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i'm a bit late to this - ( problems with my  lappy)


Cinds if I were you I'd call the police just to discuss it with them - they may have heard of it happening before and can shed some light. What might have really freaked the pair of them out would be if you'd taken their photo. Hindsight is a wonderful thing - then again forewarned is forearmed - (a couple of clever dick sayings thrown in for good measure ). I'm not just a pretty face.






Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Sounds iffy to me Cinds, either that or they were trying to look better off to family back home than they were.

Casing the joint

OH MY GOD! They're after my shoes. 

Cinds you MUST send me all your shoes for safe keeping.  Just for a year or so because you never know how far in advance they plan these shoe knappings.  I'll look after them


I've just fired off an email to Cex and made myself look a right dick but they have really annoyed me.  They didn't send a game I bought for my only cost ÂĢ2.50 but it wasn't the money I was annoyed about it was the way they don't answer emails which made me send more emails  which they 'forwarded to the relevant department' who never bothered to reply etc.  So I sent them this: 


This has still not been resolved.  Firstly this isn't about a measly ÂĢ2.50 that cex has stolen from me (yes, it's stealing when you take money for goods which you don't send and you fail to reimburse once you know the item hasn't arrived) but more the fact that cex has just refused to refund the money or send the game which was paid for and keeps fobbing me off with emails saying it's been forwarded to the relevant team.  The team isn't very good at it's job if it takes so long to read an email and respond.  I find it unacceptable that it is taking so long to resolve this.  I had wanted a replacement game at the start because my son had been waiting for it but now I no longer want the game, the refund or to purchase anything else in future from Cex.

I have in the past purchased hundreds of pounds worth of video games and accessories from Cex as I have 3 boys at home who are big game players but recently have switched my business to 365game who have brilliant customer service and know how to treat customers.  Not that they have ever sent me a parcel with games missing unlike yourselves you have done it NUMEROUS times and have also sent double disc items with one of the discs missing.....but I have never complained before because of the cheap prices but as this wasn't the first (or second, third, fourth or fifth) time I had paid for items which I never received I thought I should email and ask for the replacement or refund but now I realise that Cex makes their money by ripping customers off.  
As I said before, I no longer want the refund or replacement, Cex obviously needs the money more than I do.  I just wanted to let you know how awful the service from Cex is and will obviously let others know too.  After all, I wouldn't want you to have to deal with these very difficult emails (they must be difficult......the relevant team can't seem to be able to read them and resolve the problem) from people who have the same problems with your company.
They will probably have a right good laugh thinking I am going mental over ÂĢ2.50 but I feel better now that I've sent it and honestly won't buy from them again.  I've been in their shop at least twice a month since they opened buying everything from sims for the laptop (every bloody disc for sims 1 and 2) to black ops/fifa for early full price but won't bother with them and their shitty discs again.

Ells i've only been in Cex once..... It stunk BO and hang over breath..... The computers (tills) had gone down and they were having to hand write receipts. The queue was round the whole shop and out the door and if my my son hadn't been adamant he was getting the game in his hand i would have walked out.  Just as i was served their receipt book ran out (the queue was still massive)


So yeah once was enough for me, be sure to post any response you get.


Oh. Dear. God.


Got one of those 'we missed you' cards from the postman today so went to the sorting office to collect what I thought was my order from Peacocks.  The guy goes to the back room to get the parcel and he comes out with a white [added envelope.  I bloody well knew what it was before he even handed it to me.



The game from Cex.  The one I had just emailed about.  More than 3 months late.  I am mortified now that I sent that email.  FML.


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