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Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Just had a call to tell me there's a taxi wedged up against my training room! Thankfully it sounds like the driver's OK, but he went through metal railings and the cab fell into the basement where my room is - they got him out , but his cab is stuck fast . Away from home just now and waiting for an update from the landlord , but it's looking like I might be out of commission for some time - folk are checking for structural damage upstairs and they can't assess the damage to my place till they get heavy lifting gear to get the taxi out 



oh, hells fire Slinki   glad he's ok, hope you're up and running soon 

Originally Posted by Sprout:

Bad luck on your business too 

Sounds like I've been really lucky .. landlord says the room's secure and  even though there's a ruddy great taxi fallen on it, the windows aren't even broken! Need to wait to see if there's structural damage though, and I;m guessing the stairs down will be gone ,

Originally Posted by Angel:

I've just received a 48 hr ban over on DS


oh well ... it was my own fault I'm a bit ruthless over there as thats the kinda place it is ..... backfired on me now though, hasn't it

Ooooooooooh what thread? Who are you over there? I'm Penny Crayon over there's a great place for letting it all out - there's some pretty 'tetchy' and deluded FM's over there.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Bluddy hell, Slinks!  


I really hope they get things sorted for you asap   It's a miracle that there weren't more casualties.

Just seen a photograph of it on Facebook of all places.. no idea how the driver got out of that, the whole cast iron fence is gone, and the taxi is nose down jammed against my room!  Lucky guy! 


We were at a wedding yesterday. Lovely day apart from one of the guests who was in the year below me at school, I couldn't stand her then and she hasn't improved with age. We unfortunately were seated at the same table and the ignorant bitch did nothing but sneer at everything and make nasty little comments to the point I wanted to slap her. THEN the cow as soon as the food was over just left. No goodbye or thank you for inviting me to the bride and groom, she just friggin left.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

We were at a wedding yesterday. Lovely day apart from one of the guests who was in the year below me at school, I couldn't stand her then and she hasn't improved with age. We unfortunately were seated at the same table and the ignorant bitch did nothing but sneer at everything and make nasty little comments to the point I wanted to slap her. THEN the cow as soon as the food was over just left. No goodbye or thank you for inviting me to the bride and groom, she just friggin left.


Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Ta folks.. not going to be able to get in the building till they've checked it all over, so I'm staying put at the seaside ! Nothing I can do just now, so might as well do nothing here

Absolutely, Slinks


Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Rexi:

Hubby is sunburnt ... in stripes!!


I don't know how that happened ... well, the burnt bit I can understand. We sat on the beach all day and he didn't put any cream on. But stripes??!!


 ! Bizarre!  It'll be like a footie jersey!


Poor Mr Rexi; hope he's not suffering too much Rexi.

Originally Posted by Cinds:



Last night just as I was drifting off to sleep, I kept feeling a little tickle on my neck.  Decided it was a rogue hair drifting around.  Woke up this morning to find a squashed spider on my neck 


Doesn't bother me, but I know Mr C will be freaking out tonight.  


Of course I'll keep reminding him all day about it 


Oh god, I see what you mean by your spider story now, Cinds..! *shudders*

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Hope he never cleaned them stripey !

Hahaha!! I haven't checked!!


I am going on my annual summer trip to Ikea tomorrow ... anyone got any tips on things to look out for? I don't need anything (not that that has ever stopped me spending!!)

The last time I went to an Ikea. I got lost instore. Couldn't find the exit 


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