completely vulgar by mistake.


Burning a DVD onto disc for the youngest and I see it only takes up 94 minutes but that the disc still has 56 minutes spare and I have no other cartoons or films short enough to put onto it to use up the space so I say to my partner 'I have loads of dick space left and nothing to fill it with'  I won't say what his reply was though.


Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Sky News Newsdesk     ‏@SkyNewsBreak          <small class="time">2h</small>       

Reuters: plant operator says radiation readings at water tank in Fukushima nuclear plant 18 times higher than previously measured


Scary... if true

This news has been going around for a few weeks Cold Sweat... Very scary indeed. I've been avoiding eating fish because of the radiation thats spilling into the seas there.... a little OTT but you never know

Originally Posted by Ells:

I've just had one of those moments where you get your words mixed up and come out with something completely vulgar by mistake.


Burning a DVD onto disc for the youngest and I see it only takes up 94 minutes but that the disc still has 56 minutes spare and I have no other cartoons or films short enough to put onto it to use up the space so I say to my partner 'I have loads of dick space left and nothing to fill it with'  I won't say what his reply was though.


Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
^ that thought crossed my mind pirate! Why take military action, it'll kill more of their civilians

One word Summer... oil

  If there was no oil they wouldn't be interested.  I don't recall anyone rushing to the aid of the Tutsi people during the Rwanda genocide.  I wonder why?


That's what I like about Corrie Joe, they handle story lines such as this with great sensitivity but on the flip side they can give great comedy moments too.


Yes, I'm loving the Karl bit.  Especially now that dithering Dev and Jason are on the case.  Do you think he will get caught red handed trying to off another victim? (same question applies with reference to Cameron in Emmerdale too)




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