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Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

I dropped off eldest grandson and his Dad at the football tournament. Took the youngest to two farms and then the village school fete. I also dropped off an unofficial witness statement to a lady in a local village. I saw her and her pooch attacked by an uncontrolled dog yesterday afternoon. I made sure that she was OK but refused to become involved. It preyed on me all night so I thought that I had better make ammends. If my wife had been alone in the country and attacked by a dog, and then the gobshite owner had denied all responsibility I would like to think that there was someone there for her.

Good on you Joe. I've been in a similar situation, a lady I know from where I walk my dog was attacked (her & her dog) by the dog belonging to the people opposite me.  They said it was because it was startled by her.  I saw it launch itself over the top of the owner to get out of the door to get to them.  I even tried to reason with them that even if it had been startled, what if it had been a small child that startled it and it attacked them with the same viscousness.  I might as well have said 'Hello brick wall'   

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Jen we're taking Master Cinds birthday shopping later today (15........flippin 15 on Wednesday).  Going to the metrocentre after 5, that way loads will be on their way home.  A little shopping, then wine and some chow.


We've been out paint & tile shopping this morning.  I'm very excited to have found the tiles I want for the kitchen.


OMG!!!!!!!! I so nearly went for them - I've gone for black matt metro tiles instead - I was gonna mix those ^^^^ up with some plain black tiles but they didn't go with the metros. I might have those though as a feature on plain white when I do my bathroom.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Ells:

Those are lovely Cinds.....I like the mish mash of them.


I'm tile hunting online aswell  The new worktops are going to be black and I don't know what kind of tiles to get for the wall and floor.  I hate having to choose them because then if I don't like them I have no-one else to blame for it

I've got black slate work tops and I've gone for black matt metro tiles with a couple of strips of cream ones.


I really must try and download some pics,

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Cagney:

I bought the Hangover 2. If it's as good as the first one then I'm in for a good night  There's nothing like laughing so hard you cannae breathe. 

It's brilliant.  Not as good as the first but still loads of laughs in it.


I've been to the off licence with my sister.  we shouldn't be allowed out together!  For just the 2 of us we've bought a bottle of vodka, bottle of peach schnapps, bottle of cactus jack and 6 bottles of alcopops.  We're making cocktails.

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Cagney:

I bought the Hangover 2. If it's as good as the first one then I'm in for a good night  There's nothing like laughing so hard you cannae breathe. 

It's brilliant.  Not as good as the first but still loads of laughs in it.


I've been to the off licence with my sister.  we shouldn't be allowed out together!  For just the 2 of us we've bought a bottle of vodka, bottle of peach schnapps, bottle of cactus jack and 6 bottles of alcopops.  We're making cocktails.

Don't tell me any more. I can't drink and I'll just get jealous  All I can think is "sex on the beach, sex on the beach". I bought a bottle of cider for September. It's cherry flavoured. 

Originally Posted by Cagney:

I like it all. I want it all 


It's Gaymers pear cherry and apple cider. I hope it tastes as good as it sounds  


Koppaberg strawberry and lime? Love it. I have 4 cans of the mixed berry in the fridge. Do I sound like an alki? 

Not to me you don't  When I was in labour with my eldest I was hopped up on all sorts of pain relief and gas and air and kept telling my Mum to go ring my dad quickly and tell him to run to the offy and get me a bottle of peach schnapps for xmas (we were only on 21st Dec at that stage) I thought it was really important that he get it because at the time, I REALLY wanted it!

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Cagney:

I like it all. I want it all 


It's Gaymers pear cherry and apple cider. I hope it tastes as good as it sounds  


Koppaberg strawberry and lime? Love it. I have 4 cans of the mixed berry in the fridge. Do I sound like an alki? 

Not to me you don't  When I was in labour with my eldest I was hopped up on all sorts of pain relief and gas and air and kept telling my Mum to go ring my dad quickly and tell him to run to the offy and get me a bottle of peach schnapps for xmas (we were only on 21st Dec at that stage) I thought it was really important that he get it because at the time, I REALLY wanted it!

 I couldn't post on here what I said last time I was in labour. I don't think there are enough ***** to cover it  I do remember apologising to the midwife for not shaving my legs though 

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Cagney:

Do it 


My lot seem to get excited at the prospect of a visit to Tesco. Mum (me) and her bottomless purse and all that. If I find one thing in that trolley I didn't put there I'll no be happy 

I sooo get the bottomless purse ... we spent ÂĢ198 in Tesco this afternoon

It's so easy done. Go in for the essentials and come out with a trolley load. 

Originally Posted by Cagney:

I bought the Hangover 2. If it's as good as the first one then I'm in for a good night  There's nothing like laughing so hard you cannae breathe. 

The best line in the first one was when they were talking to a doctor and asked for directions and he said "Get a map & F*** off" apart from that line it was rubbish.

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Cagney:

I bought the Hangover 2. If it's as good as the first one then I'm in for a good night  There's nothing like laughing so hard you cannae breathe. 

It's brilliant.  Not as good as the first but still loads of laughs in it.


I've been to the off licence with my sister.  we shouldn't be allowed out together!  For just the 2 of us we've bought a bottle of vodka, bottle of peach schnapps, bottle of cactus jack and 6 bottles of alcopops.  We're making cocktails.

Hahahahahha you sound like me and my sisters.


I didnt go to town..... its worse! I got dragged... with all three kids (by MrJen) to SKEGNESS! urgh..... took 1hr 40 mins each way, we left at about 1:30pm so it was about 3 when we got there, a 5 min walk on the beach... arcades and dinner... 1 quick ride at the funfair for the eldest two and then back in the car and home..... I would have rathered town!




Oh Jen   and I thought 7 minutes in the car to the Metrocentre was going to be a nightmare 


Edit to add


A friggin PS3, which I knew I was buying, but he also conned us in to a pair of, what I would call plimsoles/sandshoes....... FERKIN ÂĢ50.  If Mr C wasn't with me, he would not have got them.

Last edited by Cinds
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Please ignore the eyebrow decorations, I went mental when I saw that.

Nice looking lad


I know what you mean about the eyebrow decoration. I have mentioned before that I have threatened middle child that I won't pay her food bill (she's at uni in that very expensive London) if I ever discover that she has got a tattoo. If she can afford a tattoo she can afford food etc ...


Then - I discovered a photo of her with some sort of body art on her shoulder. Now - is it a real tattoo or was it a fake one for the photo?


She's back home next week for the summer. Will she think I am pervy if I start stripping her clothes off when she walks through the door?

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Please ignore the eyebrow decorations, I went mental when I saw that.

Nice looking lad


I know what you mean about the eyebrow decoration. I have mentioned before that I have threatened middle child that I won't pay her food bill (she's at uni in that very expensive London) if I ever discover that she has got a tattoo. If she can afford a tattoo she can afford food etc ...


Then - I discovered a photo of her with some sort of body art on her shoulder. Now - is it a real tattoo or was it a fake one for the photo?


She's back home next week for the summer. Will she think I am pervy if I start stripping her clothes off when she walks through the door?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm it's gonna be interesting - keep us posted!

Soozy Woo

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